The treasure at the end of the Rainbow-Twenty-four hour short story contest

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

How could she do this to him! "Fuck!" He yelled "Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!". he should have listened to his mother, she had warned him not to marry the god damn pixy. "You will regret it" she said "you are thinking with your manhood not your brain" she said. Oh the shame, the humiliation! He was regretting it alright, one look around the hollow log they called home made very clear who was in charge. Her things were everywhere clothes, feathers perfumes crumpled rose petals, while the pots and pans were collecting cobwebs. She did not cook, she did not clean, she never did anything really except hum her little tunes and leave stuff, stuff and more stuff !- And Pixie Dust!- it was everywhere covering everything in a thin blanket of good cheer he was not feeling at the moment. It got everywhere, it would even find it's way between his buttchecks. He had long given up trying to get rid of it, enduring the ridicule of his drinking buddies at the pub, who's snickers cut his very soul, each time he left trails of shiny when he walked and glitter trickled from his clothing with every movement. It had garnered him the nickname 'Sparkles"- Oh the shame! the indignity! But this, this went one to far "WHERE IS MY GOLD, WOMAN" he bellowed into the empty domicile!

Where the hell was it, had she traded it in for more hats, more trinkets? Or did she go gambling again? Just another one of her bad habits that was costing him more than his sanity. He let himself plummet on the dust covered sofa, clouds of sparkles filled the air making him cough. He hung his head, what was a Leprechaun without his gold? Was he even still a Leprechaun? It was the sex that had drawn him to her, it was spectacular, he had to admit. She was wild and uninhibited and pretty, oh so pretty. Leprechaun girls where all thick boned and smelled like cabbage he just could not find himself attracted to them, even though he had been a very eligible bachelor with an impressive pot of gold and could have had his pick of them, but no he chose the pixy.

"Where the hell was she anyway?" he thought; and just as he was about to go looking for her the front door opened and she marched in carrying a wild assortment of bags and packages, three mice and one toad in tow caring even more. “you can leave it here” she said pointing to an already overladen table. Then she turned to her husband, with a wide grin that made him forget all the frustration and anger he had been feeling just seconds ago. “Elfland had a sale” she said sheepishly as she let her loot fall to the floor. “I just couldn’t resist, can you forgive me ?” Her arms reached for him and he melted, pulling her into an embrace. “you will be the death of me woman” he said gruffly “I hope not” she whispered back. She dismissed the porters tipping them generously and it ended as it always did, with them in bed making love for hours. Later as he watched her sleeping form his gaze caught something in the corner of his eye. There it was his pot, half empty under one of her pink peignoirs. He sighed deeply. "It would replenish it self by weeks end" he thought, and who cared anyway "what was this Leprechaun without his wife".


Writing notes: Just as I was writing the first paragraph I realised that the deadline was already over days ago - LOL. But the story had already formed in my head the minute I had read the prompt so I decided to write it anyway and just submit it for peoples reading pleasure -Enjoy !


(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme)

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