How To Make It As a Freelance Writer If English Is NOT Your First Language

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

As I was saying in my previous article, it came to a point that I was really discouraged for a while, and I had to face the “Do or Die” question – which is the main theme of today's post: Can you make it as a freelance writer if English is not your first language? The answer is YES, YOU CAN!

I love writing. I ALWAYS have and that's why I created my own blog However, when I was starting my writing career, I kept thinking: “How I will make it as a writer for these English-language sites when English isn’t my native language?”

I can speak English, I can obviously write too, but “Hello,” I am not a native speaker. So what do we do in that case?  It’s true that if you don’t speak English nowadays, then you have a serious problem; in fact, you’re pretty much DOOMED.  

But what if English is your second or even third language? Can someone make it as a freelance writer in that case? 

When I was searching for an answer to that, I couldn’t help but think of how Arnold with his terrible English and even more horrifying accent, went on becoming the most successful bodybuilder ever, the highest-earning action star of all time, and the 38th governor of California. 

So before you say "NO CHANCE," think of Arnie!

But what does it take to make it as a freelance writer? Is it a perfect knowledge of English that guarantees success?  Some of the greatest and most influential writers of all time – such as Victor Hugo and Fyodor Dostoyevsky – couldn’t spell their names in English, yet they influenced generations of readers. 

If you have talent and determination, then you CAN succeed, no matter where you come from. But before you force the world to translate your writings into forty-five languages to be read by millions, read my best advice for those who want to break in to the competitive world of freelance writing (Steemit included).  

Be Humble and Willing to Learn EVERY DAY   

We writers (and artists in general) tend to be a little too arrogant and narcissistic with our work. We tend to believe that we have the talent, the rights genes, and the right heritage to make it.

I don’t care if you come from the same country Homer came from, or if you were born at 23 Rue de Sévigné in Paris – and you’d better believe that the editors WON'T care either.  And NO, I am not talking about THIS Homer. 

You’re NOT Homer or another Proust, and until you become one (as if), you’d better practice your English. Let’s be realistic; there’s no way you will ever make it as a freelance writer unless you have a good knowledge of the English language. 

Some people will tell you that Russia and China are taking over, and soon we will all have to speak Mandarin and Russian, and that’s fine.  But until that happens, if you are hoping to be published in the next week or month, please make sure that you can write well and make sense in English.       

Select Topics of General and Global Interest   

It’s quite an achievement for your pal Fabio to break the record for most slices of pizza eaten in one night at Mario’s Pizzeria, but I’m not quite sure that Bob in Idaho would care much about such an accomplishment. Don’t take this the wrong way, you should be proud of your city and country, but in the GIGANTIC Web World you need to touch on matters that will be interesting on a world-wide scale. 

Factors such as nationality, race, and religion should never capture your work and take it prisoner. You need to think smart, and that means you need to think like a citizen of the world, not a citizen of your town.  

Are you from Greece and want to write something about YOUR country? That’s fine, but just make sure you don’t focus on how many ouzos your buddy Nikos drank last night.  Instead, write about the ten most influential philosophers of ancient Greece for example.  With such a subject, you’ll get the chance to see your country represented, while Bob from Idaho might be interested in learning something of value too. 


You can write about traveling, cooking, sports, gadgets, comics, history, politics, arts, movies, music – or even all of these combined (if you’re a Lex Luthor kind of genius), but be sure to do the best possible research. 

Research is what gives prestige and credibility to your writings, so never underestimate it. Remember: you need to show off your work in the best way possible. Research FIRST, then write.   


Editing seems to be the biggest obstacle for many foreign writers. Think about it like this: You have a kind of “disability” since your English is not great, so you need to do the best possible editing. There are people who drive without arms, and paint (some masterpieces, too) with their feet, or write books in spite of being blind – so you can write a good article even if English is your second language. 

Everyone has an English dictionary. Open it.  Even if you don’t have one, you can still find free English dictionaries online.

Get Your Writing in Front of the Public Regularly

There are plenty of paying platforms out there (including Steemit) waiting for you, but are you ready? Other than you, who else has read your writing and found it fantastic, or at least decent? Are you an honest critic of your writings? Don’t you want to test the waters?  

My advice is that before you submit your writing to a paying website, you should first post in free websites to see what other people think of your command of the English language, your prose and writing style in general. Create your own blog if you have to. 

Just REMEMBER one thing; the opinion of others matters to a certain degree, but DON'T  let a few comments make or break you. Keep what you think is useful and positive from the feedback, and then move on. 

