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RE: Plain Mike's Writing Prompt Challenge - Bionica

Dearest Friend from the other side of the earth, thank you for all of your kind words and support .

I would be lying to you if I said we weren't scared about Irma. It looks like it may be coming straight up I-75 which is a little over 2 miles from our home. The sustained winds of this monster scare me. The lovely yet shallow rooted oaks will no doubt be uprooted. It happens all of the time. We are not in a mobile home like many of our neighbors. We built a strong structure to withstand all kinds of forces, not that we are trying to test it. I am hoping the winds die down some before they arrive in this area.

Most of the people that are on the freeways should have left days ago to reach a safe destination, my thinking is that they have not experienced a hurricane before and so it goes.

I guess there are no short cuts to writing and posting. It seems to take forever to pull everything together to get the actual post onto the page. Will look into the editor. Some options we don't have because we post from an I Pad.

I understand you wanting to get everything documented about your trip. It is way easier than scrap booking which I just would not bother with or it would be strewn from one end of the house to the other. I did realize not long ago that we are actually documenting our lives here.

In can't even imagine your committment to 2 projects plus the steemit. When you are safe to reveal then perhaps you can say more in laymans terms. As I am certain I won't understand a great deal of what your projects entail.

Like you, I feel that bots would be easier, but we have a nice base of friends that we enjoy. The human aspect is what drew me to this platform. I try to be true to that. It just means more to me to interact personally.

As for discord..... we have tried repeatedly to get on so we can chat with others about what works for them and to make new connections . We are just doing something wrong, but will figure it out soon I hope.

That's it my friend. Should know more about this storm later today. I can hear the traffic moving so that is a good sign.

Love you and thanks for the genuine care you take in your every word. It means so much to me. Time for a little joe and to hit the road. Your friend Ellie Mae. 🐓🐓


Glad to learn you're in a sturdy structure.

I looked up Grammarly free for iPad and found this weird answer in a help feed:

"Grammarly does work on an iPad using the Chrome app. You can launch and write your document there and then copy and paste it."

That makes about as much sense to me as Sanskrit, but maybe it could be useful to you.

And yes on all the rest - we are so alike in many respects. Just stay safe, my friend. Look forward to hearing little cheeps from @mother2chicks while the
winds rage, if she can post, otherwise a cheep of triumph when the sun shines
again 💚💚

Oh, the grammarly link looked a lot weirder on the site I copied it from. I didn't even catch that it was a link. Yippee!

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