Are We Creating Reality? The Scientific Relationship Between God, Sports Cars, and You

in #writing7 years ago

Our physical wealth, our physical health, and our physical relationships are all guided and manifested by our thoughts, which precipitate into the world without fail, so they say. Everything in the world is manifested by us, and we are thinking it all into existence.

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So what are we waiting for, let’s manifest a sports car or two!

With an entire New Age industry set up around the premise that we can creatively visualize into existence all of the material wealth and riches that we may desire, it’s easy to be skeptical of such a fantastic claim. Here in the USA, the average person might dare peek into the New Age section at a mainstream place like Barnes & Noble book store for such information, which will invariably tell the magical, forbidden ways that readers can make more money, extend their lives and achieve superhuman health, and how to improve their love lives. It’s physics and magic all in one, or ‘metaphysics’, and is often presented as secret knowledge, right there on the book shelf for $19.95.

The field of metaphysics has long been booby-trapped with disinformation, and much of the information coming from the ‘New Age Movement’ seems like a gross misrepresentation of what is actually going on in the creation of the universe, especially when it focuses on the creation of material wealth as a primary goal.

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No Sports Car, Then?

The truly successful student of metaphysics will discover a wealth beyond description in the library of knowledge that we each keep inside of our hearts, etc, but many who are attracted to the ancient forbidden knowledge of creation will not stay with it for very long when that sporty roadster fails to precipitate onto their driveway after the first few tries.

It’s most likely that if a sporty roadster magically precipitates into one’s driveway, then it is probably just a stolen car, but meanwhile there is a solid, scientific premise for the whole idea of creative visualization, and for nearly a century now scientists and physicists have insisted that we are not only generating sports cars— we are individually and automatically collapsing a sort of invisible sound wave into geometric and mathematical order so that we, as consciousness, can observe the feathering wake of this churning dynamic as we introspectively pour ourselves into the physical world— we are generating the whole production.

Troubles and Problems in the Lab

That’s not exactly how the researchers worded it, but I’ve left out the bad language. In the early 20th century, scientists became perturbed at the fact that no matter how diligently they attempted to keep their fingerprints off of the lab equipment to prevent contamination of their controlled research, there were some experiments which would always insist on including the unwilling scientist in directly causing the test’s outcome. They found, for example, that they had to make a choice when they tried to observe certain physical attributes of a part of a single atom: they could observe either how fast it moved, or they could observe it’s position in space, but they had to choose, and they had to become a part of the experiment.

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“Exclude yourself from the experiment properly, and stop messing around in the lab!”

They couldn’t separate themselves from the experiment though— the atomic structure of their world was suddenly depending on them— the very observers of the tests— to choose a reality to be observed. They had found, to their surprise, that only a potential reality existed until they deliberately and consciously decided what to observe. Scientists became Pantheists, seeing that if there was a God, then it was in and throughout everything, including themselves, the observers.

There was no universe without an observer— there was no sound of a falling tree in a forest because there was no forest, and even when the observer willfully allowed the atomic potential to geometrically become relevant in what we label ‘reality’, these wisps of data were mostly empty space, a vacuum, but a vacuum apparently filled infinitely with information— filled with potential. The physical world was merely the ornate frame for the real masterpiece of infinite possibility which was quietly playing inside of it.

We Don’t Have a Consciousness

We don’t have a consciousness emanating from within us into the world. We can’t locate a region of the brain which manufactures consciousness, because we ARE consciousness, spinning into the world.

When physicists— those who study the physical world— ran into this particular wall of reality with their heads, their version of the universe’s structure was forcefully altered; a non-physical, ethereal inward force guided by intelligence seemed to be quietly holding everything together for these early quantum physicists, and while some were intrigued, others stumbled away from the lab in confusion and acute denial of what was evidently going on in the laboratory, and what was happening all at once everywhere, with every conscious being: we are consciousness itself.

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We are consciousness, persistently and infinitely gazing inward while leaving a wake of billowing fractals, coiling outwards and away in accordance with the intent of the individual units, the conduits who possess the electromagnetic transmitters and receivers— hearts and brains— which allow consciousness to behold what actually is.

From then on, any spooky actions in and around the lab could be better explained by philosophers, and thereafter, the very clothing of the newly realized physicists became interchangeable between their sterile white lab coat during the day, and their comfortable tweed jackets smelling of pipe smoke in the evenings.

Manifestation Time

Given this secret knowledge of the ancients on how reality is generated by consciousness, why don’t all physicists own fleets of gleaming sports cars of all kinds? Why do philosophers all drive Volvos?

The truth is, that when generating an entire universe by observing only a limited part of it, there’s simply not enough time to focus on a thing like an automobile with enough clarity to make it appear in reality. If creators were to sit and meditate and fast for long enough to precipitate working cars into specific driveways, they would inevitably find things inside of themselves that would make the fanciest car obsolete and irrelevant to what really is going on: the world is a mirror— an exact replica of what we are, and we are consciousness looking upon what is, observing what becomes of it all in real time.

Each unit of consciousness is free to choose which parts of their collective manifestation they will precipitate, every thought is actually a thing, every wish a command, and we are making it all. Also, Volvos aren’t that bad, especially the older models. Like any car though, they are mostly empty space, filled with potential for what is to be, according to our choice. Meanwhile, with consciousness pouring in even now, showing what actually is real in all of it's intricate glory, maybe we don't need to go anywhere right now anyway, no matter how fast the car goes. What we have here right now is what actually is, and we'll make this reality exactly what it's going to be, and it is priceless.

thanks for reading along, mathematically, if just one of us manifests a better world, then the world improves because of that individual choice— so we can create a better world easily, we are making this, and this is it. I appreciate it!

