in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Mrs Brown watched from the reception, as they wheeled in a little boy. A woman and man were by his sides, frantic as their face mirrored great fear and worry. The rush was all she needed t know it was an emergency. She looked carefully just before the wheel got of our sight. There was no blood. It was no accident.
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She stopped herself before breathing a sigh of relief. She knew better than anyone, that that did not mean much at all. After spending so many months in the hospital, she now knew that people could die from something as fickle as a headache... Which would later be discovered to be malignant tumour that has laid undetected for too long. But it still felt good to know that there was no blood shed on the streets already, today.

The parents had gone with the boy. But she knew that the lobby just outside the ER was how far they could go. Now they would begin their pacing. As the tears flow. Sometimes more relatives and friends would arrive. On rare occasions, no one else did. She remained calm, drinking her cup of coffee as she scanned through the paper in her hands. There was no interesting news today. There hardly ever was
Checking her pager, she decided to go for one more coffee. Cody was still asleep. And the calm on the pager told her all was well. She could certainly use the third cup. She needed a lot of it these days to take her through the long hours.

It was not long before the couple she had seen earlier, walked into the reception, they looked exhausted but relieved. And the traces of sadness were clearly evident too.
She had witnessed a lot to know what people's looks meant. Good news. Bad news. Both?

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She watched as the man gave his wife an affectionate kiss on the head. Squeeze the hand he had in his as he spoke some words. Then with another kiss on her lips this time, and a stroke down her cheeks, he stood up to go.

Her heart ached as she watched the display. There was no doubt that this man loved his wife. And they were going to be in it together. Before she could start feeling terrible about her life, she stood up to leave. Taking that as her cue. However, something happened before she could. The woman burst into tears. Silent tears. And it was only because she was watching that she was able to see the slight shaking as she bent her head, eyes closed, letting the stream flow. It would not be the first. Neither would it be the last. Deciding that it was again, not her problem, Mrs Brown turned to leave. But she just couldn't..
Damning it all, she walked over to the woman and silently sat beside her.

She said nothing. Only waited for her muffled sounds to start slowing, fading until it completely stopped. Just as her shoulders halted their shaking.
"Here. Rough day eh?" Mrs Brown asked as she handed a handkerchief to the woman.
The woman raised her head then, looking at her in wonder before accepting the handkerchief. After drying her tears and blowing her running nose, she sighed.

"Ehh... You don't know the half of it". Mrs Brown only smiled to herself. If only she knew.

"Has your son been stabilized?" when the woman looked up at her questioningly, she went further
"I saw them wheel in him. You guys looked frantic with worry"

"Ohhh. Well yes. He's stable. But is now asleep and is being prepped for surgery so we can't see him yet"

"Oh. Okay. Mind sharing what the problem is?"
The woman gave a very long sigh before speaking.

"Charles. He uhm. For a week now, he's been complaining of a tummy ache. We initially thought it was just a flu or food poisoning so we got him some meds from the drugstore. But this morning, he woke us all with a scream. He kept shouting "my tummy. It hurts mum. It hurts pa", as he wept bitterly. I have never seen my little boy cry like that safe for the day he was circumcised. You could tell he was in so much pain and it broke my heart to see him so. Henry, his Dad made the emergency call. And that brought us here. The doctors said his intestines are twisted and would have to undergo surgery"

Mrs Brown was surprised at how calm this lady had been as she explained. Tears only flowing silently, when she spoke of her child's pain. Their case seemed to be simple enough but she still looked troubled.

"But?" Mrs Brown inquired further
"There simply is no money. We barely ever had any health insurance. We have only always managed to get by. And Henry just got laid off work. My salary as a teacher only goes as far as paying some bills and putting food on our table. But our little Charles is in so much pain. And he needs all the help he can help as soon as he can"
Now, she was crying again. And Mrs Brown had a hand to her back before she could stop herself. Quietly rubbing her back.

When she calmed, Mrs Brown asked again.
"And your husband?"

"He went to make some phone calls. See if he can get some help". Mrs Brown chuckled quietly to herself. She seriously doubted that. But she already had a plan.

"Call him in. Tell him not to bother. Call the doctors and tell them to proceed with surgery. I will cover the expenses". The other woman eyes could not possibly widen anymore.


"Oh. It's Laurell, Laurell Brown"

"Allison Rivers", the lady smiled in return... Or at least, what she could smile given the circumstances, wondering where she had heard that name.

"But why would you do that?" Allison asked in awe but Laurell only smiled.

"Because your Charles is in pain, while he should be on the streets with his friends, riding his bike and laughing with glee. And because, I can afford to. So, call Henry".

Allison was still dazed as she began dialing her Husband's number. After speaking to him, she ended the call.

