A captive echo of myself in the darkness. My entry for - The Writing Impact Challenge.

This is my entry for @rensoul17's Writing impact challenge.

The idea is to select 2 or 3 worlds from a list of 50, andwrite an evocative piece.
I have done this. But I am still learning to do things by halves, so have included all 50 words in the ramble.

Yes I confess it is indeed a ramble.

A captive echo of myself in the darkness.

Coffee by my side
I sit in almost darkness.
My room lit by the light of a single lamp, and
The shimmer of moonlight.
A phantom vision on my curtain
As it dances on the wind,
To music I can not hear.
Intwined with street lights
And the leaves of the ghost gums.

I dare to allow myself
A moments reflection.
Visions of times long past,
Like a dream I can never touch,
When darkness and light
Held meaning.


As I sit
Captive in my home,
The rising and setting of the sun
Comes and goes,
as do people.
Me, I always remain,
I stay.

The rhythm of the sun and moon.
Captive too in their cycle,
I am but an observer.
Many nights I have sat in the moon light
Grappling with an epiphany
out of reach.
No fire light for my soul.
I am warm and safe in this tepid room,
Though stuck in a purple hazed dream.
A fog.

At night I sit,
Searching the darkness.
Watching the moon.
Like a giant pearl in the sky,
She holds pieces of me.

Sometimes I would give anything
To touch her.
The moon.
Dare to dream
That she conceals my virtues.
I giant orb
For safe keeping.
Out of reach.
Locked away
In yellowing photographs.


Echoes of happiness and gratitude,
and the profoundly evasive epiphany.
That would once fill my mind with passion,
And light my eyes with a fire
and a thirst.

Such beauty
no longer lingers.
As a swan sails silently down river
On the lightest wind,
So too has my passion.
To care.
Sailed down stream.

Simply an echo of the past
Like my father.
Still outside my window,
As allusive as trying to catch the wind,
Shimmering on the leaves
That dance upon my window frame.
Or the light of the sun on the horizon,
as it too shimmers,
upon the distant ocean.


Yes I can hear the loathsome music
of my lone violin.
I sit and listen.
I breathe,
Sinking into it's ocean.

The snow thickens
In defence of my contained mind.
Should her unwelcome mournful tune
Attempt to breathe life
Into a smouldering fire.

Sometimes her music
entwines with the constant buzz
That never leaves.
Together their rhythm dares to set fire.

The simplest notion
Causing a spark.
I see red.
It quickens.
Furor of incense transfuses like fire.
Behind my eyes
It blazes.
I feel it now
Touch my skin.

For a moment I can not breathe,
Lit by its fiery rage.
The watery recesses of my mind
Now a river,
Threaten the snow and fog
That fortify my conflicted captivity.

It's torrent,
Threatens rain.
I feel the tide behind my eyes.
I breathe.
Attempting to touch upon anything that may
still the oceans that menace...

It seems like only yesterday I was basking
In the summer sun.
As autumn was upon us I welcomed her.
The change of season
Always a cyclic rhythm to embrace.

How long have I been encased in snow?
From my eyes,
A single drop of rain.
It falls like a pearl.

I touch it.
For a moment,
The elusive is not just an echo
Out of reach in the darkness.

Only one word is left.
I have anguished with this word.
Where to place her.

I close my eyes and allow the wind to carry her.
Back behind my tear drop.
As I am.
In the snow
That has already begun
To fall upon us both.
Holding back the seasons,
Holding her captive.
Out of reach,



I love that you never do things by halves <3

You too mumma x
But I really f$@#ing need to learn how to.

I cannot stop crying, this entire masterpiece a body of work within itself allowed me to spend some time in your world thank you for holding my hand and letting me come along. I am honored and humbled and bravo for having a vision larger than what the challenge called for thank you for coloring outside of the lines and not ever playing it small. I LOVE YOU!

I don't know how to respond to this message. Thank you for giving my day a purpose. I am truly grateful to you for that. I was trying to develop a piece of fiction, a love story or a fantasy. When I just wrote from myself it tumbled out much easier. I feel like when I commented earlier, even though we didn't actually have a exchange, I somehow worked that out with you when I talked about being stuck.
Thank you xxxxxx

This is really good
I love the lines

you guys are related

Thank you.
Related? I'm not sure what you mean. Perhaps me calling hopehuggs mumma? No I am just a huge fan of hers and over familiar sometimes 😂 Azure jasper however, yes. He is my long enduring companion on this road rocky road we call life.

Absolutely amazing!

"At night I sit,
Searching the darkness.
Watching the moon.
Like a giant pearl in the sky,
She holds pieces of me."

My favorite part... This tugs at my soul and reaches in to a place of truth. Very well done!!!

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it very much.

Highly solemn
I was really touched, keep it moving

Thank you for your support. 😊

That's epic! Only you'd attempt (and pull off) using all the words, not just a few. Well played


Hah! I knew there would be more people that would look at the "choose 2-3 words" and then blithely use all 50!

I admire the length and flow of your poem, I've always struggled breaking 100 words whilst still keep a touch of that "magic" alive. Something you seem to have done well.

"The elusive is not just an echo" Just a line that was a pleasure to read!

You did a great job too. I'm looking forward to reading more.

You really write so beautifully in a way that flows really well, you reach out and touch with your words. I love to read what you write. Please keep it coming x

I can sincerely see why you won with this poem in the #writingimpact challenge - you so poetically entwined the thought patterns of reliving trauma in its myriad forms and blurriness...
Bravo - I look forward to reading more from you. Do you have a book out? @lonestarpoet

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