A Placebo Post- Written to Heal, Fueled by Science and a Magical Spell

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Ask Your Doctor if Placebo is Right For You.

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Your doctor will laugh at you. After laughing, the doctor might tell you that placebos don’t really do anything, and that a placebo’s physical effects are only a result of the patient’s belief in the benefits of the medicine.

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Ask Your Doctor Why They Are Laughing About This.

The Placebo Effect. Here we have a scenario featuring a trained professional who is describing a phenomena wherein a sick person heals themselves using some kind of natural, internal and purely mental process. Has this hypothetical doctor just admitted that we can heal ourselves through mind power alone?

Annoyingly, the doctor in this hypothetical scenario is now laughing again, and with great confidence begins to assure the potential patient that it’s not quite that simple; that it is actually the patient’s belief in the authority of the doctor as a healer that allows a placebo to then cause the patient to self-heal themselves, and that while the placebo itself might only be a cup of water, the patient believes that the healer is going to help them with their affliction, and by that power of belief they are so healed.

The NO-cebo Effect

Forgetting about the medical industry’s self-appointed authority for a minute, it would be wise to have a look at this placebo effect more objectively, and to make note that for every beneficial placebo at work in the world, there is an equal-and-opposite 'no -cebo' effect to be accounted for. This is when, through the belief in the authority of those administrating an idea, there is a patient, or a population of potential patients, which can be led to believe that something is going to make them sick, or can even kill them. With fear as a basic fuel, this no-cebo is an effect that can be administered easily, and often without a prescription from a doctor. Things do tend to become quite dynamic when emotions are involved.

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An accurate description of this so-called placebo effect can perhaps now be summarized neatly: a human being can alter the physical world through thought, and by their own strong belief in the thought, they actually create those corresponding conditions in reality.

There is a key element missing from that statement though— something that is always present when any thing is pre-scribed, or already written by authority— and that essential element in the placebo effect is the emotion that is generated by the patient upon receiving the prescription. Either through the fear of death or sickness, or from a love of being saved by the knowledge of a professional, a strong emotional response is liable to be a part of the patient’s overall mental process upon discovering that there is an available medicine for their affliction. Thereby we have a remarkable situation wherein a being— through their unadulterated belief and their corresponding generation of emotional fuel— can alter the physical world using thought alone.

Humanity’s Prescription: Placebo, or Nocebo?

Apparently when a figure of authority spells something out— when it is written as well as spoken, then the recipients of this information tend to believe the information more. This is such a potent psychological device that the very idea of a magical spell is derived from it. Many religions depend on this written word as a component of their ancient mind-control, and is why the statement “so it is written” can both end and begin arguments and wars.

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Aside from the constricting and binding words of the various religions, the authority that is attached to words is apparent again in medical prescriptions, and is crucial to anything that is to be written into official law.

The TV News

Even the nightly news is read faithfully from tele-prompters, our world pre-scribed again by a voice of authority. Every night we are told that the world is sick, and the fear is generated, but instead of offering the prescription to solve the Earth’s afflicted organs, and instead of showing any bedside manners at all, the news outlets will simply imply, or even say out loud, that “that’s the way it is.”

For many years humanity believed the crippling diagnosis, but as the very belief in authority is rapidly waning on the planet, and more people have begun questioning so-called authority, our placebo prescription, administered through news and media, coupled with the inherent fear presented in these stories, is bound to start losing effect.

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What to Believe

It seems that there is enough scientific evidence now to show that the true authority in the creation of reality is us, and that real authority isn’t an external thing at all. The external world is instead a direct mirror of the idea of a world that we firmly believe in. That all sounds a bit fantastic though, so we’ll say it’s ’only a placebo’ to keep it scientific sounding. Science shows us that we are generating the health or sickness of our own bodies, and when we translate that power to the body of the world, we have the ability to precipitate the version of well-being that we would enjoy, instead of believing in the nightly diagnosis of the world by the news and media industries.

When we correctly perceive authority to be coming from us instead of an external source, and when instead of merely believing this, we know it— then it can be called a magical spell or a placebo, but it’s really just us creating reality every single second, and is completely normal and natural.

thanks for reading along, be well if you like and go ahead and save the world if you’re not busy right now, exciting times and much joy are my diagnosis

pictures above thanks to Pixabay free images



Placebo prices will skyrocket.

All the cool kids are using it-- now available in a dark alley near you! The black market will guide the prices, a prescription might be as simple as saying through the mail slot "Guido sent me."

It'll become known as substance P, and the DEA will class it as a schedule 1 drug. The drug tests for substance P will only give positives, giving the state free reign to accuse anyone they want of anything they want.

