#freewriting - Not yet, but...

in #writing6 years ago

"Not yet", was the answer, "but you just wait and see I will be right."
About a year ago everything suddenly became different. So many did join Steemit with the idea to get rich by just posting something and joining some Discord group. It was also shouted out loud: the bitcoin would make it, be it, it would be the end of the money culture we were used to for such a long time. Bye, bye banks, governments, paying taxes.
At least 17.000 euro 1 bitcoin would be in December 2017. Well it became true, it was, suddenly people became a millionaire thanks to their investments in Bitcoin, but also strange things did happen. For example in Holland it was easy to buy, but if it came to sell it was impossible. All kind of excuses I heard (how come I think this was on purpose?).

Was this the beginning of a new "Golden Age" world wide?
At the start of the New Year 2018 everything became different. I hoped to earn a bit. If so it would be a great opportunity for my two youngest kids. They would be able to continue school. I heard about people taking a loan be able to invest. I did not. I invested the euros I could miss so there would be no need for me to cry or feel miserable about any lost. It turned out there was plenty to cry about this year. At a certain point I did not even check my investments any longer. That point arrived at the moment my investment was only worth 30% of what it once was.

By now it is already months ago I ventilated my thoughts about Bitcoin.
I did wait, I read all kind of opinions, I tried out some tips of "experts". I noticed what happened and made up my mind. The "blockchain", the Bitcoin was not and would be not, what was foresaw. I did not come to this conclusion because I am a negative person, but there was plenty of prove that it would end where it stands now.
I wonder how many people did invest with the idea to get rich, make a reasonable income with Bitcoin or Steem. I really hope those who did take a loan or even quit there job are able to pay it off. By the way: There is nothing wrong with hoping to make a great income. We all need it since our world is build on it.

This is my entry at the #daily-5-minute-freewrite. Prompt: not yet. If you like to join see @mariannewest and @freewritehouse.
The picture is made by me with my smartphone Samsung J5.

Posted using Partiko Android


Nice little house, let me know if you need any help fixing it up? 😇😜

On a more serious note, good article, one should never invest with "scared money", and Im not sure about loaning to buy crypto either, its kind of like taking a loan and heading to a casino to "double the money" or something... I did invest a lot of time into sniffing around and posting here on steemit, after one year, Im still not sure about using steemit like facebook, etc, I wouldn't post selfies here or my full name & location or anything like that...

I seen how the people who have been exposing themselves like that has been rewarded more, and they have been growing faster too...

But at the end of day we are a part of something that is challenging the establishment and people with endless pockets, and who knows what can happen in the future, it would be a bit naive not to expect that there might be a price to pay, before this before the "battle" is won...

But we will win... They can't suppress technology forever it's all ready out in the open...


Well I could use some help with this little house. The interesting thing about it is it looks terrible, but it is strong. You cannot simply kick it into pieces...

Technology will take over, no doubt, but the question is if we will like the end result. After I read your comment all these sf films popped up in my mind... technology took over, what was left was a high tech grey world (without banks indeed), but everything looked as if the world was rebooted too.
If.. I hope it will not be this way.

I am not sure if you earn more if you expose yourself over here, but I do know you need to join a group to be noticed and work hard. Even then it is not said you get upvotes. I just read this can be done automatically too. Which means the content is not upvoted because it is original or great, according to (some?) voters, but the person is.

If it comes to Facebook, Steemit will never take its place. It is completely different. I only.use mine to share content, but I cannot remember the last time I did post something over there. It is not the place for reading or posting content. If it comes to stay in touch I prefer whatsapp or viber.

Let's hope for the best. You never know.

Posted using Partiko Android


Cool so the house must have been very well built to begin with?

I think there will always be banks but they are going to have a different business-model thanks to blockchain tech or similar fin-tech, this will benefit the client more then the banks but C'est la vie.

People like to see faces and they want to see you and know more about you, so if you expose yourself more you become more like a virtual friend, you get more followers and more upvotes, the seamamals know this and sponsor these bloggers especially if they are attractive cause it brings more traction to the platform... I understand this and I agree that its smart.

But since everything here is saved in the blockchain forever, I am trying to focus on writing useful and funny blog articles, that are not centered on me, and more hopefully of some value to other people, I also like to comment, and read other peoples posts...

Teams didn't work out very well for me, so now I have "team recluse"...😅

And random friends that I chit-chat with and upvote and such, Im also always looking for new interesting users and content...

I was looking into private and more safe communication but I was reaching dead ends everywhere, but I hear good things about telegram? fairly decent privacy policy and encryption, lots of traffic...

Never tried it though...


Really like the photo you chose to accompany your write :)

Like you, I only invested what I could afford to lose, so not much, but still does hurt to see investment so low and what you could have bought with the money.

But, still, I think of it as a good investment if nothing more than saying, yes, I do believe in the power of the people and equality. All in all, bitcoin and the alt coins were (and are) a representation of an anarchist uprising, a rebellion against the unjust governing bodies and so even a battle that seems lost still feels a fight to move in the right direction.

I think the fight might be lost but the battle is not yet. People around me are buying way less new stuff. They share, borrow or... old things are fine too and suddenly popular called vintage. Clear is something will change. One working person can not take care of 3 families of 7 people, the governments can not continue scratching the skin of the backs. The real wealthy people are not paying, Shell for example does not pay taxes or anything, same with the dutch royal family...

Posted using Partiko Android

This was definitely not a good year, but there's still hope...
In the meantime, here is the new prompt:

I recommended this thought-provoking post in the @freewritehosuse contest this week. Great job, and you have me thinking now. I do, in fact, live off of steem for the most part, but it is not easy.


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