Scissors Sweet Kiss

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

{"Snip, snap. Goes the organ! Snip, snap. ARE ALL FAILED RELATIONSHIPS! Snip, snap. Just like a finger snapping to get the waiter. Snip, snap. Is St. Valentine when he sees another failed relationship!"... Today is our (Me-n-mój Ukochany, @calluna) Co-writing for Valentine’s Day. It’s been a long process but we finally got it and done it! Give some love to mój Ukochany right here!~ ~UwU~... No music-aides for today.}

- Scissors Sweet Kiss -

- Starter by @theironfelix -

"Stay outta my life yah creep, thought I could trust you Kain!"

Those words ringing hard in Kain’s ears as coffee spilt all over Hawaiian khaki shirt, blessing undivided heat all across the body. Kain screamed as Kain’s ex-Valentine took another step and whacked the purse unto that head for which it prayed for a swift end. Yet no swift end came to Kain, much less the torment had even begun on this day of love. Kain’s innocence was already on the line and today the feather that broke the camel came. All it took was those hands to discover the rush job after coming back from the restroom from when the coffee was originally ordered; no less the drugs spilling out as soon as the cup moved.

But Kain’s mind was too perturbed to what was rupturing in the bowel, yet the hands grasped the Styrofoam cup and looked at the company logo. The eyes feeling contradicted with the store’s logo, it took the throbs of a throat to cancel out whatever snarky remark was going to come from that piehole. Legs forcing the body to locate the nearest restroom, Kain’s mind obsessed over the logo contrast and soon deferred to using up what was left before they had to make new ones; no wonder for the poison brewing acting so violently in the bowels.

The door screaming with hands ready to uninstall such, Kain’s mouth-n-throat bellowed out to the nearest sink. The acid-concoction bubbling as the sink force-gulped every single once, Kain’s head stared at the restroom mirror and those eyes tried to plead innocent. Running through every excuse of why the ex-Valentine retributing was wrong – mental folly it all was. Yet peace wasn’t going to lodge itself into that mind, instead choosing to mock every vulgar justification.

In the sound of bulbs popping, Kain’s body ducked while the eyes tried to remain shut; however, the pulsing brightness of the room slowly lured the eyes to open and see the entire restroom bathed in the red light. Uncrouched, a ghost whizzed by before coming back and fully materializing to the shock of Kain’s quivering mind.


"Gah! Don’t kill me!"

"Me, unfortunately you’re not the one I care for this gross day today. That’s for the guardians of Valentine’s day to care for. I’m looking for some weird grey-skinned sicko hiding and dissecting their angelic corpse."

"Wait, what?!? Guardians! Angels! Why do you look perfect for a company logo!"

"Me? Oh I was hiding in plain sight, pretty cool this chef wear and this ghostly insignia holding a cupcake on the chef hat. Hey, wait... you’re the one that tried to drug your Valentine."

"What, no!"

"You couldn’t even fasten the cup-lid back on, much less use a coffee stirrer! That’s it, I had enough of you already, so consider this as my parting gift. From me, Spooky, to you, creep: periodic stomach revolutions that I jokingly gave to you before. But now I hope you get scissored-up, sicko."

"Hey- Hmph, hmm, blaaah! Almighty, is this an organ- hmph... Where did you go?- What was that?"

Kain’s hands, with the door already jumping open, fumbled but passed through the doorway. Legs stepping out, the ears heard it again and sharper this time as the throat stopped throbbing. Shrieks with metal clicks danced the air away, but no pleasant tune at such a red-themed day such as this so thought Kain’s mind. But the eyes would see it, it would see what had merely transpired during that conversation with Spooky. Corpses strewn about and used as effigies or benches, trails of intestines making up the niche décor of the mall, stomachs ripped open and acid pouring out to make rivulets etched into the floor and re-shaped bones that awfully looked like tools scattered all about.

Another shriek pestered the air, coming and making the ears bleed profusely before simmering down. Kain’s legs began bolting but the floor screeched with the abrupt halt, the eyes regretting what transpired in front and unceasingly continuing. Kain’s legs try to approach the half-cut corpse, but a yelp from the straggler’s mouth forced another abrupt halt. Confused, the delirium soon was crawling, ever-so-softly, unto Kain but the body kept steadfast.

"Run, run you. Leave while the exits have yet to be set shut. Crazed lunatics are on the loose, please escape and tell everybody what’s transpiring! Oh no, I hear that chant coming – hide!"

