Milo Yiannopolous & the Death of Political Correctness

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

All hail Queen Milo, “the most fabulous supervillain on the internet!”


As a longtime fan, I've been following Milo Yiannopolous's rise to political infamy since his work with Breitbart and his efforts against feminism (not to be confused with gender equality but rather, the man-hating, victimization movement it's come to be known as today) and the mythical “wage gap.”


A gay Jew from the U.K. with a preference for black men, Milo isn't afraid to speak his mind as he stands as a strong advocate of America's right to free speech, which has lately been undermined in our country due to the culture of “political correctness;" a trait so engrained in our day-to-day lives that one can no longer say what they want/intend without fear of retribution from Social Justice Warriors (SJWs).

“Political correctness used to be a particular way to think and speak in order to demonstrate to everyone around just how good of a person you are...The new brand of political correctness, popular on college campuses and social media, is the idea that no speech should exist that directly challenges politically correct ideas.”—Yiannopoulos, Milo. Dangerous (202-203).

Armed with a no fear, come-what-may attitude and a big “fuck you” to whoever stands to oppress others' right to free speech, Milo so eloquently shuts down his opponents with countless facts and well-supported data in a gracious display of information-based arguments that claim victory over his preys' emotional woes. Wanna see what I'm talking about? Check him out here real quick:

What I admire most about Milo are not only his political views and ruthless attitude, but also his ability to skillfully debate in a manner that makes it look almost like a graceful form of art. Every word that comes out of his mouth seems like a well-calculated, strategic jab backed by enough forceful data to endure endless scrutiny and withstand the test of time. This has gained him the likes and support of key prominent public figures such as Joe Rogan, Mike Cernovich, Alex Jones, and Stefan Molyneux to name a few.

That said, I was more than excited to pre-order and purchase his recently released book Dangerous. Originally set to be published by Simon & Schuster, Inc., Milo received an advanced payment of $250,000 to write the book, which was later canceled due to false accusations of pedophilia (and which also ended his career with Breitbart).

But after an explosive rise and recovery from the ashes, his announcement of plans to self-publish Dangerous boosted him to the #1 spot on Amazon's Best Sellers list; surpassing the likes of Chelsea Clinton and Mark Levin.

I'm currently only about 10% into the book, but so far it's been amazing! His unapologetic writing style both enriches your outlook (by offering a fresh perspective of society/the world) and also provides an abundance of entertainment value through his classic, satirical Milo tone.

Media in today's day and age has been oversaturated with fake news and hidden agendas, which are delivered to the masses by incomplete reporting and out-of-context stories. Thus, the need for truth is absolutely IMPERATIVE! Consequently, the likes of public figures such as Milo, Cernovich, Alex Jones, and others are leading the charge in this endless search for honesty, without the need to always remain politically correct.

“Truth, like freedom, must be fought for in every generation.”—Yiannopoulos, Milo. Dangerous (293).


this is one of my favorite bits... “You shouldn’t give a shit about skin color, you shouldn’t give a shit about sexuality, you shouldn’t give a shit about gender, and you should be deeply suspicious of the people who do.”:

Powerful stuff right there, thanks for sharing! "You should be focusing on what unites people, not what drives them apart."

Here's another quote from his book: "Identity politics is universally attractive [to the Left] because it enables failures and weaknesses to be spun as the products of oppression and historical injustice. Personal responsibility is removed from the equation."--Yiannopoulos, Milo. Dangerous (485-487).

agreed, another great little tidbit! he's got quite a few of them! here's one more for ya:

"Humor isn't alienating, like the left would like you to believe that it is. Humor brings us together. No one can control what makes you laugh, and they hate that. Laughter is the most powerful political weapon you have." - Milo Yiannopoulos

What are the acceptance of people of Milo?

Cikxaijen Upvoted this post

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I think Milo is a clever and funny enfant terrible, who knows how to play social and not so social media. He almost crashed though with this pedophilia thing but was lucky to overcome it. I guess, life would be more boring if he hadn´t. I don´t know, if you are old enough to remember that there was a time when the leftists were the rebels and did shocking and revolutionary stuff, always challenging the status quo. Now it´s more some guys from the right, providing some serious entertainment while the left seems to be in need to defend the status quo.

You're absolutely correct, the pendulum has swung. I had never heard of this guy until this post and after watching a few of his videos I have to say i'm impressed with his sincerity. He genuinely enjoys the tough questions, although I'm sure he's usually preaching to the converted.

Personally, I'm completely apolitical but I always tend to fight for the underdog. I believe that society should seek balance.

Brexit and the election of the Trumpster are an endless source of amusement for me. I think the democratic party really screwed themselves choosing Hilllary over Bernie and the American people collectively said FU when they voted in the Trumpster.

I'm from South Africa, so I'm not really affected by this in any way, I'm only learning about American politics because I watch the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, because he's also from SA. I know it's HEAVILY left wing, but as I said, it's for the comedy, not the news.

I'm glad you've finally been made aware of Queen Milo ;)

I believe that society should seek balance.

I completely agree! The radical Left seems to be reacting in a careless, hypocritical manner with the media turning a blind eye towards their violent behavior. As an American living outside of all this chaos, I completely empathize with your stance in viewing it from a distance for the entertainment value hahaha this country has become an absolute $H!TSHOW!!!

Thanks for the post, this guy is totally switched on. You simply can't have freedom of speech and political correctness. I also recommend this video, from a lady who actually changed her perspective. It's interesting to note how her film was removed from theatres even though she's a woman.

I remember when this movie first came out! I had no idea her film was removed, thanks for sharing :) Will check the clip out now.

You offer some great perspective along with some interesting content...followed! Btw I hope you enjoy the @randowhale vote I've just sent you ;)

Thank you so much! And thanks for the interesting post.

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Awesome introduction to Milo here. The debate in that video is really eye-opening. Milo handled it so well! The other two, well...

Thanks :) Yeah he's a genius! Utterly amazing to watch

I can't say I've heard of him before I read you post, pare, but if you regard him so highly, then he's definitely worth checking out! Awesome story about his self-publishing success. It's too bad that he had to go through accusations like that, but his ultimate success is a testament of his fortitude. Great of you to share your thoughts about him here :D

Thanks pare! Yeah not only is he intelligent, but super entertaining too hahah :) You definitely won't regret checking him out :)

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