#freewriting - About a warrior, a vase and more

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

If you like to read what did happen earlier with the little warrior, monkey and the vase see HERE

"Temples are made with hands this vase was not and that black boxer looks like a junk to me", the little monkey whispered, "what kind of breed is he anyway and how come he is attractive to mosquitoes?"
"You think the vase is some kind of airplane, look at that weird bulb and the fire underneath it", the little warrior said.
"It is for sure not something one would use for camping", a soft voice behind them said.
The little monkey and little warrior both were frozen, just for a second, before they turned around.
"Who are you", the little warrior asked.
"Well", she said, "people label me as a crank, but you can call me as you like, but I am not gullible! At this moment I do exactly the same as you two, I spy... not at the sky, but the vase. How would you describe your frontdoor?"
"Basics made out of wood, but the goat ate my door and the warrior probably can't remember it", the monkey said. "Why?"
"Personally I prefer pasta way more", she said. "Did you two noticed any door at that vase", she asked. "The lizard and his boxer are suddenly gone."
"I think the boxer is a copy", the warrior said, "he did not recognize me at all.
How would you describe green", look at that grapevine!

This is my entry at the last #weekend-freewrite (I used 15 prompts) and the #daily-freewrites 416 (prompt: temples made with hands), 417 (prompt: crank), 418 (prompt: describe your front door). All prompts are written bold. For more information have a look at the next accounts: @mariannewest and @freewritehouse.

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And back as me :)

but the goat ate my door and the warrior probably can't remember it", the monkey said. "Why?"

this made me laugh out loud :)

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