Ducking into a lightly blood-coated bush, the half-cut corpse struggled forth but soon the “maniacs” strolled by with their merry lil’ hymn. Their hearts rushing from their chests, lungs never exasperated, voices of the choir but always alternating between the squad and strides so gleeful. Kain’s eye saw the maniacs, but soon revolted by keeping shut; forcing the ears to listen in and imagine how some “maniacs” carried shears, others long blades, some metallic-esque and some even scissor-shaped.

"Snip, snap. Goes the organ! Snip, snap. ARE ALL FAILED RELATIONSHIPS! Snip, snap. Just like a finger snapping to get the waiter. Snip, snap. Is St. Valentine when he sees another failed relationship!"

Kain’s ears heard every sound they made, every snip-n-snap, every cut blood vessel and gut mangling. The stomach began quivering, but Kain’s hands forcefully kept close the mouth. Their noise eventually far beyond that the esophagus thanked Kain plenty with corroding pains. Another organ, maybe not of Kain’s, plopped unto the floor; momentary weakness plagued the legs before forced to pace faster. A thought flew about and buzzed in that noggin of Kain, pestering it before graciously let in: where would Spooky and her twisted posies not board up the exits? Staff areas, possible but guarded by them freaks for sure? Common areas, they’re probably crawling with those freaks patrolling nonstop? Less used areas, they’re probably being attacked now if it wasn’t already? Where did Spooky not think to investigate, especially for a freak that’s possibly worse than them?

But the mental follies snapped as a soft voice charmed Kain’s ears, forcing the legs to sneak to the source of the noise. Getting only more frequent, it began to be cherubic and Kain’s eyes felt ecstatic to see something not bloodied, nor corroded, nor boned in, nor re-arranged to be a table nor used mall décor. Those humanly hands grazing Kain’s face, sending needed coolness in a blood-boiling cascade of rooms.

"I understand, I may not know you but we see the same thing. Help me, for I know an exit out; just require a lil’ pledge whence we leave. It shall be for your own good concerning if they see you with someone like me."

"Why would they be threatened by you that anyone near you would... wait, you’re those angels? You look like not-"

"Hush now, I am new angel and they’re jealous of the gracious gifts bestowed upon us to root out figures like them."

"Well, lead the way; anywhere but here will be better for me."

"Indeed, victims like you and me who done no wrong must be corrected by dæmons of all things. Those ex-Valentines should be here while we enjoy the grace of Heaven; those dæmons pray not even to St. Valentine anyways, like they even know what he looks like."

"Amen to that, now please: what is our path out of this hellhole?"

- Closer by @calluna -

The two guardians of valentines day watched from the upper level of the mall, peering over the banister.

“What do you think Felicity dear?”

“I couldn’t have led him more sweetly to the slaughter myself!”

Freya giggled, holding her scissors before the miniature Kain below, miming cutting him in half, the clipped snip of the metal blades kiss echoing the laughter.

The New Angel led the way, ducking into a shop front draped with tendons ripped straight from the legs of those who’d walked away from their pregnant partners. Nausea pushed up Kains throat as he tried to slip past the curtain, the stringy flesh caught at his clothes, sliding over his face. Some were fresher than others, still warm and clammy with the piss and fear of their former owners, slapping his cheek. Others had dried, shriveled into twisted ropes of human jerky, writhing over his body as he went by.

The shop was piled with twisted bodies, some flopped where they’d been discarded, others were half carved into what they’d become. A skull, sockets repurposed to hold the inner workings of a magic eight ball, sat half painted next to the till. The New Angel, his friendly smile, waited beyond, urging Kain on. It was with a deep churn of his stomach, he picked his way over the slick floor, the mess of offal skidding with blobs of shorn skin.

“If we can get into the back office, the staff areas, we can reach the loading bay, and there, my promised exit awaited, I hope you haven’t forgotten your end of the deal, human?”

Kain shook his head, the pain gripped his insides, the muscles spasming as hot searing bile edged higher up his esophagus.

“Good, hold it together til then.”

The colour had drained from Kains face, his thin lips twinged grey in the agony clenching inside him. The New Angel vanished through the blue swing door to the back, alone, in that oozing room, fear quickly overtook the pain, and Kain stumbled through to doorway, keen not to get left behind.

The normality of the back office, compared to the inferno of flesh he had just left, jarred disconcertingly through Kain. Uniforms adorned hooks, a microwave screamed everyday life from the countertop next to the fridge, and cold, congealing blood clung to his trousers, flecking the carpet with every step he took. His insides kicked, twisting as he felt vomit force it’s way out of his mouth. Hot bile washed over his teeth, tears streaming involuntarily from his eyes. Mid wretch, Kain began to gag, coughing and spluttering, he felt a hot, slimy lump in his throat. He tried to swallow, to push it back down, he hands flew to his neck, fingers groping blockage, distention his throat. Unable to fight it, the blockage eased into his mouth, the smooth surface of his liver brushing revulsion over his tongue.

