The Survivor Episode 2 (Original Story)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

As the winds picked up a Tornado appeared on the horizon, I snapped a picture and scurried back down the alley way. Just outside of an opened shop back door stood my old friend waiting for me to come inside. I didn't even think about what might await me inside that door but soon I would see the lavish buffet before me as my friend off me a plate and let the door close behind me.

 Looking around the room I saw several prominent figures from the community. The Mayor sitting across from the big time car dealer's owner. I saw the maserati and the ferrari he was driving last week and was fawning over it. Snapping back from my daydream and taking my seat I settled down to listen to a man in a suit and tie who was just starting to speak and he rose to stand. "Hello everyone, and thank you for coming on such short notice." He began to talk with a stern and sincere voice. The attention of everyone in the room was honed in on the single person as their voice boomed through the room. As he continued one thing was for certain. The entire world as I knew it had just changed. So much was rushing through my head and so many things were beginning to make sense.

 One thing was clear, we had to go. The city was no longer safe and the reason for the meeting was only fate from what I could tell because there was no way I was meant to be there by anyone's personal planning. As I said goodbye to my friend we were split up into groups in the room and then we were pushed down hall ways and given suitcases that were heavy. As we were told to not open the suitcases we were hurried into vans and as the tires squealed down the tunnels for what seemed like an endless journey. I realized we were far under the city. As one of the vans started to steam and smoke in front of us it kept driving until it burst into flames. We could hear the screams of the people as we saw several figured running away from the burning wreckage. Wondering what would happen to them as we continued on our journey a sudden sleep suddenly gripped me as I started to drift off I noticed the steam that was seeping into the cabin of the vehicle. With all my might I looked forward to see a foggy gas masked man looking at me from the passenger front seat window.... Sleep, it took me unwillingly and my thoughts spun before falling into slumber....


this gives me chill! nice story :) I also started writing fiction.

Thank you for the encouragement. I love to write and thought I would start sharing as I wrote. I hope you continue to enjoy the series! :)

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