How to plan...

in #writing7 years ago

How to write a business plan

The action plan is the outline and summary that outlines the set of objectives and processes required of the team or person in charge of a project. The aim of the action plans is to allow the reader to better understand the project objectives, tasks, outcomes and deadlines. Work plans, both in practical and classroom life, help to stay organized during work, and to facilitate the process of evaluating performance and reaching targets set in advance. Through which it can divide the required processes into small and achievable tasks, as well as define the things you wish to achieve. Now learn how to write a business plan, to be ready for your next projects.
Determine the purpose of the action plan. Action plans are written for many reasons. Determine the purpose of the work plan that you write, putting that purpose in your eyes so you can prepare it in the right way. Keep in mind that most work plans are for a certain period of time (for example: 6 months - or 1 year).
At work, plans help inform your manager about the projects you are working on in the coming months. They are developed immediately after the annual performance review or after the implementation of large project projects. Work plans can also be developed during the strategic planning sessions organized by the organization at the beginning of the year or the new fiscal year.
In the academic field, work plans help students develop a schedule for large projects. Teachers also help plan the material presented in the classroom.
In personal projects, the action plan helps you outline what you intend to do, how to implement it, and the date you intend to work with. Plans for personal projects, although not very binding or necessary, help individuals organize their work, monitor performance and achieve the objectives of those projects.


Written introduction and background information. For professional work plans, you may need to write an
"Introduction" to the business plan. The goal of writing is to provide sufficient information to the manager or supervisor to better understand the plan. Writing this introduction may not be necessary for academic work plans.

The introduction must be brief and attractive. Describe the reasons for the preparation of that plan. Briefly describe the project or specific projects you will be working on over the next period of time.
This introduction should cover the reasons for making this plan. For example: List details and statistics from recent reports, identify problems that need to be addressed, and be a set of recommendations or comments received during previous projects.


Define goals and objectives. Set goals for yourself and your goals that you want to achieve, noting the difference that the goals are long-term goals, which are general and extensive. The goals are short-term goals, which must be specific and clear so that you can transform them into practical actions and tasks that you can actually implement.

Goals should focus on the overall picture of your project. Provide the desired final results of the action plan. Make them wide-ranging, for example: make your goal is to complete the paper or learn more about writing.
Goals must be specific and concrete. In other words, you should be able to bookmark them in your task list once they have been achieved. For example: (finding people to interview for the paper you are working on) is an appropriate goal.
Some action plans divide goals into: short, medium, and long term goals. Especially if the nature of their objectives varies widely among them. For example, the company's short-term goal of (30% increase in viewing within three months) is very different from the long-term goal of (promoting brand visibility in the electronic media over the next year).
The goals are written in the form of the building for information and use the actions of the movement with a clear meaning - non-interpretable - (eg, plan / write / increase / measure) instead of acts of ambiguous meaning (eg examine / understand / know etc).


Arrange the goals in your business plan using the Smart SMART method. This title is shortened by five words describing what you need in order to reach concrete and achievable results through your action plan.

Be specific. What will we do? And who? Identify the target group to be served and what specific actions you will take to help this sector of people.
Select measurable targets. Are these specific targets quantifiable? Do you appreciate the expense of results? Have you built a plan of action based on the goal (South Africa's health will improve in 2020)? Or have you been specific and have chosen a clear and measurable goal such as: (Will the proportion of AIDS-born children in South Africa drop by 20% by 2020)?
Remember that the baseline number must be set to measure the change. If you do not know the incidence of AIDS in newborns in South Africa, it will be impossible to say with confidence that the rate of infection will be reduced by 20%.
Set attainable goals "achievable". Is this goal possible to be completed within the allotted period and the possibilities available ?. Goals must be realistic and aware of constraints and barriers surrounding the work environment that may hinder their achievement. A 500% increase in sales is only possible if you are an emerging or small company. But a 500% increase in sales and your company is already dominating the market, which is almost impossible.
In some cases, it is necessary to refer to an expert to consult with him in determining whether or not the objectives set are achievable.
Set goals that are relevant to the underlying theme "Relevant". Will these goals affect the goals or strategy? Although the importance of measuring height and weight is generally important in health care matters for school students, do these measures directly affect your task of developing mental health care for students? Make sure that the goals and methods are clearly and clearly related to the underlying theme Which you work on.
Schedule "Time bound". When will these goals be achieved? And / or when will you know it has been made? Specify a definite time for the end of the project. Also, clearly state, if any, the results that would be achieved by reaching an early end to the project.
Describe the required capabilities. Include all the resources and capabilities you will need to achieve the project goals and objectives. The nature of resources varies depending on the purpose and nature of the work plan.

For business plans and organizations, resources may include: financial budget, staff, experts and consultants, buildings or rooms, books. You may list the detailed budget in the Annex, if the work plan is of a formal nature.
For academic and academic purposes, resources may include: The right to use various libraries / materials for research such as books, magazines, newspapers / computer, Internet access / university professor or any individual who can answer your questions about the subject.
Select constraints and obstacles. It means doing everything that stands in your way to achieve your goals. For example, if you are working on a school-based research sheet, you may find that the schedule is too busy to search and write properly. So, the hurdle may be, the crowded school schedule, and the solution is to leave some school classes during the semester in order to complete the work plan efficiently. (Planning is required if you take more than one difficult course during the semester.)


responsible person. Responsibility is critical to good work plans. Who is the person assigned to complete each task? There may be a team of people working on one mission, but one person is being questioned about how to work on that task and the need to end it on time.


Write your strategy. Strategy is the plan or direction followed to achieve the main or total goal. Take a look at the action plan and determine how you will be able to use the available resources and how to overcome the obstacles to reach the goals and objectives of the project.

Develop specific action steps. Select what you should do every day or every week to achieve your goals. Also take the steps required from the rest of your team. You can use project management software and applications or a personal calendar to keep this information organized.
Make a table. Do not forget that many unexpected things will happen, so leave space in your table for those snap additions.

If you plan your vote, make a vote for it?


That is a lot of business information to cover.
For anyone wanting to start a business. That is a big help for things to consider.


Thanks so much my friend Francesc
This is a plan for anyone who wants to open a business project successfully
Greetings to you and thanks for your comment and attention

Very practical and useful content Thanks for sharing

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