The organ hit the faded carpet with a wet squelching thud, resting in a steaming pool of bile, Kain tried to scream, but the expulsion had burnt his vocal chords in the silence of stomach acid. The New Angel watched from the entrance to the shop’s warehouse, his dark hazel eyes spilling concern over his gentle face.

Kain raised a hand towards him, in the moments the New Angel walked over, Kain saw not his saviour from this human abattoir, his delirium presented another face. One he’d tried to forget, once cherished, shown now contorted with the pain of betrayal. Fear and confusion swirled through his mind, and without realising, he pulled away from the New Angel.

“I thought you were holding it together?”

Kain glanced up, grimacing as he saw the smiling New Angel looking down at him. Grasping the outstretched hand, Kain pulled himself up.

“Trying.” He rasped.

Kain was already wincing with the agony of the next wave of convulsions, another organ loosening itself in the fulfilling of his ghostly curse, as the New Angel helped him limp into the warehouse.

The double doors swung opened on the eton mess of flesh and bones. Racking gave structure to the strawberry smorgasbord of body parts, limbs stacked in arches over the metal frames. A sweet symphony of suffering rang through the massive warehouse, the doors providing a steady beat as bodycarts were pushed in and out.

The New Angel pulled him to the ground, pushing his body into the wet slurry carpet. The clammy stick of cooling blood imprinted Kains face, as he squirmed under the surprising strength of his companion.

“Shhh stay down, that floaty blue ghost lady is far too cute to have to kill.”

The guardians of valentines day waited in the loading bay beyond the warehouse, twisting their scissors in time with their chanting.

“...swish swish swish, snip snip snip, neat little slices, right from the tip…”

“Felicity, Freya, sorry to interrupt, but your latest guest is crossing the warehouse with that wretchedly grotesque grey angel.” Spooky’s eyes sparkled with menace. “Shall I lifted my little ‘drugging’?”

The girls grinned gleefully, nodding without pausing their chant, stabbing the air with growing enthusiasm with each set of ‘swish’.

They had made it most of the way across the warehouse, ducking behind carts, diving between the racked corpses. Kain crouched behind a repulsive stack of bodies. The golden brown skin, dimpled with the shells of popped bubbles, had a crispy finish. Batter coated flesh fell from the bone as he brushed against one, peering over, waiting for the signal.

His heart was already hammering in his chest, when a sharp spasm of shock seized him. A hand grasped his shoulder, turning around, his relief gushed down his cheeks as he saw the New Angel. The figured gestured to the stack,

”Batter-y for battery, I dread to think what they had in store for you.”

The remark took a moment to reach Kain, as agony slammed through his insides, his pancreas ripping away inside him. Dread darkened his eyes as he thought about the fate he had escaped, despite his confusion, all thanks to this stranger.

“Let’s get you out of here, I can see the loading bay doors ahead.”

The promise of escaping the warehouse, a cannibals carnal cathedral, was enough to give Kain the willpower to push through the wrenching pain of his pancreas forcing its way through the orifices too small for it. Just about. He glanced up feeling more in control, the New Angel was crawling ahead of him, squeezing between a mountain of mangled bodies. Something about him seemed different, it was hard to place, waves of delirium still tickled up the back of his skull, snatching his awareness.

He kept his eyes locked on the feet, the normal feet, with normal shoes, of the New Angel, trying to kept his mind from taking in the details of dismemberment inches from his face. His peripheral vision betrayed him, the rot of leprosy was hard to ignore. Flaps of flayed flesh huge from tendons, clung to fragments of bone. The dark rot of disease born deep holes in the flesh, pitting the slices like holey cheese. Kain weakened with horror, as if the slow decay wasn’t enough, someone had snipped slices of flesh like tassels from the bone.

So caught up in his focus on focus, Kain had stopped seeing the shoes before him, automatically following the figure as pain sweated from his every pore. He bumped into the back of the New Angel, stopped at the end of the racking.

“Hold up! That’s it, the loading bay, we just need to make it across the open floor.”

Kain glanced at the ground with disbelief at the phrase ‘open floor’, the spew of blood and flesh, speckled with shards of bone was at least ankle deep. The wall beyond was studded with lines of chipped discoloured teeth, running from the ground up, reaching different heights. Following his gaze, the New Angel nodded.

“Some of these daemons need to really ‘pull’ their fingers out if they want to catch up those two at the top.”

