There was a G3 (strong) geomagnetic storm in the previous days, but I still heard and worked with some stations
There was a G3 (strong) geomagnetic storm in the previous days, but I still heard and worked with some stations
As you know, I am an amateur radio operator and sometimes the space weather can greatly effect (in a good or bad way) the propagation.
On 2017 September 6 there was basically a radio blackout due to an R3 (X9.3 Flare).
So this time the space weather affected the radio wave propagation badly. Or at least the shortwave (High Frequency - HF) propagation. I didn't looked/listened for the lower (longwave/medium wave) or the upper bands (Very high frequency - VHF and Ultra High Frequency - UHF and above).
The noise on the 40 m (7 MHz) band was very high in general but I still heard some stations on September 6, and yesterday (September 8) and today as well and I worked with some of them.
Despite the blackout and the geomagnetic storm and my simple antenna - Inverted V antenna for 7 MHz and the center of the antenna is 7 meters above the ground -, the previous days with my amateur radio activity was actually quite eventful and I heard and I worked with some stations.
On September 6, I heard DA0FIH from Eckental, Germany on 7177 kHz near midday (10:07 UTC) (12:07 CET) and some other stations that I didn't understand because they didn't spoken in English/German/Hungarian. This (DA0FIH) is a club station. The signal was just above the noise. I didn't even tried to call him. Or maybe once or twice. I don't remember exactly.
Yesterday evening (September 8) I was heard A71VV from Doha, Qatar on 7161 kHz. A lot of stations called him and he made contacts with a lot of European stations. I also called him, but I didn't made contact with him. Maybe next time.
Yesterday morning (05:58 UTC) (07:58 CET) I heard and worked with SP1L from Koszalin, Poland on 7168 kHz.
I heard and worked with DM2CM from Waldheim, Germany on 7195 kHz yesterday afternoon (14:20 UTC) (16:20 CET).
I heard and worked with TK4QP from Alata, Corsica, France on 7195 kHz yesterday afternoon (14:27 UTC) (16:27 CET).
I also heard and worked with IS0FFT from Osini, Sardinia, Italy on 7195 kHz yesterday afternoon (14:30 UTC) (16:30 CET).
Today I heard a lot of stations and I worked with many of them.
Today morning (09:00 UTC) (11:00 CET) I heard and worked with ON4USA from Verviers, Belgium on 7095 kHz.
Also today morning (09:25 UTC) (11:25 CET) I heard and worked with DB20ENERGY from Neuburg am Rhein, Germany on 7182 kHz.
Near midday (afternoon accordingly to the local time) (10:57 UTC) (12:57) I heard and worked with SN1LH from the Niechorze Lighthouse, Poland on 7195 kHz.
All of the three stations (ON4USA, DB20ENERGY, SN1LH) are special stations.
According to the QRZ.COM page of the ON4USA, "The Station ON4USA is only operated during the 2nd week of September from Saturday 0600 UTC till Sunday 2000 UTC."
With the callsign DB20ENERGY, they are celebrating the 20 years of the DB Energie company. "In 1997, company DB Energie was established as an energy supplier for the railways, network operators and service providers.
This year, DB Energie consists of twenty years."
The station SN1LH is operated occasionally and exclusively (only) from the Niechorze Lighthouse, Poland.
Thank you for reading!
Enjoy Steemit!
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend!
Thank you for this detailed and valuable information!