In this New Year ...

in #writing6 years ago

When a year is coming to an end we propose many things, it is important to reflect and see ourselves from within, to be sincere and to recognize, everything is possible, and it is never too late to improve.


To being myself , in every instant of my life, regardless of the comments of others, I will not let them set limits to my spontaneity, I am valuable for being the way I am, I will let myself be carried away like sand on the beach, like dust in the wind, I will be blind to the fears of ridicule, I will stop being hypocritical with myself.

To consider the criticisms with kindness, thinking that maybe the other one saw something in me that I haven't been able to notice by myself. Really listen to every word that comes out of the other's mouth, somehow I am hearing a reflection of my own inner echo.

To visit the friend and the patient , even if I had nothing to bring him/her, because a hug and my company can make the difference forever. To share with friends, neighbors and interact with the people around me.

To loving myself , considering that the nearest neighbor is me, not allowing the super ego to overcome the battle against humility, not allowing others to harm what I am, a person of value, loving me will guarantee my love for others. A accept others as they are , remembering that nobody is perfect, appreciating the differences that make us unique and incomparable.

To learn something new every time I can , every day is a wonderful opportunity, let's leave the routine, the year has many days and it's never too late to start. Not to feel old , as if to start using it as an excuse to stop doing things, and not to feel so young , as if not to measure the consequences of my actions.

To recognize my weaknesses , in order to improve what I can and accept what is with sweetness and love for myself, also recognize my strengths so that when I am prey to my own demons I find in them the strength to lift me up.

To show more affection every time I feel something special inside of me, don't be inhibited by the strange thought that it's not the time, maybe grief, or the simple fact of what they'll say: Hugging, Kissing, Singing, Crying, Laughing, Jumping, Dancing, Running, and even Writing what I think and carry in my heart, among many other things.

To give with my soul and selflessly, to help as many as I can from my heart, I will not refuse to collaborate and give my support to whoever needs it, I will be as good as I want them to be with me. To be grateful , we live surrounded by small gifts, which I call visible and invisible gifts, we must always thank, it is the genuine reward that rises to the universe. To appreciate the beauty of life, of people's hearts, of nature, of everything that it can.

To see, hear and read "things" that nourish my soul, to get as far away as I can from what disturbs my thoughts and my heart.

To humbly accept my triumphs , remembering that just around the corner he is waiting for failure, and keeping me aware that what really matters are people. A accept failure as part of my life, to look around me well, perhaps I have overlooked the intangible beauty of the possible future, a child is born crying and is not the end, just the beginning of a long road.

To Listen my heart, take the time necessary to heal your wounds, as a baby with special care, such as the breeze, gentle... gentle.

To treat others as I would like to be treated , to respect and consider others regardless of the circumstances, to be kind even when I am in an unpleasant situation.

To sincerely forgive , we all make mistakes, our essence itself is learning, and the one who loves does not find it difficult to forgive, the very fact of having real and true love makes him see the situation differently.

To practice exercises to keep me healthy , remembering that years do not pass in vain and if I do not take care of myself physically and spiritually I will deteriorate faster.

To love with my soul that special person, and every time I feel that the fire of my passion diminishes, I will put my hands in the ashes and relive the flame that one day made me so happy.

To be optimistic, despite the situation in which I find myself, I will cling to a beautiful morning that lives in my thoughts, and I will walk towards it, even if the tears slide down my face because of the disappointment of the situation in my country, I will not allow that to change me for the worse, I will keep in mind that I am not alone and my greatest resource is my optimism and my constancy in everything I do.

To treat my children , with the maturity I want them to have, with the love I want them to give to others, with the nobility I want them to carry in their hearts and put into practice in every opportunity, with the joy I want them to show when they walk, with the rectitude I want them to have when they proceed, with the responsibility and constancy before the challenges of life, with the understanding we all deserve, with the value of life, with the spontaneity to show themselves as they are.

To not feel sorry for myself, belittling my immense value, to reject the victim attitude when I can act with greater maturity, to grow in adversity, and to recognize that I am not a hen, I am an eagle in full flight.

To not take "things" so to heart , perhaps reaching the bitterness or disappointment of expecting too much from others, recognize that everyone has their own way of being, having a good mood will make a difference.

I wish you with all my heart

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