Military Mouse

in #writing6 years ago

I’m worried about some of my friends. What are they going to do when they realize that I’m not the crazy one?

It does sound crazy though, is the thing.

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The Disney War Machine

Some of my friends expressed their concern, showing it with their silence as I explained to them in detail what in the world was going on: the cartoon mouse that they had grown up with was trying to get them killed. I was simply giving my friends a heads-up.

My childhood friends listened with soft smiles as I recounted the tale of the sorcerer’s apprentice, but their faces changed when I suggested that the little story might actually be sophisticated cultural programming and propaganda.

That was when the little cartoon shutters around their eyes slammed shut, ears folded back, and blindly swinging at me in a frothing rage, they disagreed with me.

My description of the world of Disney that we inhabit here was offensive because I was suggesting that Disney-- the beloved institution of sentimental warmth that they had all grown up with-- was a war machine, training us and our children to be violent, mindless killers.


Barely Escaping From An Angry Mob of My Friends

Scraped but not broken, I managed to wrestle myself away from the mob, and soon found a quiet corner of a garden where the corporate enchantment hadn’t reached-- a place where the bees and flowers were not painted in by highly-skilled animation artists.

How am I going to tell my friends that they’ve been trained to kill, if they are going to try to kill me when I tell them so?

Simple Cultural Programming

As children, it was easy for us to imagine ourselves as the mouse, the sorcerer’s apprentice, brimming with curiosity and daring to dabble in the strange arts after the sorcerer has gone to bed for the night.

It was natural for us to imagine that we were that trademarked mouse, and that we too could peek into a book of spells, casting words into the world just like the mighty sorcerer.

We might recall the excitement that we felt when the cartoon mouse did bring a mop to life, and even taught the mop to carry a bucket full of water, exactly as the mouse had commanded, and we might remember the moment of self-empowerment, brief though it was.

Some of you know what happens next.

There was chaos. Parts of the story get fuzzy here, but basically as I recall it, the mouse’s spell over the mop wouldn’t end, and then one mop became many mops, spilling water everywhere until the furniture began floating around the room.

Things were completely out of control, and the cartoon mouse was unable to stop the madness. We may recall the fear, or the dramatic music that whipped the scene. Remembering the cymbal’s hiss and the ominous horn’s wail, we may recall the dread, and the feeling of helplessness.

My childhood friends had no trouble remembering the story’s conclusion, and as the water churned, as the mops kept marching and symbols crashing and horns wailing, they begged me to get to the part where the wise sorcerer finally wakes up and hurries down to see, just in time, what is going on.

With great relief, my friends recalled how the great sorcerer commanded the water to recede, and the mops to vanish, thus rescuing the foolish cartoon mouse from a certain drowning.

What Did We Little Mice Learn Today?

The cartoon mouse is punished lightly at the end with a swat on the butt from the human sorcerer. The mouse had learned his lesson; yes, magic is very real and powerful, but any attempt to incorporate it into life is dangerous, and any such magic should be left to the experts.

Meanwhile, if any mice find themselves drowning because of some other apprentice’s carelessness and irresponsibility, then the authority will be there quickly to rescue those defenseless mice. A greater power will surely appear in times of great need, and will then restore order out of the chaos that is bound to happen when little mice attempt to take their own power into their own little hands.

Military-Grade Cultural Programming

Now, nearly every cartoon mouse that I grew up with won’t dare even talk about sorcery or cultural spells, and being so spellbound, they don’t realize what the spell is for, and why they have willfully bound themselves with it.

We have ourselves a case of mass-hypnosis, administered through the television set into the minds of children by the infamous Disney programming. Making little soldiers has always been the business of Disney, manufacturing the imagination of children through cute animal characters and song, so that each child will march in step when the time comes to kill.

Children are programmed to accept and inherit the adult’s wars as if those wars were necessary and good, an inevitable fact of life. The cartoon animals whisper to the children that this would prove that they were loyal to their country or crown, and a war should at least serve as a chance for new heroes to be made.

Royal Bloodlines

In the wonderful world of Disney, every child can believe that they are adopted, and that they are secretly part of some royal lineage, so that the crown’s war becomes their war, and every prince-to-be will know that to become the hero, some bad guys will need to be killed in the name of goodness.

Every little girl can believe that such a prince will find her wallowing in mediocrity, and will lovingly pull her up into her rightful place on a hard-won throne, and according to the script, will live happily ever after.

Grown Up Magic

Our cultural programming might be described as sorcery for beginners. As a society, we are told that we could animate our mops by using the spells from the wizard’s great book if we so choose to, and that these mops might do our chores for us while we play, but we are warned that by trying to control such power ourselves that we would ultimately destroy the world.

We are told that destroying the world using powerful sorcery should be left in the hands of the experts.

We children are told that magic is dark and evil unless it is managed by the hands of an authority-- a wizard, or a priest-- and that also, no such thing exists.

Co-creating The Wonderful World of Humans

I had decided to take it easy on my friends. I was going to let them into my world of conspiracy and strangeness, and I meant to do it gently, but where to even begin? I began with the early Disney programming, and found myself alone in a mob of angry Mousekateers.

I will gladly admit that without the comforts of that familiar Disney magic, the world is a lonely place. It could be said that such loneliness can make a person lose touch with reality, even when such a reality is outlined and presented by a talking cartoon mouse. Either way, it sounds crazy-- I know.

