Secrets of Scandinavian gods. The road of runes: answers on questions

in #writing7 years ago


One of the questions that is often asked about runes is the question of how to make predictions. Actually, the questions of fortune-telling are not the subject of this series of articles, but from the point of view of knowledge about runes, we consider it necessary to clarify it.

    Firstly, I must say that initially the rune predictions were made only by throwing. Several runes (how many the person took spontaneously) were thrown to the surface and a prediction was made.

    Today in books and on the Internet you can find a lot of rune layouts, from the most simple to very complex. It is necessary to say that all these layouts are borrowed from the Tarot, and with the Tarot they work much more precisely, which is explained by the fact that Tarot cards are more than runes, and multiplied by two positions in the scenario, they give a very rich palette of meanings. But we have only 24 runes and it is why really difficult to get a clear answer from them with the help of such layout.

    At the same time, the traditional method of throwing a rune gives a much more complete and meaningful picture. You can also ask by getting one to three runes from the bag (this method works well for questions that do not involve too much analysis of the situation).

    The method of throwing the runes is very simple: the fabric or special runic cloth is spread out. You, focusing on the question, pull the runes out of the bag (as much as it fell into your hand) - and without looking, throw them on the spread canvas. After that, you analyze the runes taking into account their position on the canvas and relative to each other. It is clear that such an analysis can be attributed to the category of art, and it is best to master it with the help of a teacher who owns this method. 

#1  ; #2 ; #3 ; #4 ;#5 ; #6 


Typical culture.....Yummy..

One of many others:)

good post

We have some similar in my country. But this time the runes are replaced with cowerie shells which the juju priest (ifa,dibia, etc), can only cast.

The difference in this is that the outcome of the coweries cast can only be determined by these priests who interpret the outcome of the divination based on the cowerie layout and some other mysterious knowledge only privy to the initiated.

Interesting to see a similarity in another continent. Interesting article 👍

Thank you! Very interesting to see such "runes"

I'll have to find a teacher, this type of insight is fascinating!

I'm glad you like it:)

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