We learn more about someone at the end of the relationship than in the beginning

in #writing6 years ago

This is the universal lesson that I learned yesterday. We may get some introduction about someone in the beginning and we might assume we have known a lot about someone in the middle of a relationship. But the truth is, what we learned is not comparable to what we will learn at the end of the relationship. We get to see the true colours of someone only when they exit our lives.


Dear you,
It wasn’t enough for you that you abused me during our relationship because you feel you haven't get the sense of winning. You feel the one who makes the last move is the winner. Hence in our relationship you assumed you were losing because it was me who wanted it to end. In order to win, you had to make the last move by doing something to revenge / get back at me so you chose to contact my family members. What is the purpose of this? Is it to create a conflict in my family or to isolate me from my own family? Does it make you feel better now, that you have officially won? Do you feel happier? I hope you do.

You can do cruel things to me and run from me without facing any consequences for your actions. But God / the Universe or whatever supreme creator / power you believe in is watching. Someday you will reap what you sow. Goodbye.

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