Good English is Vital in the Querying Process   

Here we have a truly childish mistake that many foreign  – and not only – freelance writers make. You have to realize that when you are emailing editors to PITCH your idea, you are writing to professionals who make their livings at this, and you are basically demanding that they buy your work because, in your opinion, it’s worth money. 

So the way you approach the whole thing should be professional and written in GOOD English. Your pitch email is like a first date. It’s your first impression, and your passport to getting published. 

Make a GREAT impression; be as clear and concise as possible; and most of all, prove that your English is good enough for them to trust you.  

Maintain a Good Relationship With the Editor   

Regardless of how demanding editors may be, you need to develop a decent relationship with them, if you want to work or write for a certain website. Think of them as whales or big dolphins on Steemit

Some editors may seem indifferent or even offensive (there are a few ASSHOLES out there), but there will always be good and helpful editors too. Try to learn and improve your game. Do Not try to outsmart them, or show them that you are more educated than them (which you may be). It won't lead you anywhere!


Conclusively, my advice to any would-be writer is to give it a shot. You have nothing to lose. Just make sure that your writing is worthy of payment. If your articles look good, their sites/platforms look good too. It’s teamwork. 

My very last advice to you is to work hard and NOT BE JEALOUS of other writers! Being envious or jealous of more successful or higher-earning writers than you won't do you any good; TRUST ME! Look up to people you secretly admire (that's what jealousy is all about after all) and try to learn from them. 

Just DON'T copy their style though! Keep working hard and you never know what will happen tomorrow. You could be the NEXT hottest thing in the writing industry for all you know ;)


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What an excellent piece @tkappa!

Not only is the article aesthetically high-class, but the style, clarity and tone absolutely superb! I personally like digesting a text when there's enough time. thus, I write, re-read and reorganize sentences, change words, add up descriptive adjectives and adverbs to lively up the strength of the text. Your advices are all on point, thank you, it was a brilliant and an entertaining read.

Upvoted 100%, resteemed and shared!

Namaste :)

Thank you VERY MUCH @eric-boucher. Your support and good words means a LOT to me! Really!!!

Namaste :)

How beautiful and helpful article brother, I think young Non-native English speaking writers will love it 😀!!!

Thanks sis ;)

Very good approach.
I especially like the think-global thesis. Also I think that one has to make his best effort to be really good. " Αριστεια" or excellence is the key..

That's the spirit @tikotiko. Taking GREAT pride in your work and working HARD for it, will eventually bring αριστεία! Ιf you are doing it for yourself first (and NOT money), it will eventually bring you a lot of money and fame. If not, still you made yourself happy and that's richness too ;)

"Be Humble and Willing to Learn EVERY DAY "

But, but, but............isn't it easier to just buy a lottery ticket once a week and dream for six days?

LMAO....Third day in a row your humor makes me go like....

Hahaha, 😊

I would still go for learning the English language

This is a much needed posting and set of suggestions for those interested in the English blog editions. I work with many affiliates from around the world and this is a prevalent issue as well. Nice job tackling it.

Thank you very much @kyusho. Your last post is very interesting as well. I just finished reading it now actually :)

Well done and great tutorial! I agree that editing meticulously is imperative. English is my first language and I still downloaded the free version of Grammarly. I picked that tip up from a journalist.

Thank you very much for the compliments @steem-samiam :)

And yep, Grammarly is GREAT! A good 80% of the websites I have written/worked for are using it!!!

Stellar write up, and a great share for all our ESL Steemmates! Well done :)

Thank you so much you GORGEOUS @arbitrarykitten ;)

Thanks Kappa <3

Great post and great advices

Thank you :)

My pleasure. My first language isn't english but i too have followed what you have advised and trust me i got a fruitful result. I think your advice is gonna help greater number of people here

Your English compete those of native speakers. What are you talking about!!!

Well, not really but I am humbled with your compliment brother :)

There is nothing impossible for a man if he is obsessed with his dream. Work, hard work, striving for success, practice and diligence can create a miracle. I speak Russian ( I doubt that this is the language which will cover the whole world, it's too complicated), to practice English I started recently, here in Steemit. But it is not as difficult as it seems. In the 21st century, when there are many translators and online learning sites, it is quite realistic to learn to Express their thoughts beautifully in English. «Viam supervadet vadens»

Being "obsessed" with hard work will make your dreams come true :)

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