Should people be allowed to kill themselves?

in #writing6 years ago

Life is sacred. Right? Since the dawn of religion, taking a life has been against the rules. And since life is sacred, it’s also been wrong to take your own as well. Punishable by eternal damnation in some religions. But in modern times, with the horror that some diseases cause, the question of being able to control when you pass has become much more prevalent. Life is sacred, but it’s also our own.

When our pets are too sick to make better (or the treatment is too expensive) we euthanize them. We put them out of their misery to compassionately end their suffering. But in many places around the world, this kind of care and understanding is illegal for people. But why? The answer, “because you go to hell,” doesn’t really hold water in a global community that has a variety of faiths and beliefs.

So are you allowed to take your own life? Is it ethical or is anyone that wants to kill themselves unstable? Should there be a minimum requirement of mental stability in order to prove that you’re not crazy or just depressed? Or should anyone be allowed to do whatever they want with their own life?

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Of course not .. Well done, good subject
Life must go and every person must face his destiny ..
And make sure that God will not test anyone over his ability
Thanks for sharing

As a Godly person I would say it's a big mistake to take your own life, but, as a human, I might say that taking your own life can be a sign of braveness. I don't know it's quite confusing. BTW how can I join your group?

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@writebackwards sir nice it is , but in my opinion religion guide about any thing you do very well ,some time it is a bit strict but it is for make better day for us..

This is a tough question to meditate on. Those same religions...well, many of them...believe we have free will to make our own decisions. And in some cultures it is celebrated when someone kills themselves in the name of some deity. This is going to take some thought.

Euthanasia is really controversial. I've felt pain before, genuine pain that made me feel death will be better for me. if it had persisted I don't know what I'd have done. But I also feel human life is sacred, so taking it may be an abuse and a sin to God. So yeah, for me, it's very confusing

You are right people killing themselves.There are many reasons for this,thank you for share your post.Please follow my blog @writesbackwards

This insight is astounding. Thank you.

I don't like the word 'religion'. Do you believe ?? Do you have faith? Not everything is 'you will go to hell' the way you put it. There is a different meaning to everything different from the way the world sees it.

Errm, your post explores only a single faucet, with health it's always different and rules can be bend. What about cases of depression, loss of purpose etc, what would be your viewpoint?

Should people be allowed to kill themselves? Sure, but they should hardly be encouraged. In fact, if there's nothing seriously wrong with them, then they probably should be discouraged as much as possible. Someone with mental health issues probably shouldn't be allowed to, but it's the old catch 22 situation, isn't it? No-one in their right mind would want to kill themselves, surely? Of course, sane terminally ill people may beg to differ, here.

I say the above having once worked on suicide prevention in a British prison. The bottom line really has to be if someone doesn't want to be alive - for whatever reason, we should hardly try forcing them to. It's just unethical otherwise. Then, there's overpopulation. The planet has more than enough humans trying to wreck it as it is. If someone doesn't mind offering a little planetary relief in this way, then how can that not be a pretty good thing? If we try to remain objective.

So, it's a tough subject.

Last but not least, it's not the time / place for anyone believing in fairy tales (ie - religious nonsense) to be offering opinions. You live, you die, that's almost certainly it. No-one sits around wondering what happened to the light when a light switch is flicked, do they? And the nonsense that is 'hell' is best considered to simply be a metaphor for what people outliving a person thought of him. Eg. Hitler was a shit. I've outlived Hitler. I think terribly of the man (as do so many others). Therefore, he can be said to be in hell.

People considering suicide have enough on their plate. Religious nutters shouldn't be trying to make them feel even worse by foisting a guilt trip on them, should they? But then religion is one of the very worst things about humanity, is it not?

Edit: And life is hardly sacred. Nothing is if we're honest. It's just a complex catalogue of chemical reactions that we've been lucky to experience. Fleeting in its existence. Ultimately, without meaning.

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