in #writing6 years ago

I once made a full-length feature film, based on a novel that I had written and turned into a screenplay.

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Ok, I didn’t actually write the novel.

The story was mine, and the intention was there, but the actual writing of the thing never happened, because I realized that the time I would have spent writing the book could have been time spent on filming the movie version, so I skipped over the book-writing part.

It wasn’t necessarily laziness that kept me from writing my book, it was the realization that I had limited time to work on my idea, and writing, editing and publishing a book was bound to eat up all of that time.

By skipping the book, I had plenty of time to work on my film. The idea was to draw the scenes out in a storyboard so that my film crew could easily see how to capture my story, so that while the movie-makers were preparing to film the scenes, I would be writing the script, perfecting the flow of the words that would enhance the pictures.

Ok, I didn’t actually draw out the storyboard.

There was just no time! I could have scribbled out something quickly, of course, and the expert film crew that I was going to hire could have easily decoded my scribbles, but I hadn’t come up with a good opening scene for the movie, and kept getting stalled on that first frame.

It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times.

I struggled with that opening scene in my head for hours, and each good idea was followed by a better one, so that I didn’t dare start work on the project. It would be silly-- I thought-- to begin filming a scene when a better one was due to pop into my imagination any second.

Great ideas would dance past, and while I admired them, a superb notion would sweep into the scene, obliterating the previous ones with it’s grandeur.

Stalled again, I began to feel the frustrations of the film industry. Time was ticking away, and I had filmed nothing, drawn nothing, and written nothing. Movie making is hard!


The solution to my dilemma was elusive, but finally, beat and disgusted, I resolved to get my movie idea out into the world quickly-- out of my head-- so that I could get on with my life, and maybe even pursue other interests.

Ok, I didn’t actually get my movie idea out of my head and into the world as planned.

Things came up, and there were circumstances that prevented me from fulfilling my dream of making a movie. Having been kicked to the side so many times, my idea had become skittish, and began hiding from me in the shadowy corners of my mind, afraid of me, and afraid of being rejected again.

I felt a twinge of pity for my movie idea, and realized that I had been hard on it, with my expectations always exceeding the abilities of the story, and always my desire to make something great would squash any potential progress, as I wanted perfection.

Ok, I didn’t actually make a full-length feature film.

I thought about it, but after struggling with the logistics of the whole thing, and realizing that I had no budget, no film crew, no script and no story, the troublesome project finally transformed into a whole new idea.

At last, I stood up, then sat back down. I had made a decision, and with some excitement, I began work on the new idea.

I would write a post about writing a story, and trying to turn that story into a movie, and in the post I would go over the reasons why the film never happened, and why the story was never started.

This is that post.

Coming soon to a theater near you, the film about this post-- you won’t want to miss it!


click @therealpaul for more


Even though this cracked me up, I definitely wish you had made a movie, I know I'd watch it! Especially if you cast yourself :)

I did make the trailer, that little comedy bit for my Koko monster story (already made a post or two about it too, still milking that story here!)

lolz ;0)

Ha! I actually co-produced a full length movie with local Arkansas talent. Maybe we should collaborate!

That's all I need, is a producer or two, or I might have to save up my STEEM and become executive producer. ;)

Wow, sounds great!. When ever you will be able to do the great work, please remember me too, as I would like to play a character in your movie.Hope you are doing great friend.

I kept meaning to reply to this but got busy again. Yes, we can find a part for you in the movie. Hope you are doing well.

How can I doing well, without getting your sweet reply. But now I am happy after getting this. Have a great day friend.

There was something maniacally funny and referential in your post. How all the mental process went from I can't do this but I shall do this but I can't do this and I shall do this. Now looking forward to hear about you writing a story.

I did eventually make a movie trailer for my story, as if there was a movie, starring me, of course, and featuring some of my music:

cinematographic! You should have done the real movie. Or you could still do it, in another key.
No regrets!

Are you me? This is how I feel about most of my projects. You know, I once wrote an amazing app for the Steem blockchain...

No I didn't.

I'm sure the app is fantastic, and I'm guessing that it gets better every time you nearly think about actually writing it. Keep it up!

Hi therealpaul,

Good to use your imaginations though even though realistically you decide not to make movie but you had the movie scenes in your mind.

Nice sharing with us.

It really is a good movie, maybe I'll make it someday with STEEM, or just keep making posts about how I haven't made it yet.

When u get richer with Steem, make the movie later on, why not.

Unrivaled writing sir @therealpual. I earnestly waiting for the movie.

I keep waiting for the movie too, I might have to actually make the thing after all.

good movies, good pictures, your writing efforts so guidelines for me, thanks for sharing, @therealpaul.

this movie is very amazing I really like. hopefully this film many as much as his fans

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