I only wanted for my friends to draw their own conclusions, instead of having them drawn by Disney’s cultural engineers, so that we can consciously become the true imagineers of society. We can dream big like that now.

artwork above is mine, 2018, and since this article may suggest that Disney is a branch of the military, and could be part of a multi-layered propaganda device, then this is meant as entertainment only, and is only a cartoon. This fictional work is simply designed to examine the human capacity to engage in violence based on public opinion, much of which is broadcast through a Disney affiliate of some kind in the form of news, entertainment, Hollywood films and ceremonies, and other ritualistic psychological conditioning. The programming begins at an early age, and by understanding how it works, we can possibly deprogram ourselves.


click @therealpaul for more


Once again impressed at your ability to weave your thoughts into a cogent yet entertaining read. It is a rare ability for one to exist with the other. Have you ever considered self publishing?

This is probably as close as I get to publishing, even though it doesn't pay much!.

Fair enough, and truthfully you make more here than many in self publishing do. I asked because your ability to write is more compelling than many who self publish. Better for those of us here at Steemit. Someone may be able to say, hey, I once met Steven King at a book signing and I will reply, shit man, I exchanged ideas and comments with the Real Paul in 2018 on an almost daily basis.

Oh stop! I think what saves me here is that I don't really claim to be a writer, but more of an entertainer. It really takes me a lot of effort to craft these articles, so much editing and proofreading, dead end paragraphs and useless fluff that has to be trimmed, it's all fairly new to me, and I spend a lot of time on it. It's always worth it when I can read back and hear the flow that it was written in when I get a structure just right, and I am getting quicker at it. Faster typing too, just in the last year's time, I learned to type without looking and pecking! @dreemit gave me a website tutorial, and I played with it every day until I could type.

I was never aware of any of this when I was a kid of course, but now, it's all so very apparent. I tried watching a disney movie recently- Zootopia and the message was so unbelievably awful I couldn't make it past the first twenty minutes, in fact I was horrified and pissed off that a whole generation of impressionable minds were undoubtedly watching it on repeat.

All of the hollywood stuff is programming it would appear. It will be interesting if these kinds of mind-control systems become common knowledge, and all the kids are pointing out the predictive programming and subliminal messages like a sport. It could happen!

That would be more than interesting, it would be awesome. A victory. Anything is possible!

Well, do you know that they don't have much of Disney in the 2 biggest continents - Asia and in Africa?
They have other cultural engine, but not quite the same war machine, not the same programming. And guess what, they are the majority!

I believe that the US is the most brainwashed population on the planet, in a lot of ways, so it's no surprise that most of the planet doesn't get captured by the sentimental device that is our television and Hollywood movie industry. What is seen here is always propaganda first, disguised as entertainment.

I do agree with you in theory about our cultural engineering but I don't see it as much in Disney as in other things. But I do like the analogy you used.

As inspiration I was thinking of how the US Army took over Disney Studios during WWII to pipe out some quality propaganda, and these days many of the media outlets are Disney owned. I like to keep an eye on that mouse!

You are correct but they also did that with the major motion picture studios at the time. I grew up in Orlando and I caught the mouse looking at me funny a few times lol

I get it. Yes Disney and so many other entertainment venues are a war machine of propaganda. That is why it is called programming. They are trying to program your mind as this is an information war. Thanks @therealpaul

It's just a reminder really, yes you seem to get it! This is for those who forgot, and to help raise questions. Soon I won't feel the need to post these reminders, I like to think.

It goes even further.

Most people get married today, believing in the Dizney fairytale happily ever after. They have no negotiation skills. They don't know what real love is. (only the hormonal fuelled lust) And then they think that something is wrong when the hormones wear off.

And then, the other half of Dizney programming destroys the family, and leaves all the little boys and girls to have a deep seated anger at having been abandoned.

This programming is often described as divorce porn!

Where the aging woman is seen leaving her loyal, but boring husband and go on a wild fling that results in her getting a far better marriage potential, and all her kids love her for her display of feminine empowerment.

Not realizing the actual reality is that over 35 women are competing with 5 other women for each man above their age, in the dating pool. And any marriage ready man with a good Sexual Market Value can have his choice of a bevy of women 10 years younger.

So, the women destroys her family, her children's future (kids of single mothers are tons more likely to end up in prison, be drug addicts, get pregnant early and unmarried, commit suicide...) and her future is now being consoled by cats, alone.

But, you try to tell that to the women who has been programmed by the Dizney divorce porn dream, and be prepared for the knives to come out.

The only part missing in your description was the goofy inept male who would surely fail at the simplest of tasks without her to save him from himself, lol. Truly a contemptible bunch, those pesky average males.

I think you're on to it, therealpaul.

With a quick search, I found an interesting and full interpretation of the origins of the story from Harper's Magazine:

From Lucian of Samosota (Greece) via Geothe...."We have a powerful antidote to such poisons. It is truth… As long as we have zealous use of it, the malicious and foolish lies will not disturb us. We shall have peace."

"Meanwhile, if any mice find themselves drowning because of some other apprentice’s carelessness and irresponsibility, then the authority will be there quickly to rescue those defenseless mice. A greater power will surely appear in times of great need, and will then restore order out of the chaos that is bound to happen when little mice attempt to take their own power into their own little hands."

Very good

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