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RE: NAQUOYA'S BOOK REVIEWS - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larrson

in #writing7 years ago

I thought the series was phenomenal, and it was one of the few cases where the movies didn't disappoint either. (Like you, I passed on the American versions.) I liked the way Salander's computer skills seemed better rooted in reality than the way they're usually portrayed on film as well. I never felt like they were just applying "hacker magic" to the plot.

Larsson's personal story was really interesting too - his early death, the dispute over his estate, all the unwritten books he'd left outlines for, the strange choice of another author to write the sequels.

It looks like they've tacked two books on to the end by that other author. If you keep reading and wind up picking them up you'll have to let me know if they're worth reading.


I agree with your view of how her computer skills were represented. Normally hackers are shown to have almost superhuman abilities that defy logic. Not the case here. And written in a way that the writer didn't brush over it, but explained it in enough detail to be passable.

I read briefly into Larrson's story. It was fascinating, particularly how he died after writing and submitting, but before they were published. Perhaps burned himself out? Well, he wrote some masterpieces none-the-less. Pity he couldn't live to enjoy their success.

There are more after the three by another writer. I haven't read them, and not sure that I will.

I agree his personal story is very interesting too! I haven't watched the movies but have a copy of the first one so I may take it out on a rainy day.

US or Swedish version. I haven't seen the US one, but highly recommended the Swedish version, if you can handle sub titles. It holds up well to the book.

The US version. I watch movies with subtitles a lot so I don't mind. May try to track down the Swedish one.

That's the version that I can recommend. I watched the series twice and neither time disappointed.

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