
The mood and peace of mind we feel in the early morning is one of the biggest inspirations for me. I love waking up when it's still dark outside, leaving the bed and making myself a warm coffee. In such moments, I need nothing but the moment, as my body and mind still feel completely connected to everything.
When I can make it in time, I always make an effort to go out into nature to experience the moment when the sun rises and you literally see the nature awakening.



These moments are one of the most beautiful sources of inspiration for me, because no matter how bad I feel because of external influences, I have deep trust that everything is right, no matter what.


When you stand alone in nature and see it just coming back to life, you realize that everything always comes and goes in a beautiful harmony. It is precisely at such moments early in the morning that I can most easily let go and let my mind rest. And exactly then, when my analytical thinking is turned off, a wave of creativity and energy comes over me. Creative ideas simply appear in my head without me wanting to think them before, everyday problems automatically become smaller and even disappear and I am overcome with deep feelings of connection and longing. 229



I live in a big city and absolutely love it, but unfortunately we have forgotten that one of the greatest sources of inspiration and empathy are the quiet and peaceful moments early in the morning. I wish everyone to try this out as well. Put your cell phone and other distractions aside for the time being. I wish you all the best.

Side note: I took the photos.

CC: @belenguerra & @fendit


Thank you for joining my friend !! Very good post !!

We are waiting for you in Writing & Reviews!

Have a beautiful day!!

thank you so much my friend :-) <3

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