#freewrite - We all got stuck in the...

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Winters are long, cold and wet overhere and most of all muddy!

If I hate something most of all it's the mud, I should say the shitty "mud".
Three till six months a year I have to walk through it. It is mainly shit... so muddy shit it is.

My neighbours are sheep.

About 300 or more and they are damaging the landroad and cover it with shit. I am the only one who needs to pass by.
If it rains it's even worse and I need to leave my car behind. I have to walk through mud and shit for about 3 miles, 4 times a day.

Of course my shoe got stuck in the mud and... I lose it!

It stays behind and I have to walk on bare foot (or even feet) back home. This is the lucky scenario of the situation over here. The worst scenario is: I fall down in the... mud, am covered with sheep and goat shit, drowning in it and nobody gives me a hand. Should I break a leg no doctor is able to get over here and I die, stuck in the mud just like my shoe(s), but who knows I might find a shoe back this way.

The picture is made by me with my Samsung J5 smartphone. I am a mobileblogger. What you see is a mountain of sheep shit! There are 2 at both sides of the road. If it starts raining my misery starts as well. This is my entry at @mariannewest and @freewritehouse and 5-minute-weekend-freewrite. I did choose the prompts: "my shoe got stuck in the mud", "sheep" and "a shoe". If you like to join as well, do have a look at the links mentioned above.

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That is a big pile of poo there! It certainly ain't a good experience walking through that...

Thank you for freewriting with us! Here's the prompt:- Day 394: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: primary.

Thanks again! With love and hugs.


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