Emergency at the morgue!

in #writing6 years ago

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It is not the first time that a homeless person dies in our service, the "Mister that" had been brought in poor condition by one of his companions and being alone in street situation, we all knew what would be the outcome.

The newspapers gave notice several days later that he was still on the premises, hoping that someone would come to recognize his body and take it to give him a dignified funeral. But that never happened…

The days went on, and we had really forgotten that lifeless body that remained in the morgue, until it began to be rumored that if no one came to claim it soon would end "exploding".

In principle it was a joke for some "Dude , you are lonelier than the Mister That" Others sympathized or felt a bit of pity. After all, the service staff that attended was dedicated to him during the seven days he was in his care.

The days continued to pass…

The rumors were getting more intense and this time the possibilities were real, the hospital – like many in the country – is not in a position to keep stable and avoid the breakdown of a body for so many days. Currently, only air conditioners in 2 of the 7 operating theatres are operational, to name a few. It was to be expected that the refrigerators in the morgue would be bad for us.

That Thursday morning I was checking on a pregnant patient when the head of security came of a slam – These guys don't respect – I thought, but very kindly I told him that there were women without clothes in that area and that I thanked him to please retire.

When I looked at him i noticed that wore a face mask and barely could understand the following words: "I'm sorry, but we're evacuating the hospital... The Lord that blew up"

After more than 72 hours without proper refrigeration, his body had finally reached the highest degree of decay and had "exploded" as a pollution bomb.

In five minutes the halls of the hospital had been desolated, all the people who had come for something that was not a strict emergency had been evacuated. The birth room, the emergency room, and the surgical and recovery areas are a few meters from the morgue, so the births were attended in makeshift rooms, the surgeries were postponed and the strict emergencies we had moved to the place Farther to the morgue, the auditorium.


They prohibited us to use the phones, so this was the only picture that I could take to the corridor that leads to the morgue with the door communicating with the emergency area locked.

Despite everything, the hospital is the largest in the area, and the closest with the capacity to accommodate our patients while we solved our issue is at least two hours away.

The hospital looked like the scene of any zombie movie. The entrances had been blocked, the auditorium full of patients had the appearance of an improvised collection center, all the staff used masks, the relatives of the patients had panicked, the time passed very slowly and the smell had begun to Spread.

Finally four were made, my shift was over and I could finally come home to disinfect me. However, the deep and large bath did not erase the doubts about what would happen to the hospital after that crazy day. Rumors as always soon arrived, they talked about the cleanliness they should do was so deep that the hospital should be closed for at least a week. Others said it had been contaminated so much that they would have no choice but to close it, and there were even those who bet that the director would be dismissed and imprisoned for such poor management.

It came the next morning and there was still no official statement about what would be the destination of the hospital, so against my common sense I decided to approach to see what had happened like any normal day.
I was almost as surprised as the day before with what I witnessed when I arrived...

It was the quietest and most ordinary Friday that my eyes had ever observed.. Patients waited for their consultation, babies were born as if nothing in the births room, and at least three appendices were removed in the O.R. Astonished, I had no choice but to follow the majority and return to my activities…


As if it had been the product of my idle imagination, the emergency in the morgue has not been mentioned again, but things did not stay that way... Or not?


wow amiga!... Admiro el trabajo que haces, tanto tu como los muchos médicos que aun a pesar de no contar con las mejores condiciones siguen en el país, ayudando a las personas. Espero de verdad que todo pueda mejorar pronto y podamos contar en los hospitales con un servicio asistencial de calidad.

Se hace lo que se puede con lo que se tiene a la mano, por el bien de la gente espero también que todo siga mejorando. Gracias por la visita a mi post amiguita.

Que triste realidad. desde muy temprana edad e jugado juegos donde los zombies invaden y destruyen todo. por primera vez veo que la realidad los zombies si existen pero no son muertos si no vivos que ante tal magnitud de crisis que vivimos siguen deambulando por las calles, haciendo lo que hacen siempre intentar sobrevivir, todos siguen como si nada pasara, como si todo esto fuera normal. apenas cumplas con tu deber en este hospital no vuelvas mas, no seas una zombie.

Para nada, a pesar de todo lo que se vive la gente sigue adelante y trabaja para ayudar en lo que pueda a las personas que acuden. Ninguna de las personas tiene la culpa de lo que está ocurriendo y estamos para disminuir la cantidad de zombies siempre que se pueda.

keep going ! :p

Wow @ths! This does sound like something from a zombie movie! Your image from 'The Walking Dead' caught my attention immediately. That must have been dreadful for you to work through! Have they since been able to disinfect and clean the hospital?

Yes, but not in the best way because they don't have all the means for that and the heat keeps on being horrible! Thanks for visite my post dear Jenni<3

I hope it gets better for you there, my friend! I know the heat must make the smell unbelievable!

Haha is this post about morgue? Or Dead people?)) Upvote without reading!)

You have to read iiit!! hahahahha it's a story about dead people in a morgue 👻

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