Splendid Commemorate The Day Of Kartini, Indonesian Heroine

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemit community how are you?
Today I will share the story of Kartini's day and the excitement of the activities done in commemorating the Kartini day. Kartini day is the day when a heroine named Raden Ajeng Kartini was born, exactly on 21 April 1879 in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia.

image Source: wikipedia.com

Kartini is known as a woman who pioneered to fight for the rights of women where at that time a lot of discrimination between men and women. Women are not allowed to go to school. Kartini herself when she is 12 is not allowed to continue her higher education. At that time kartini often wrote letters to friends who are abroad, especially the Dutch, and tell the story and idea of ​​the idea of ​​women. One of her friends whom she delivered was Rosa Abendanon who came from the Netherlands. Through this Abendanon kartini often read European books and magazines. The letter was eventually collected by Abendanon and published into a book "Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang". The Indonesian government awarded RA. Kartini as an Indonesian hero capable of raising the dignity of women and making Indonesian women get their rights, especially in education. The Indonesian government also sets the 21st as Kartini Day to be commemorated annually.

image by @yuslindwi
Today is April 21, 2017, as usual we the people of Indonesia commemorate the day kartini. Early morning at 08.00 am at the PAUD school of Golden Kids, Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia, where my son attended school, held various events to commemorate Kartini's day, and sponsored by Rocket Chicken and Sempoa SP.
Various kinds of races are made, ranging from rice cone decorating, fashion shows for children, singing, and reading poetry. A lot of excitement happened during the race.

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

The first race is to decorate rice cone, which consists of 4 groups and each group consists of 6 people. The race to decorate a special cone for parents / guardians. This rice cone decoration contest aims to establish intimacy, cooperation and cohesiveness of parents / guardians. There is no competition here, all just for the festive days of kartini and friendship.
image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

The next race for children is fashion show. In the fashion show competition, children are required to wear kebaya clothes or traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia. Of course it is very adorable when we see the children are stylish and walking showcased her dress like a famous model. This fashion show contest aims to train children to be bold in public, and to foster children's confidence.
image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

Continued with the 3rd race of singing and reading poems entitled "Mother Love". This poetry and singing contest aims to encourage children to express their feelings towards their parents, and to train their children to speak the words correctly. In this session very make me happy and happy. Happy to see the cuteness of children aged 3 to 6 years who have not been able to speak well and stammer deliver poetry and sing a song. A feeling of emotion comes when they recite the poems spontaneously about their love and affection towards their parents.
image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

It did not feel it was day, it was time to announce the winners of the race.
To decorate my group's rice cone got the 4th champion.
image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

My son named Andra got the 2nd champion in the poetry reading competition.
image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

image by @yuslindwi

For us, nobody wins and loses in this race. The most important is the spirit of heroism, unity and togetherness we must keep for harmony together. Happy Kartini Day for Indonesian Nation.

Thank you for reading.
Follow me @yuslindwi

Reference and "Kartini" Image source :


Beautiful story, lovely children, and yummy looking food! Without fur woem our men will always be slaves🙏

Selamat hari Kartini ! :)

Nice story and nice "tumpeng" ! :)

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