Acts, and Other Theater For the USA's MindsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

 Alas-- we have a nation. With the notion of a nation comes the idea of structure and law, a sturdy method of control, including strong leaders and lawmakers, all organized beneath a proud waving flag. 

The idea of a nation, however, is only a thought. A nation is not so much a geological region with borders, it is mainly an idea made of words and based on the principles of a reasonably civilized community. Government therefore exists in the mind only, but this shows the very power of words and thoughts when enough people think them into existence. 

The Power of Words

While a nation's cherished laws are spelled in words on paper, these spells are acted out on a stage, cast onto a cast of thousands who hear the words and their multiple meanings. The dazzling and relentless display goes on until the crowd is spelled and willfully spell bound-- mesmerized by the lights as another act is played out before them. 


Theater of Linguistic Tangos

Language-- US Laws are spelled in words, and in this case it is the English Language which is being used as the vehicle for linguistic programming and growing of a culture-- the American culture. Here, the word 'Act' can be seen to have multiple meanings, thus multiple ways to deceive the society's mind. Is an Act a Law? Or is it just an act?

An 'act' can be defined as a portion of a play, which invariably involves a stage or a set, some actors, and it usually has a pre-written narrative, or a script. With these tools, an illusion can be created by a good director with some lights, colored gels and maybe a fog machine. Add a story, some drama, and sell it to an audience.


Problem, Reaction, Solution

On a national stage, drama in theater is produced by creating a threat, then presenting the scripted narrative and desired response-- the fearful reaction to the threat, building suspense, then finally resolving the issue with a synthesized 'Act'.  With this formula, a villain is introduced to create the drama in scene 1, the horrified audience demands that a hero appear, suspense is built, and then the pre-scripted solution is accepted in the concluding Act, the lights fade, the curtains close. 

 Actors may come and go, but the story remains; Make a problem, script the reaction, then offer the solution. 


Propaganda legalized

Through a bit of theater called the 'National Defense Authorization Act' (NDAA) government propaganda against the citizenry was legalized in the USA, but we as a culture didn't notice, and through age-old sleight of hand and misdirection, the "Act" was presented as a simple magic act, mixed with the emotional drama presented in scene 1.  

Is an Act a Law? Or is it just an act?

This propaganda, or the fabrication of information by governments in order to misinform it's citizens, was banned in the US after WWII, but snuck back in within the middle of an Act. Whether or not it's an act, the performance has been effective enough to persuade many to drop their reason and logic, and to instead let emotion and hyperbole guide their course, letting the shimmering lights and stars lead the way.  

 War Clowns

In a side act, the clowns. People hate these clowns, but they love to hate them, so here they come. With their usual preposterous overacting, they roll out various Acts-- performances which would be seen as absurd were it not for their customary clown attire. Somehow, the fact that these buffoons are getting paid for this makes it seem legitimate. Their Act is to make violence seem like amusement, and to present death as entertainment.

Neckties For Everyone

The necktie, which is exactly what it sounds like-- is often worn by these performers. As a show of submission to their Pentagonian masters, the tie serves as a symbol of servitude and obedience as they present their acts.  Like cocks trying to attract a hen, this necktie will often be the most colorful part of their costume, the bright nooses showing that their owners are prosperous. 

These neckties are no longer fashion, but are merely displays of colorful shackles around the necks of the prized pet pigs of the Pentagon, worn dutifully as part of the culture's sentimental traditions. 

 The Patriot Act

With that title, we might expect to see the stage abuzz with whistling men in three-cornered hats, bravely fighting for independence from authoritative rulership. It is more theater, but these are war clown shows, and they have all kinds of humor in store. They will make independence and individualism appear to be dangerous trends in the culture, to be discouraged by decent citizens-- they'll make us hate freedom with their humor.
 For the comedy in this 'Patriot' Act, the clowns are possibly being facetious-- saying exactly the opposite of what they mean. This simple form of humor is learned by children at an early age, but adult clowns can still incorporate this 'opposite' gag into their Acts. The main arena will light up before the crowd gets a good chance to logically address the customary freedom usually associated with the word 'Patriot' compared to their 'Act' of stripping freedoms away from everyone.

An Act of Desperation  

With propaganda being legally dumped onto the American population, the language continues to be eroded and mangled to suit the production of this vast play. Now though, we have an internet, and a way to dissect the disinformation being so carelessly tossed into the public's craw, so that a lot of the old propaganda tricks won't work anymore, or at least there will be enough independent researchers to correct the flow of data into the society's mind as things progress. 

We can now see "The Making Of..." documentaries, behind the scenes interviews and the life histories of individual actors. Nothing is well hidden anymore, the old theater's curtains are in critical disrepair.

Now, as we face "legal" propaganda from the US government upon it's own people, it begins to look like the modern propaganda is really a desperate attempt by a few actors to remain relevant to such a large and diverse population of sentient humans-- it's a small group of parasites using stories, emotions, psychology and disinformation to sway public opinion in a big theater. It's an ACT.  


thanks for reading along, if you like, up-vote and comment below

all images above thanks to Pixabay





Awesome. I can't believe not one person commented on this. I was taking a break so I didn't see it, but this is perfection.

Hey thanks, I posted at an odd time yesterday, so maybe the commenters were away. I also just posted a little fiction thing today, more of my oddball stuff, as opposed to my usual stuff ;)

It didn't show up right away or something.

Seems like I posted this at an unusual time of day on the weekend

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