Truly, Leaders Carry the Burden: A little twist on Noah's Ark story

in #writing8 years ago

"Hurry!" Noah shouted nervously while ushering the animals towards the ark. The next forty days would all be but water showers. The world needed to be soaked, to be cleansed from all impurities. Rain had to fall.

Noah and his family and the chosen pairs of animals knew of this. They all knew what would likely happen. They were warned and notified.

The animals settled themselves comfortably inside the ark. The door screamed shut with a sounding finality. They were all safe now. Or so they thought.

Thankful for their security, the animals looked around and smiled to one another. They were happy to be part of the new world cleansed of imperfections. They continued to look around, examining the structure of the room and identifying who else in the Animal Kingdom was savedbfrom the Apocalypse.

Suddenly, two walking sticks hissed in the far end corner of the room. Everybody gasped.

"Still into camouflage, huh?" Mr. Parrot spoke in behalf of his surprised animals friends.

"Well , it looks like I want my species to live on like the rest of you!" Mr. Snake replied while nodding and grinning to his partner.

"Oh, come on! Everybody knows that you shouldn't be here. You're not part of the plan!" Ms. Peacock butted in.

"Calm down everyone! For as long as the Snakes behave, they're okay to stay. Right, King Lion?" Mr. and Ms. Monkey said, trying to be wise and practical. They knew very well that if they turn against the Snakes, they might enlarge their jaws and eat them, raw and alive.

"That's the problem. My wife and I are kind of famished," Mr. Snaked remarked quickly before King Lion could utter a reply.

Seemingly oblivious to the hateful gazes, Mr. and Mrs. Snakes glided towards the poor lady Cat in innocent slumber. The cold blooded reptiles twirled themselves to their prey with a smile so wide that their sharp fangs glimmered. The old lady Cat was awakened by the sudden coldness. A look of pure horror painted her face. She was tightly wrapped in the cold embrace of the Snakes and all she could say was a hopeless, desperate cry of surrender, "Meooooooowwwww!"

All these happened in front of the fearful and disgusted gazes of the animals. Not a protest was heard for they all feared meeting the same fate. They only looked at one another as if sending an invisble distressed message.

Meanwhile, the Snakes laughed and burpedband yawned after a hearty meal. They glided back to the far end corner of the room and began to sleep.

"Goodness! This can't be happening!" Parrot wept, breaking the thundering silence.

"We are in serious trouble!" Dog barked.

"My love is lost! I am now forever alone!" cried the poor old Mister Cat.

All the animals complained and complained and complained, creating anhuge commotion.

"We should think of plan to make Snake go away," Baby Sheep remarked.

"Oh dear! Let's not stress on the how. Just thinking about it makes my feathers shine a little less," Ms. Peacock vainly said.

"Yes, I agree. We should let Lion do that. Leadership and thinking about our welfare are his profession," Fox added with a sly expression.

King Lion felt sad and tired. His kindness and passion for service had made all the other animals to be dependent on him. "Let's all think of a way to make the Snakes leave. Does anyone have an idea?" King Lion said, his voice nearly drowned out by the others grumbling and murmuring and fussing.

"We trust you as our leader," the animals said. "Make the decision."

Before King Lion could make another attempt to engage the others into action, the Snakes woke up once again. Hungry, they grabbed Mr. and Mrs. Rat and ate them together. This scared the animals even more.

All paws and angry gazes were aimed at Lion.

"You're no good," the animals said.

King Lion deeply exhaled.

I'm not a bot, bot means "best of time".

See Also

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