in #writing6 years ago (edited)


This morning, I met a mother and her daughter in the elevator. The mother was 27 or 28 years old,ordinary face,ordinary dressed. She was carrying a bag in her left hand, and holding a mobile phone in her  right hand to watch the video.The little girl looks like 3 or 4 years old, big eyes,with a schoolbag on her back, the age of kindergarten, cold weather but wearing a small skirt.  Probably because of the young age, the little girl kept twisting and swaying the wall of the elevator. However, the mother never paid attention to the girl, her eyes never left the screen of the phone. 


I could hear the voice of video coming from the young mother's mobile phone. She was very focused and laughed with video from time to time. The little girl, out of curiosity,stood on tiptoe, pulled her mother's arm, and looked up to see what her mother was looking at.The young mother was impatient,She frowned and shook her hand and shouted: "stand well, don't be naughty in the elevator!"  However, her eyes never leave the phone screen.I was a little surprised that she spoke so naturally. She put a video in the elevator loudly, but asked her child to stand up and not affect her.When we got to the underground garage, she still looked at her phone as she steps out of the elevator, regardless of whether the child was behind or not.  The impact this mother had on her children was to walk and to take the elevator,it's not necessary to  pay attention to the safety of your own and your families. 


 All of this is so common that adults are obsessed with playing with their mobile phones. While walking and taking the elevator, they only look at the screen of their mobile phones and pay no attention to the road under their feet and the people around them. Children will naturally think it is normal to do this, and the behavior will be similar to their parents. Therefore, why people who are indulged in mobile phones are getting younger and younger. Even children under one year old know to grab their parents' mobile phones to play.



Recently, I saw a news that a mother took her two children to a baby swimming pool for swimming. She put them into the water, and turned around to play with her mobile phone. When the younger baby was drowning, the older one asked his mother for help. His mother  was busy playing with the mobile phone and was indifferent. In the end, the little baby drowned under the eyes of her mother! 


We sympathize with the child's drowning, but this tragedy would not have happened if the mother had been responsible to watch the child swim. On the contrary, if the baby was not drowning, this mother will still focus on her mobile phone, children will learn her behavior, indulge in the mobile phone and pay no attention to their responsibilities, it is difficult to focus on doing things while playing with the phone, and it is not easy to learn the word "responsibility". 


Now more and more parents are worried about children of education, I often hear my friends say that children are difficult to manage, always like to play with mobile phones,watch TV and so on.HOWEVER,THEY NEVER SET A GOOD EXAMPLE TO THEIR CHILDREN!They don't allow children to play with mobile phones, but indulge themselves in the fun of using them. Required children to watch less TV, but they do not have the concept of time to watch the show, with no self-discipline. Ask children to do what themself can not do, very much "One may steal a horse while another may not look over the hedge." meaning. 孩子不是傻瓜,没那么好骗,只动嘴说教就想让孩子变成自己想要的模样,这样未免太天真。如果你是一个进门就窝在沙发上刷抖音看快手的人,你的孩子一回家就专注于书本,专注于学习的几率几乎为零。要求孩子的时候,先学会以身作则。Children are not fools, they are not so gullible. It would be naive to expect children to become what they want just by preaching.If you're a person who always sits on the couch ,plays with your phone and watches TV every time when you back home,It's almost impossible for your child to focus on studying or reading,as you've given them a bad demonstration!



 Most parents, with the usual tiredness at work as an excuse, come home to play on their phones, watching TV, but will ask their children to keep study.The reason they tell their children to have to study hard is: "you see how hard it is for me to send you to school, study hard, or you will have to work as hard as me in the future!"The reason cannot convince the children!Children will think their parents did not do what they asked them to do!The right thing to do is that parents should also be active in learning and constantly improving themselves with their children.Listen to your child's real thoughts and give him a good example!

 我在大理居住的时候认识了一对美国夫妇,他们这一方面做的很好,夫妇俩有4个小孩,两个男孩,两个女孩。老大喜欢踢足球,所以父亲会陪伴他踢足球,老二在家里练习绘画, 老三喜欢弹吉他,老四只有5岁喜欢在家里院子里种植。晚饭后全家会围坐在一起读书,周末的时候全家出动爬山。孩子耳濡目染父母的行为,自然就变成了爱学习、热爱户外、兴趣广泛的人。

I met an American couple while living in Dali. They did a good job in this respect.The couple have four children, two boys and two girls.The father enjoys playing football with his eldest son and playing guitar with the third son.The mother taught her second daughter to paint, and worked with her 5-year-old daughter on gardening.After dinner, the whole family would sit together and read books. On weekends, the whole family would go hiking.Children, influenced by their parents' behavior, will naturally become people who love learning, love outdoors, and have a wide range of interests. 

不要再一味的说教,而自己却不自律,想要你的孩子乐观、认真、积极、有责任心、自律,自己就要先改变。先学会以身作则,做孩子的榜样。 也许我今天谈及的问题,不够深刻,仅仅是想要把看到想到的分享出来。抛砖引玉,欢迎探讨。

Stop preaching without discipline!Want your child to be optimistic, serious, positive, responsible and disciplined,change yourself first!Set a good example for your children!Maybe what I'm talking about isn't deep enough,but I still want to share what I saw and thought to throw out a brick to attract a jade .

                                                writen by WangXiaoyu     


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