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RE: 8 Ways to Unblock the Creative Mind

in #writing7 years ago

Good advice here. A friend of mine started a writing group and meeting with them twice a week really did give me the push I needed to start on a novel. Even though it turned out only three of us turned up consistently.

And yesterday I drove to a nearby city and discovered a massive old public library with lots of places to sit and write. Definitely worth a trip back there for an un-blocking change of scene.

I'd also recommend unplugging for a length of time. Turning off the gadgets and staring out the window. Sometimes we just need to make some empty space in our heads before ideas can come rushing in to fill it.


oh the unplugging is HUGE. i would take several months away from all social media during grad school just to focus on the work. the first couple of days were weird, but after that, it was amazingly easy and i could feel my brain allowed to breathe again, which was a strange experience in and of itself as well.

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