Comprehension was seeping back into his mind, and turning the words over, he looked towards the tallest rows of teeth, each topped with an elegant, cursive F.


The New Angel grabbed his collar, yanking Kain off the racking and onto the slippy, squelching floor. They skidded towards the bay doors, small slimy flesh blobs escaping the sole of his feet with each compression through the mire.

They fell together through the doors, a small wave of human run-off washing in after them. Bright, glaring light greeted them, shining down from the loading platforms. A thin chink of sunlight stole under the metal door, the promise of escape.

Kain turned to the New Angel, his mind suddenly racing with the pledge he had already agreed to make. Fury and panic shot through him, how would he agree to something like that? He knew better, he’d never make such a promise to a New Angel.

The figure beside him born no resemblance to the man who’d helped him get this far. A massive slobbering jaw split the wrinkled grey face in half, sharp glimmering teeth forcing a repulsive smile. Dark pits sank deep where the eyes should be, the darkness of the abyss staring into him as the New Angel held his gaze.

“Now you see him!”

Freya called out from the loading platform, dancing down the stair way, snipping her silver scissors with each step.

“Yes! Now you see the saviour in your hour of need, for the monster he truly is, but… you agreed to it didn’t you… you agreed that you would pledge whatever he asked of you… and you know now, don’t you, that could only mean one thing… you couldn’t think clearly, but you agreed to it… so when the time came… he would have forced it on you… because you had agreed... so tell me Kain… how reasonable does that defense sound now?”

Kain stood, frozen on the spot, the lithe daemon twirling towards him, tethering on the blade tips of her shoes with the grace of a ballerina. The New Angel, turned to him, each word stretching its mouth to an engulfing black hole.

“You can think clearly now, you know the pledge I will ask of you, still my offer stands.”

His mind tender with the sights of the warehouse, Kain nodded in eager agreement, servitude prerequisites him being alive, and survival was his only concern.


Spooky drifted through the door behind them, her chefs hat as temporal as she, drawing attention, but not the reaction she sought.

“Tut tut you filthy imposter, calling yourself an angel, I have been looking for you! Hiding, like the vermin you are!”

“Cute floaty blue lady, with your little chefs hat, I sought to spare a ghoul so cute, but you chose to incite my wrath?”

The New Angels laugh rose the hairs down Kains back, the mouth opening in macbrae mimicry of a puppet, goblets of salvia flying from the needle tipped teeth.

Spooky smiled, she may hate being called cute, but she loved taking down New Angels, and this one was priming himself to be such a pleasure.

“You can drop the hero act now, I have a little greek dish i’m cooking up, and with those white robes, you look like just the thing i’m missing…”

Lighting bristled from the ghost girls blue hair, sparking in the air around her, she flew down, towards the New Angel - backing helpfully towards the wall. As her ethereal body made contact, she engulfed the New Angel in a sphere of energy, shifting him through the wall, back into the warehouse.

“Well well well, Kain, looks like you trusted the wrong person there…”

Freya closed in on him, Kain, now alone with this daemon, looked around in frantic horror. The door behind him only led back to the warehouse, the set of steps down to the lorry bay, and the promised way out, were beyond the advancing daemon.

He didn’t look up.

Felicity was finally in position, up the extended crane, directly above Kain. He should’ve looked up.

She jumped, her scissors before her, her hair billowing behind her dark skin, the same gust rippling her black robes.

She hit him hands first, the blades of her scissors slamming between his collarbones; the weight of her body driving the silver swords deeper, puncturing the top of his lungs.

Hot dark blood gushed over his chest, soaking his top, seeping across the fabric in a warm, wet embrace.

Kain staggered forwards, Felicity yanking the scissors clean as she somersaulted from his shoulder to stand next to her sister. Blood spurted from the open wound like writhing red laces, whipping against his straining neck.

“He bleeds so good Freya!”

“He really does! Oh, oh, is it my turn?”

Kains mind raced with things he could say, things that would placate the daemons, buy his freedom, or even just a respite, but these were mental follies once more. Every excuse that pushed to the surface of his thoughts was blotted out, by the image of the dismembered corpses stacked in the warehouse. The urge to fight for his life drove him on, words leaving his lips before he had finished thinking them.

“I’m not like them, don’t do this!”

Freya looked at each Felicity, childish glee lighting their faces.

“No, no you’re not, that is why you get this special treatment!”

Kain began to sob, at a loss for words to plead for his life.

“She didn’t drink it, the lid, she saw, i’m not a bad guy, please, I don’t deserve this.”

The demons amusement died instantly.