"You guys seem to love each other". It was a statement, not a question. Allison nodded nonetheless

"We do. Henry is wonderful".
Laurell only smiled as she nodded. Pushing her pain away.

Soon, Henry arrived with the doctor, question in his eyes. Laurell watched as it turned to wonder, then gratitude as Allison explained to him and the doctor.
Doctor Freewill looked at her, smiling knowingly and Laurell only smiled back. Soon all the arrangements were made. And the Doctor went away to prep for the process.

"I and my wife are still dazed by the wonder of all of this. Never could we have imagined that in our wildest thoughts, we would find graciousness in a stranger" Henry said after the doctor had left.

"We can never thank you enough Laurell" Allison joined.

Just as Laurell was about to reply, her pager sounded, panic, filing her own face as her heart hitched in her chest. She dreaded that sound.
"I'm sorry. I have to go", and with speed, she rushed out of the reception, towards the wards.

It was about four hours later when Laurell heard a knock on Cody's door. He had been stabilized over three hours ago but she had refused to leave his side. Watching him sleep as she waited. Praying. It was all she had been doing for the past 6 months since this place became their home.
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She looked up at the door, sounding a "come in", loud enough to be heard but not enough to disturb Cody. It must be the nurses with their roundly checks.
Alas, it was not the nurses she saw when the door opened, but the Rivers.

"Hi", Laurell said as she sat up straight.

The Rivers responded her greetings whispering. But their eyes were on the little boy who was connected to wires and tubes. They watched in awe, as they stood. But Laurell only smiled.

"No need to whisper. This is Cody. He is 14. He has Leukemia. And a very rare blood type. We have been here for 6 months. Waiting, praying, for a donor. With each day that passes, I fight to keep my faith strong"

"Where is his father?" Allison asked, finally finding her voice.

"He left after the second month. Said he could not cope. He does not know how to deal with this. He visits once in a while. Just to say hi. I had to stop work, so I can babysit my little boy"
It was then it clicked.

"You are Laurell Ashstone Brown. Of Ashstone and Co!", Henry and his wife exclaimed together. This earned a laugh from Laurell.

"Guilty as charged"

"Wow. Who knew?" Allison said out loud.
"We thought you were a doctor when your pager went off. But we sought you after Charles' surgery to say thanks and we found out otherwise. We had no idea"

"The pager goes off when he has a crisis. All of the
eight doctors on his case have one. And I do too. By the way, how is Charles?"

"He's stable but asleep too. We will be able to see him in a few. Thank you. You know what you have done for us", Allison answered.

"It was my pleasure".

"What type is your son?" Henry asked

"B-negative" she replied, simply.

But Allison and Henry were already glowing up as they exchanged knowing looks, big smiles on their faces.

"What is it?" Laurell inquired.

"Mrs Brown. That is my blood type. Don't you see? I'm the perfect donor for your son. Cody can finally be saved"

It was Laurell's turn to be in awe. She looked from Allison to Henry. Overwhelmed to the points of her knees weakening.

"You would do that?"

"And more. You practically saved our son's life. When you had no idea we could be of help".

Laurell could not believe her ears as she looked at her baby boy. He was going to be saved. They would finally get to leave here. Oh. Who would have thought? She did not have to say the words. Her gratitude and joy were evident on her face.

As the Rivers left the hospital a week later with their healthy and bouncing son and Henry who was now stronger, Allison could not help but shake her head at the events of the past few days. Henry had given his bone marrow to Charles that night after all the necessary tests have been carried out and he had been confirmed a match. Charles had been moved into the executive wards with his Father upon Laurell's instructions. And the boys have made fast friends as they healed.
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Just as their mothers had. Henry had gotten a job at Ashstone and Co, thanks to Laurell. And it was bigger than everything he had ever done his life. Cody was still kept on observation for at least another three weeks but Allison and Charles had promised plenty visits.

Out of all the astounding events, one Allison was trying to come to terms with was the fact that Laurell had been willing to help when she had the means. Had consoled her too. When she herself had her own storms. An absent husband and a terribly sick son. And she had helped with no expectation for a reward. It never happened these days. And to her, Laurell would always be an Angel.

Ok. Make that two. She had all the money in the world and yet, could hardly help her son. And they had nothing, but Charles' had been a minor case. Talk about the perfect example of the rich also cry. She guessed there were indeed, two sides of the coin of life after all.



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Great post, you have been chosen by me @kofpato as one of the notable post. You can visit @wafrica for more info on today's daily pick. Thank you

Oh thank you @kofpato. I'm so honoured

Beautiful writing! You perfectly captured the fear, despair, and hope of having a child with an emergency medical problem and a long term illness. I look forward t reading more of your work.

Oh thank you so much. I'm so glad someone finally read this.


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