Philosophy of Being. Soul#1

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Many people ask themselves where the soul is. It should be sought not in the physical body, but in the human consciousness. It is extremely important to have contact with your soul or in other words the Higher Self. For this it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​consciousness.

If you have thought about something, presented it, felt it, it will be your consciousness. It also includes what the person does not yet have the slightest idea: knowledge about different worlds, spaces, stars, planetary systems and life forms that inhabit them, about an infinite number of really existing worlds. The fact is that there is a single consciousness of the whole Universe, Universal Consciousness. It simultaneously belongs to every person or spiritual essence from other planets.

Consciousness of the Universe has its levels. They are best represented in the form of layers of a bulb. Under the outer thick, coarser layers there are thin and less noticeable inner layers. So our consciousness and all our reality, which can also be divided into external reality and inner reality, are arranged.

The external reality is the physical world that surrounds us. It corresponds to the most tangible and material layers of the Universal Consciousness.

The inner reality is our inner world, which we can feel through thoughts, emotions and subtle sensations and therefore it corresponds to the more subtle levels of the Universal Consciousness.

If you look from the outer, more familiar layers of consciousness to the more subtle inner ones, you can easily determine the location of our Higher Self.

Each layer, the level of consciousness has its designations, the so-called serial number, which corresponds to its features. A distinctive feature of each such level is the number of its dimensions.

So, the most manifested level of consciousness in which humanity feels itself is a three-dimensional reality. A feature of the three-dimensional level of consciousness is that here the different manifestations of the Universal Consciousness, which occupy different points in space, are clearly separated from each other. For example, at this level, our part of the Universal Consciousness is manifested in the form of a physical body. Thus, physical reality is like a map of the Universal Consciousness, its fixed mapping. And in this form it is very convenient for it to observe itself.

From the third level, it is best to trace the sequence of processes occurring at any level of consciousness. And for this there is such a category as time. It is clear that space and time are a significant limitation for everyone living in the third material dimension. But they are necessary for the Universal Consciousness to understand oneself.

The next, more subtle level of reality is the fourth. It can also be called information or the world of information. There are no rigid space-time distinctions in it. Time and space are united together, and therefore time becomes a new dimension, along with three other spatial dimensions. In our perception, this level is manifested through human imagination, thoughts, emotions. In this case, the fourth reality is not directly related to the three-dimensional one. It's like different spaces. After all, every person, if desired, is able to create his own imaginary reality, which has nothing to do with the physical world. And for those who have their body in the third dimension, the fourth level of consciousness can be called the level of creativity. It is here that information from the more subtle levels of consciousness descends and then a person can embody it physically through their actions. Since there are no spatial restrictions at this level, individualities can communicate together. For example, when two people exchange information, they create, as it were, a separate space on the fourth level of consciousness. In addition, all of humanity on Earth has a common information space, called the collective consciousness, existing on the fourth dimension. It can be argued that the entire human civilization is approaching the transition to the fourth level of consciousness. This is the level at which all of humanity will begin to communicate through a common information field.

To be continued…


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