Why the war?

in #writing7 years ago

I was young, I was 10 years old... with my brothers hiding inside the house in one room very dark and sounds of bullets in the street like thunder...
The sound of the sprinklers was filling the sky of my little tiny...
Can't watch the stars because the flash of bullets was more...
There were so much horror and little of talk...
We were waiting when someone opened the door and ended our lives...
We were could sniff the death, but we weren't afraid because we usual to see death...

It was my dream: to die without pain or to live without wounds...
all my dreams didn't come true.
In the morning I'm going to school... Nothing happened: just clashes.
I found a bullet on the way to school, I still keep it
The beginning of the war was in 1992 when a party won an election, but the government rejected the election.
The party took up arms and declared war on the government because the government stole its right... And the party was right.
The government has declared war on this party because this party is not in the national interest..... And the government was right

..... War is everywhere in the mountains, the desert, the streets, the cities...
And a war in our hearts and thoughts and a war against our dreams

Now the war is over... The Government took control of everyone and stole all the people's money.
The party's back home with bags full of money.
And the people got hearts full of wounds, broken dreams, and a lot of pain.
And I got this bullet. with a question in my inner: Why the war?


At the beginning of the war, everyone thought he was right.
And at the end of the war, everyone knew he was wrong.
But who paid for this war are the innocents.
The government needed to kill more than 250,000 civilians in order to know it's wrong.


Dear brother @yagoub, today I really regret and limit to what we have achieved, and what we live today is really very difficult, where we are going and what our future holds.
I believe that with this deterioration and the wounds that have afflicted us and our rights that have become a dream that our country is in a big crisis, the biggest crisis is the lack of men. I mean men in the sense of the word who have jealousy and love of the homeland and the love of God before the special interest.
With your subject, this has really touched my feelings. I am not afraid of my future more than the future of our children. I hope that the future of our country will change.

You have survived, and you are a survivor - you have seen the atrocities of war and lived to tell the tale. Stay strong my friend :)

with you i'm very strong my G-friend @realtreebivvy

All wars begin for profit.

Yes, but who benefits?
thank you @cranium

I am grateful that you are here to share that story. May others hear what you write about. Innocents do pay the price and they will pay the price here as well. They already are. May Creator thaw the hearts of men so that the idea of peace and freedom can start to grow on this planet. You are planting seeds for that to happen. Although I don't wish this on others, I am grateful that you had that experience so that you can share it and plant these powerful, explosive seeds. Peace to you brother.

الحرب هي أسوأ ما قد يمر به أي شعب ليس له أي ذنب في شيء
يقتل الأبرياء وتهدم المنازل والمساجد وتهدم كافة مناحي الحياة
تماما كما يحدث هنا في غزة

War is evil. I'm so sorry you went through that. :(

Extremely powerful blog.
My father "served" Vietnam, my heart is broken to hear these stories. Thank you for sharing your strength, and thoughts.

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