She didn’t drink it, no, but what about the girls before her…? They did didn’t they…?”

Kain opened his mouth to speak, no sound leaving his lips.

“You thought we didn’t know about the others, just because they didn’t come forwards? Kain, we are not the police, nor are we false gods like that abomination that would have taken equal advantage of you. We are hell, and you have purchased your ticket in full.”

The fear and blood loss combined their forces, slowly pushing darkness over Kain’s vision, gradually numbing his mental faculties until he lurched forwards, passing out.

“Well Freya, shall we get him into the chair..?”

Decayed angelic wings crashed into the concrete, making it scream as the wings tear on the shoulder blades. With the shoulder blades popping out, the bubble pop squeaks the air. Greyed legs self-erecting the body, the back hunched over despite the buzzing electricity all over the mid-lower body. That eyeless face spun around as the fingers spiked, blood still dripping from the wing hinds as the bloodied concrete periodic sings.

The air was normal to the esophagus of the New Angel but the tension slowly was tying the noose of which it was trying to sling out of. Then a knife chinked all over the bloodied, the New Angel’s hands reached. Fingers gushing bologna sauce popped from the hands as the body sprung back. The wings acting qua cushions, the shoulder blades further popped out causing the voice-box to squeal horridly in the air that shook the entire loading bay. Yet the fingers floated, Spooky finally materializing and each finger plopped unto the plate.

“Pecking- Gah!”

“Electric heater now, Hunk!”

“Administering shock-voltage.”

Electricity swarmed and mass-pierced the rotten excuse of an angel, slowly smoke escaping the body, the body flopping like a dying fish and blood swirling around with the body. Spooky floated over to Hunk, raising her fist and Hunk returning the bump. The two set of eyes stared gleefully as the electricity show entered into its mid act with the body flaking and gushing out wounds like dazzling candy.

“Despite me wearing a gas-mask and all urban military gear to the point of no skin showing, I must remark the smell is delicate... Like umami going through the filters, yet it must be burning angelic incense on your end?”

“Indeed, thankfully I can just float away or just un-constitute myself. Anywho, you deserve that Grim Reaper callsign, Ol’ Death you~”

“Don’t know what to say, Spooky, but how has the evening’s events been?”

“Well other than a marathon of slicing throats, causing heads to explode and cutting off heads with this nice knife, I guess pretty nice seeing how those scissor dæmons tick with how they act human but love to castrate males... Wait, I don’t get the explosion part; how can this knife generate such... whatever you call it.”

“I think the explosion part is due to the- hey look, the final act is almost over. Progressively dialing back voltage.”

With the smoke fully steaming out, the wings seeming like dead-oak branches, the shoulder blades ever-poking out to where muscle ligaments started to slime out and the meat tenderly induced to a richness that make even the non-cannibals slobber over. Spooky’s arms gesturing Hunk to come over, Hunk’s arms snagged the chef kit as the legs pressed on. The kit singing smoothly its unraveling, Spooky giggled while Hunk’s mind awaited orders to come from what was the unit leader - being Spooky.

“Well, as I said, I have a small greek dish to make and I like to not disappoint the person looking to eat it. Anywho, I want to see what makes all New Angels tick as well and this one’s no exception; so get harvesting, Hunk!”

Awareness crept slowly up the back of Kain’s skull, he tried to raise his hand, but the motion was restricted. For a brief moment, he wondered if he’d spiked the wrong cup.

”He’s awake!!”

That voice… Kain glanced down, he’d been stripped naked, his legs and arms bound with cabling to a cheap office chair. He tried to part his lips, shout for help, for the New Angel to save him once more, but the gummy tack of tape covered his mouth.

Silver scissors snapped in front of his face, between the motion, he made out one of the demon sisters stood tall on the blade tipped points of her shoes, looming over him.

“And… is he ready?”

Kain glanced down, the other of the two had appeared, kneeling between his forcible spread legs, her scissors parted like a waiting mouth.

A look passed between the two, and in that moment, Kain knew there would no escape. He closed his eyes, unable to watch what he began to suspect might follow, praying for the sweet release back to black unconsciousness.

Two voices picked up their chanted refrain, the notes accompanied first by the soft pffft of scissors snipped through the air, then by the screams, the agonised howling of the man, strapped to that chair.

“...swish swish swish, snip snip snip, neat little slices, right from the tip…”


Two thingsTM: Dziękuję @calluna for cowriting this story, and expect contest entries tomorrow!~ That’s all and have a safe Spooky-tine’s day!

(Also I did the Spooky fight in the closer by @calluna. Just had to clarify that, we both agreed to mention this tidbit.)


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