The Black Mirror Analogy: Telling the Untruths

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Have you seen this show called Black Mirror?


It shows a very dark side of technology and internet. Like, a really dark side. After each episode I felt so damn scarred that it’s hard to put into words. There was this episode called “Nosedive” which was peculiar in it’s own twisted way.

In it they show a world where your rate (i.e a rating that society gives you by seeing your uploads, your posts etc.) is sort of what defines your income or your standard.


For instance, if you’re a 4.1 rated person you cannot get a first class ticket last minute, get an advanced cancer treatment or buy an apartment in a nice locality. It is a world where everyone always pretends to be nice to each other, especially in front of people with a very social rate. Just so they can get a nice rating from those influential people. Lives of people in that world is a lie basically. Nobody is themselves, always smiling, pretending to be someone who they are not. Their lives are spent on their phones at all times.

That episode resonated with me because I feel like our generation is very well on that path where human interaction will be nothing but a pretention and we will all be living a life where other people’s approval will dictate our lives. I love Steemit as it functions as an outlet to my feelings and I have met some amazing people through this platform. However, I have noticed vague niceness of many for sake of upvotes.


Everyone trying to look and be their best, and for what? None of this is real if you’re not being honest. Maybe that’s why we all do it, maybe it’s an escape route, maybe for everyone it’s a parallel universe where everything is alright. Perhaps it’s all business and this is how things work in the money market, but this is how it begins: we start to lose sight of the fact that this attitude will eventually consume all other parts of our lives. Professionally or personally it’ll all reduce to a giant play where it’s all big smiles and an act, the only difference is that the curtains on that play won’t ever close.

Dark right?

Written by @things, 2017 and edited by @sjennon. All rights reserved.


Just imagine you can't smile because you feel so bad, you get downvoted and your reputation sinks down to -1000. You get a low rating and can't even get food or maybe even water or fresh air, and are sucked to a black hole by a black mirror.

Why That was very vivid and if we were in fact living in such a world it would be very very possible. Giant whales would control the fate of everyone and social media would become our identity. While some of them could make someone’s life some of them would definitely be assholes. I cannot imagine a fate worse for mankind.

They should make a whole season based off ep 1 of season 3.. So good

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