CATS: How Can They Be So Cruel?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago


What is their problem? Seconds ago, a cat tried to get me to step on it. it's a good thing I'm agile and cat-like myself, I was able to dodge the suicidal nincompoop. I realize that I'm being trained for something with that now-familiar maneuver, but I haven't figured out what that could be-- the cat's ways of teaching are peculiar.    

They are horrible fiends though, aren't they? Cats, I mean. When cats capture a mouse, sometimes they 'play' with the thing for a while, letting the terrified little animal think it's getting away, then recapturing it, over and over. Without some kind of intervention, the little jerks would do that all day if their victim could survive it for that long. Like a full time job, doing what they love-- torture.


young professional off to work

The way they apprehend a mouse and then proceed to taunt the thing to death-- it's a sad thing to witness, but I noticed something one time when I opened the door and a quick cat brought a field rat inside the house, and then proceeded to let it go. I knew I'd never catch the plump little thing when I saw how quickly it disappeared under the stove, and the cat-- the fiend-- couldn't figure out how to get behind or under that stove. So now there's a fat field rat thing in the house. 

Survival Trainers?

Is the cat training the rodents? By letting them go, there is the chance that one will get away (see above!) and perhaps even go on to reproduce, making new batches of field rats with an upgrade-- born with more acute survival skills and instincts, they will raise a more successful rat in the next generation. 

The cat-- the little bully-- could benefit from this as it would help to sustain a food supply over long periods. If every successful capture were made a meal, then eventually they might eat themselves out of a job. Cats have long been friends with humans, since the cultivation and storage of grain became a thing, and long voyages on ships full of food would keep a cat or two on board-- not because cats are awesome-- but because they would help to control the rodents.

I'm constantly shaking a cat in the gardens so that it will let go of something, whether a rodent or a snake or any little victim, I can't stand to watch the feline version of "training", but at least I can see some reason and sense in what looks like a senseless act.  

Cats are sort of awesome I suppose. Cats are awesome little jerks. I'll try not to step on one for the rest of the day at least.

hey thanks for reading, this only scratches the surface of my in-depth cat problems and related adventures. This is lighthearted stuff here-- it gets real sometimes.

image of cat by me, from the 80's

 therealpaul @ @therealpaul 


If you like to see cats being tortured, you will enjoy the first part of this video :-)

That was perfect, thanks!

I only do the shaking thing when ours comes in with a bird. Grab him, and take him outside. Hold scruff of neck with one hand, hold his paws with the other hand, shake till he lets go and bird (hopefully) flies away. Rats and mice we let him get away with as long as he doesn't bring them in. If he brings one in, then we feel obliged to try and make a safe passage way to the door for it, while he cries from the bedroom where we've shut him in.

Sounds familiar! Yea you're right these cats of ours usually drop whatever it is when they get picked up, I don't usually need to shake or pry their jaws away from prey. If it drops and it's able to hide, I can rustle some leaves in a new spot as a distraction, and the cat looks in the wrong place, gives little lizards and things a chance to disappear!

Here is a helpful guide for dealing with your furry little ball of death.
How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You - by The Oatmeal

They certainly are trying, but they've trained me too well.
That would be a good book to leave laying around the house, so that the cats would know, that you know.

I tried that formula, " least two", and it definitely doubled the fun for a while.
The big mystery of cats is, 'why do I like them?" It's baffling.

Today my cat tried to use my leg as a scratching post, refused to eat food he loved yesterday, and tore one of my pictures off the wall. I love him to pieces. Why? I don't know either. ;-)

There are 4 cats around here, but they are all 'mature' females, busy teaching me their feline ways. They take shifts.

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