
The news here is only selling their version of events. Check on reports from Katie Hopkins, Lauren Southern, Aussie foreign affairs minister Dutton and Senator Fraser Anning. The dictatorship style governance here is getting out of hand and the violent racial outbursts made by members of our parliament are acted upon by their voter

Thanks for the references, Pete. Now, Plaasmoorde has more meaning after seeing the hillside covered with crosses. So deeply sad...and senseless.

It is so sad man. The country was supposed to become a united democracy, unified in building a better future for everyone, getting everyone working together. Sadly it didn't take long for the dictator greed to take hold and now there is more racial tension than ever before.

It is indeed sad. What do you do, Pete? It does not look like it will get better in the foreseeable future and people don't change for the better if they can help it. It has to be concerning you a great deal.

It is isn't it. Willy I'm a private security advisor these days in personal capacity given many years in the field, but has also successfully managed restaurants and for the last four years managed an assembly plant. The concerns me greatly as work for white men in South Africa I believe will at some point be completely illegal. It is so pathetic that a majority is given a functioning country and runs it so badly into the ground and then blames people that only make up 8% op the total population and are so hateful of that minorities abilities to progress that they also force them to only employ the majority.

I know this is not the proper forum for discussion, Pete. I do have a genuine interest in how things go and have shared a bit (anonymously) with my friends via Protonmail, who also are interested.

Regardless, you have my understanding and sympathy.


Hi Willy. Thanks man, much appreciated. The media here is keeping things well under wraps and telling the rest of the world absolute rubbish about what is really happening.

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