Pictures above thanks to Pixabay free images.



Yeah that's something we might think twice.. And thank you very much for the useful discussion with facts!


You're welcome, and I'm glad that you find it useful, it had to be said!

Respect to your effort and your perspective~

Cool observations.


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I appreciate it, and the @originalworks bot up-vote as well.

no matter how diligently they attempted to keep their fingerprints off of the lab equipment

Simply by observing the experiment, they altered it.

Scientists like things that need big, expensive equipment to measure.

This type of thing is better left to the philosophers.

I once heard that Volvos are boxy, but they're good.

Yes I tried to write this objectively, but the whole thing was altered by the fact that I actually own a Volvo!

Thanks you @therealpaul! That's a great discussion! I lilke to read your post!

I appreciate the comment, thanks for stopping in!

This is so eloquently written. Its pretty incredible actually. It played into all of my interests. The double slit experiment and the collapsing wave function, meditation and journeying within. lol Followed

Hey I appreciate it, it sounds like we have similar interests! I don't bother including references since most of this science happened 100 years ago, but the implications of things like double slits still seem important, and has been overlooked by the world for too long now.

Yes agreed. More people need to know about such things. Entanglement theory (which I am sure you are aware of) fits into that as well. I often think about entanglement and the collapsing wave function as being related to our consciousness and how it may actually form our collective reality. I like to ponder the idea that individual consciousness is actually entangled with all others and that it exists as a collective consciousness. As each individual collapses their own wave function, together it creates our reality. In that way, reality is simply an agreement among the collective.

That sounds like the same dynamics that I'd imagined as well- a collective reality does seem to be what we are entangled in here!

Interesting comparison. Good read.

I had this on my queue since yesterday, I meant to get to this before I retired to bed, but time didn't permit it. This was the first thing I read today, and I'm so glad that it was.

Deep, heavy stuff, man! I do share your sentiment with this. People often dismiss New Age thinking as mysticism or bullshit, but really though there's a lot of sensible stuff buried beneath all of the noise. If you're patient enough to sift through all of the clutter, you'll stumble upon great pieces of information.

I like how you said that if creators would meditate enough to manifest a specific object, they would realize that said object is irrelevant, rendering it obsolete. Therein lies the fallacy of consciousness. You effectively captured it with this whole piece. Fantastic write up, man!

yeah when I first found the 'New Age' section in a bookstore I felt like the world was starting to wake up, but then I noticed all of the dis-info on those shelves and it occurred to me that people want that information, but it is still being kept out of reach through obfuscation.
A recurring theme of mine is that paradox; a quest for treasure through occulted knowledge leading to a spiritual epiphany instead, the real treasure being the evolution of consciousness that is required for such an enterprising business.
Thanks for dropping in!

It's all about the journey, my man. That lesson comes in a lot of forms, but ultimately it's always the means of getting there is what counts. I feel the pushback stems from a sheepish mentality and the fear of the unknown. Really though, I really do wish the world collectively wakes up in our lifetime.

It is happening @jedau, I've been watching the awakening since the early 1980's, and the difference in awareness is acute. I grew up in a world where it was against the law to buy things like nails on a Sunday, (I live in the 'land of the free') but in the last 20 years there has been a remarkable change in the mind of the world-- it is ongoing, and expanding exponentially-- there's no stopping the momentum now!

Maybe you're right. Maybe it takes decades to unfold. Perhaps as the years go by, I would be able to see the difference as well. It's nice to know that the ball is rolling though!

It's getting to where it's becoming months instead of years, the exponential unveiling of it all. Actually, 2012 saw a massive shift in the inflow of consciousness, as suddenly lots of people were learning and discussing things like prophecy and human enlightenment and such things that had eluded serious investigation previously. It was a self-fulfilling Mayan prophecy, as it turned out! But yes it has taken at least a few decades to reach this momentum I have noticed.

I think Computer Science is slowly but surely replacing metaphysics and everything else.

It does seem that way, and even the idea that this whole thing is a computer simulation is hard to argue with.

We are in sync again, I just wrote a very similar idea to @tonyr, responding to an email. That we should be devoting our thoughts to what we would like this world to be rather than concentrating on the evil they are intetnionally spewing forth day after day. For me it keeps coming back to the idea of writing our own scripts. The more of us who turn our backs on the script they want us to act out, become the lead of our own play directed by ourselves, the more we diminish their power and increase our own. At least, that's how I see it :)

Yep, a lot of people seem to prefer having the script written out by professional scriptwriters, and then they generate the very thing that they fear most by reciting the scripts.

You are absolutely right about that, it's astounding how many people want or need to be led.

we are individually and automatically collapsing a sort of invisible sound wave into geometric and mathematical order so that we, as consciousness, can observe the feathering wake of this churning dynamic<

I love this sentence. I never thought about reality in just this way, but now that you've said it, it makes a lot of sense. I've felt for a long time that the universe is essentially made of music, and this paints a beautiful picture of how that works. I'm going to have to re-read this many times to fully grok it.

And this too:

We are consciousness, persistently and infinitely gazing inward while leaving a wake of billowing fractals, coiling outwards and away in accordance with the intent of the individual units

I always see it as an inward force that nature uses to create the physical world-- while modern technology seems to want to blow everything up to create energy, nature uses the whirlpool of inward spin's force to make heat, light and energy. That powerful introspection seems to be what we naturally do as well.

In a few minutes I'm posting a new episode of Little Miracle Theater, another piano tune, I hope you see and hear it!

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