Suspect tried to claim that it was "just" a bottle of water...

:D but actually, those whimsy rascals had injected substance P and they were getting people hooked on their water

Yes, this! The name says it all.

he's a youtuber and yes he's joked about that too :D

asking the doctor and they will prescribe more and more hahaha

They'll likely suggest something a little stronger than a placebo!

Wow another great post from @therealpaul
I'm always like your posts...
Nice and useful article.....
Wel done my dear friend..
I appreciate your work...
Upvoted and resteemed...

that so great mate and I believe in placebos as I have friends in my real life who has healed by it
It's all about beliefs as you said

Yes the body is already a self-healing device, we can make it work better, or we can disable it with a thought.

sure and as an example to prove your saying
for example: the guy that can swim does nothing but leaving his body and relax while the water is carrying him while the guy that can't swim will sink when he is in water
it's the same water but the difference lays in beliefs

Great analogy, and so true...

If a patient were to ask me to prescribe a placebo I would do it and as such, I would record it in the medical history. It's called induced demand.
Aside from that is absolutely illegal to prescribe placebo outside a medical study without the patient's consent.

That's interesting that it's actually illegal, but it makes sense that such a powerful 'substance' should have laws and guidelines. I appreciate your input on this, I wrote it very carefully so that I wouldn't necessarily offend anyone. My hypothetical Dr. just had an annoying habit of laughing at his patients, but he meant no harm by it.

I bet you a doctor similar to your hypothetical doctor actually exists somewhere in this world. Is not an impossible scenario.

One of my in-laws believed that if you peed in the toilet during a thunderstorm there was a good chance you would be electrocuted. To protect yourself you were supposed to wear rubber bands around your wrist. Wearing them was kind of like a placebo, and to the best of my knowledge nobody who has worn them and peed in the toilet during a thunderstorm has ever been electrocuted.

I don't know about any of that, but I do know someone who was hit by lightning through an open window while washing dishes. Water conducts electricity. If someone happened to be using the toilet at the time of the strike a shock could result. I wouldn't expect much, electricity is ground seeking, and pipes are grounded.

In Florida, I was taught in school to not shower during a thunderstorm. There might be statistical records of death due to shower electrocution. I lived there for two decades and never heard of any. There were some golfers killed, some people killed standing under trees that were struck, and even one guy who was killed by lightning that came from a clear blue sky, but no toilet shocks, except for the occasional water moccasin taking up residence there, and that's not electrical.

I told my daughter one time not to take a shower yet because there was a thunderstorm moving in, and she had never heard of such silliness, so she Googled it, and then announced that I was actually right; the internet said NOT to shower during a lightning storm. She waited. I smiled smugly.

I guess the rubber bands prevent lightning, could be what's happening there! I know I tried to go off of a porch one time during a heavy lightning storm, and I couldn't 'perform'- my body simply said 'you can hold it'.

Well, I definitely feel much better after reading this...

Case in point, though... my wife runs a non-profit dedicated to the power of positive focused intention. She get "prayer requests" from people with illnesses and we hear all sorts of "miraculous" stories of recovery.

There's no real evidence that prayer "works" but there IS evidence that our mood and mental state impacts our physical health. So if you have "Bob" being ill one place and he feels all forgotten and lost, and you have "Joe" somewhere else with 50 people rooting for him to get well... who'll be in the better mood, and hence have a better chance of recovering?

That's great to hear that she is able to help people, I think to help themselves in that way. The idea that such generative power is coming from ourselves may be a bit much for most people to handle-- that's a lot of responsibility!

I would think asking a doctor that question would get you a scrip for an opiod "pain-killer", or maybe an antidepressant.

We live in an age of self created realities, sometimes of "other" created reality.

I stopped watching the news, right around the time I started here.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

The doctors should administer placebos more often, it sounds like a great medicine.
Whenever I see news now it's like watching a play, with poor acting and unbelievable plots.

Sounds like soap operas, but in prime time.

It has always blown my mind that people will say something is "just" the placebo effect. What do they mean, "just?" The placebo effect is amazing! I don't understand why we haven't invested all of our scientific resources into figuring out better ways to harness and use it. Instead, we write it off and discourage people from treatments that have been shown to have placebo effects, because they "don't work."

It's probably discouraged because we might find that the effects go beyond our own bodies. We might begin healing large bodies of water as we learn, and then when the medical industry began to fail, mainstream TV would lose those ad revenues and plummet as well, and there would be no proper way to feed propaganda to the population. That would be the first week...

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