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RE: Writing Prompts Contest, Week #2: A First Tinder Date

Nice! A man who walks somewhere between stalker and tourist... Somebody skirting the edge of impropriety, and most certainly predator.. but with a somewhat harmless prize. Not precisely a gent, yet not a monster either... Somewhat both.

I dig it. =)


You can take it where you want it. It seems his fantasy life is becoming more important to him than his "real" life. Is he losing it? Is he in control? Is he just an innocent man with regrets? What would Alicia Cooper think about their "date"? I could explore this character and develop him. But I think the story is more interesting this way. I appreciate your comment--an interesting perspective.

I have no idea who Alicia Cooper is, but then again, it's a big world. Given the way his daughter treats him, I cannot for an instant fault him for this game... and certainly I understand why he is keeping a secret, only to himself. Secrets have power... a strange sort, that when shared, is diminished, and in the case of his daughter, would most assuredly have been extinguished.

I feel he is fully in control, and gaining more control by doing so.. by asserting himself rather than just declining, oh-so conveniently, in a chair watching TV. I really dig this guy. <3

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