The value of Good Character

in #writing7 years ago

Character is the way you express your self in behaviour.

We have different kinds of character:

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Source Kinds of Character

Bad character ; This is seen in the way bad ways of behaviour. For example the person uses abusive words to communicate, one doesn't listen to any advice from elders.
Some people show bad character through rudeness, hatred.
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Good Character ; This is the opposite of bad character. Here, one is humble, well behaved in terms of speech,he listens one possess love as a virtue and has a good heart.
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character quote

Good character has tremendous rewards. People tend to honor and respect people of integrity. If you want honor and respect, show yourself with good character

So, how do you behave while with others? At work place, school and even at your home?
Do you respect your parents, bosses or any of your superiors?

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Looking at the six benefits of character from results empowerment writing, I quote the following below:-

Character is essential to long-term success. If you want to experience true success, you must develop a strong character. Being gifted is good, but it won’t make up for a poor character. A strong character is key to enduring success.

Before I share the benefits of a strong character, you should know these fundamental truths about character:
•Character is developed over time. Every day, your character is being tested. It’s being tested by the tough choices life brings you. It’s tested when you’re placed under pressure. Depending on the choices you make, your character is either being erected or eroded. Wise choices build; unwise ones destroy.
•Character always reveals itself. Your character is defined by who you are at your core. It’s easy to put up a front and to wear a mask, but in the long run, who you really are is always revealed. If you have a poor character, sooner or later, it’ll show. Conversely, if you have a strong character, people may not notice it at first, but sooner or later, it’ll show.

The benefits of a strong character are numerous. Here are 6:
1.Character attracts trust. People with a strong character are considered trustworthy by others. And when people trust, they let down their guard and open up.
2.Character gives you influence. This is related to the previous point. It’s far easier to influence someone who trusts you than someone who doesn’t. People with a strong character genuinely seek what’s best for others. Because of this, their influence on others is positive.
3.Character leverages failures. People with a strong character understand that failures aren’t final; they’re bumps in the road and great learning experiences. Therefore, they’ll strive to extract, from every failure, the gems of lessons learned.
4.Character maintains successes. When people with a strong character achieve successes, they remain humble. Because they stay grounded, it prevents them from falling from high.
5.Character sustains in tough times. When the going gets tough, people with a strong character keep going. They continue to do the right thing, even when they don’t feel like it.
6.Character stands in the face of opposition. People with a stronger character remain true to themselves. They stand for what they believe in and value, even in the face of opposition and adversity.

Like the iceberg, at first, people may evaluate you based on what appears on the surface. But, they eventually take a gander underneath the surface, and meet your character. A strong character is responsible for the greater part of your long-term success. Keep working on making your character stronger and stronger, and you’ll experience true success.
The above is cited from,

Hope this has blessed you.

Thankful that you have learnt something!



Nice job

you are welcome. God bless you

Thanks for sharing big bro.

Thank you for teaching us about character.

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