Being Kind In The Face Of Hate

in #writing6 years ago

Okay, hate might be too strong. It can be replaced with scoldings, anger, frustration, dissatisfaction towards you. And I don't mean you personally, depends on how you take it in.

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I work in the Customer Care department in a cybersecurity company. When I told my friends that I work in Customer Service line, immediately I get responses like

That's a really tough job!
You must be really patient
Huh? Why that kind of job?

So I get mixed responses as you can see. But what does it really mean to me, as a customer service engineer herself? I'd like to highlight the one really important point here, it is TOUGH and REWARDING.

Tough is just one side of the story that most customer service engineers focus on or maybe they just can't see the rewards behind it.

Why is customer service tough?

Simply because we work when there are problems. Customers dislike problems, they call us with anger, frustration, disappointment, dissatisfaction and anxiety and direct all of those to the person on the other side of the phone, which is me.

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Imagine me like your teddy bear. When you're angry you punch the bear, when you're nervous you'll tell everything to the bear, and when you're frustrated you want to tear apart the bear. The bear had to accept everything from you and still kept quiet. The bear is always there for you to release and express yourself. But the only difference is, the bear is dead and I am alive.

That's why it's tough but sadly, most customer service staff do not see the rewards behind those toughness and customer's emotions. But once you try to see it, you'll create meaning at your workplace. I've seen several rewards and in this recent true story, I will show you what I've created.

Last week, I have received a call from a customer called Sarah (not real name). when I first heard her voice, she was gasping and breathing heavily. In an annoyed tone, she told me her problems.

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I checked her records and she had a case with me before, but I was afraid to admit it was me who handled her previous case because I screwed up. I was afraid of her scolding me for screwing up her previous case. Now, she is back because of my mess. Every inch of my cells is telling me to run away from this predicament because I'm simply afraid. She sounds very angry and wants an immediate solution. I'm so scared I failed to think logically. I almost gave in to my instincts until I steel myself and said "You know what, I must clean up my mess. I am willing to start again from scratch and help her."

I gave permission to myself to be willing to start again and solve it once and for all.

I created courage in me and told me "I'm sorry Sarah, the renewal you did last time was unsuccessful. Please -" And she interrupted me. She wasn't trying to listen at all. As if, she wants to channel all of her frustrations out and the recipient is, unfortunately, me. Then the call was cut off. "She hung up, I guess. Well, it's normal because I'm telling her a truth that she doesn't want to believe." I went the extra miles and email for follow up asking her to renew again. As a token of apology, I offered her a cheaper price for the same subscription however that can be done only after the payment is made.

She replied,

Why should I trust anything you have to say?

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say to her.. What should I do?? I took a long time to think, what's the next best course of action? Should I let her go or keep her? Then something crossed my mind, compassion practice by Vishen. I did exactly what Vishen did before he goes on stage.

And this is what I've replied,

I understand it is difficult for you to trust me after everything you've gone through with us.
My objective here is to help you and I've promised you a refund of xx.xx$. This information is recorded clearly in the email which I believe will give you better reassurance.
However, if you choose not to trust me, I totally understand where you're coming from. For this case, I suggest you look for other providers.
Thank you for your time.

I've decided to be genuine, to express my intention that all I wanted to do is to help her. If she still doesn't want help, I'll gladly let her go. I gave her a choice.

Her reply was unexpected. She made the purchase! Somehow, something I've written gave her trust and she purchased! I don't know what has gotten into her, but maybe, just maybe she sensed me authenticity through the email. This made me feel grateful for my choice, compassion is power. So what Vishen did that I did, you asked?

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It's simple and magical. I closed my eyes and imagined the person I love the most. I can feel my intense love for him, and that intense love is symbolized by a ray of light. That ray of light emanated from my heart and reaches his heart, eventually enveloped his entire body. The warm, soft and gentle light was then spread to an imaginary Sarah. I felt the same feeling of love to Sarah.

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This practice has intensified my intention to help her and reverting myself to love Sarah as a person, regardless of how she has treated me. I felt like I am connected to her and be more willing to accept what she said and will say. It's like my heart has opened and no longer tied to ego, a feeling like none other.

I am happy for this predicament has enabled me to discover the magic of this practice and the power of compassion.

Give it a try and do it on anyone, your loved ones, colleagues, friends and even strangers.

What did you realize?

@tifaong writes simple and positive practices and ideas that you can learn (or re-learn) and apply in your life immediately. She covers life lessons, self-help, relationships, and motivational contents. Her mission is to spread positivity so that we can live a happier, fulfilling life.

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Compassion and kindness make our lives beautiful, instead of absorbing the poison you simply transmute it into something incredible that helps both the customer and you. I am glad people like you exist in customer service, thank you.

Hey @eugenekul, you're absolutely right and you've just said something really simple but dearly valued by all customer service humans. Thank you for your lovely words, you just made me feel it's worth everything to be kind and compassionate :)

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