Strange Phone Pics, Plus 5 STEEM to my Next Follower for FunsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago

5 STEEM, no questions asked, to my next follower. Easy to play, and includes a tidy crypto-exchange wherein 5 STEEM will appear in my next follower's wallet.

What It Is

The reason to follow this page is that this is where to examine the smoke-and-mirrors of things like Hollywood Magic and Disney Programming, mass media of all kinds, and to reveal their connection to the public's imagination. Here is where I intend to expose it all through fiction, parody, cartoon and satire. A work in progress, but that seems to be the general theme so far. I also post lots of my artwork here and it shows up in various ways; sometimes surrounded by parable, and other times just for some silliness, for the fun of it.

Strange Phone Pics

Meanwhile the other point of this post concerns strange phone pics, so then here we go with that, and these images will be used to make a point: that there's a lot of fake stuff in the world being presented as real, and real stuff being dismissed as fake.

A Dragon!

A Hoax! An obvious fake. This is a low-budget operation here, but besides that, this image was supposed to make a point somehow.

This little dragon is made of Sculpy, which is a modeling clay that is molded and then baked in an oven for a bit to harden. I first bent a wire into a frame, like bones, shaped into his head, legs, spine and tail. The wings are paper. Then I formed the clay around the chassis, and added details. The fine beaded skin effect was created by pressing a thimble into the soft clay. After baking, I painted the wings, scales and eyes with acrylics.

Why so grainy and out of focus? So that it's hard to tell how fake it is. A flashlight is pointed not quite on the dragon, attempting an air of un-staged spontaneity for the image.


The impulse to make fake things appear real goes way back in history through art and stage magic of all sorts. No matter what the cause of the impulse is, there are now media organizations with huge production budgets constantly presenting fake things as real, while the internet has forced others to present real things as fake, to twist and obfuscate perceptions of everything.

In all of the confusion, I'll create an oasis here, where the finest propaganda that money can buy is pointed out and made fun of. For example, check out this real notice being sent out to the herds on a popular social network-- always good for a chuckle-- this is a real screenshot, not photoshopped:

Ministry of Truth helping out with public perception

Why the concern over 'false news' recently? Because the war propaganda is being overshadowed by reality as the victims of war are starting to see how it works.

In Conclusion

Can lies and fakeness be used to expose lies and fakeness? It is worth a try. Perhaps these battles between good and evil do become tedious and boring, and maybe "Strange Phone Pics" hasn't really happened on this post yet. Here, to solve both of those, I'll conclude with a picture of The Tick fighting with a flying monkey-boy on a bookshelf next to 'The NEW DICTIONARY of THOUGHTS' and a prehistoric thesaurus.

thanks for reading, and I hope to give away this 5 STEEM to somebody, click here to play> @therealpaul


Alright, we have a winner! Thanks for the follow, and check your wallet!

Welcome, and I appreciate the up-votes-- thank you.

Thanks for the great read. Interesting ideas here about all this quackery going on. And your dragon is great, both in art and concept.

And a Tick action figure. I'm jealous.

I love the last paragraph and photo, with New Dictionary and Ancient Thesaurus. Another classic. (I have a Thesaurus from 1940, there are some absolutely amazing words in that book. I read it for fun sometimes. (I really should get a life...))
Great idea to give away Steem to followers. Hmmm, un-follow, then re-follow? Talk about beyond tacky and annoying. Well, have a good Friday night.

hah, I thought about the 'follow the unfollow' trick, and decided that it would be worth 5 STEEM to find out who would do such a thing.
I'll probably clean up the little dragon and take some close-ups, it is covered in dust, and I wiped off some for this pic, but left a lot there, thinking that the dust added mystery to the image.

Glad no one did the follow-unfollow. Though I've seen a few amazing things on here.
That will be fun to see the dragon again. The dust did add a bit of panache. How large is Mr. Dragon?

His head is around the size of a quarter, and from head to tail about 6 or 7 inches.

I guess it's all in the perspective. Must be harder to create as the smaller they get. More intricate to detail. That was a great idea with the thimble for skin. Idea no. 7, make a little sculpy troll with mace and a thimble helmet to do battle with Mr. Dragon. Then again, maybe not...

I cleaned him up a little better today and took some late-afternoon pics, he needs his own post. The thimble was perfect, it was similar to the golf ball I'd used on the big T Rex, same dimples but much smaller.

And this calls for a video...I swear I saw a dragon!

Messy people in that tavern, that could be considered alcohol abuse.

Thank you! I'd intended to give 5 STEEM to my FIRST new follower after this post, which already happened, but since I didn't really make that clear, I will send you 5 also. I appreciate the follow!

Your'e welcome, thanks for joining me here.

Your more then welcome

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