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RE: The Pageant Queen: A Jealous Scene

in #writing5 years ago

Okay, freeze frame: that foto (photo) is not only so well shot but pre-loading a major sense for the story already. I can feel the snobbyness that shall be present in the story with a character, especially with pageants. The most vile and sexist (I speak this unironically by the way) thing to infantilize and mystify what beauty is in a young lady's mind. But I shall shove that to the extreme corner since I know you aren't making a story promoting them. How will I keep it there?~ :p - Glad you asked, by stomping it with my steel-tipped and bottom-spiked boots of death. Moving on...

Intensifies gathering the popcorn for I hear the Drama Dragon stomping across the green pastures of my imagination

Good thing thou art actually considering linking other parts of your script collection, very important when it comes to Steemit. Anyways good in highlighting the prompt, giving a legend for how to read a script and commentating on why things like dialogue seem odd in the post for today~

Reacción (Reaction): Well, I as some random anonymous user of the internet on a World Wide Net have to say this: Thank you for struggling to find inspiration and committing to a second attempt. And this seemed original despite being a derivative of pageant shows, obviously your mentioning of Wicked (and change that word to unconscious, subconscious for those not ready to accept that the unconsciousness stands equal a conscious Order) and I very much lubbed (loved) it!~ <3 ALSO THREE TAGS, USE FIVE!!!!~ Got to use them ALL!!!!~ :p <<<<3333!!!!~ Add "story" and "fiction" to those tags next time~ Anywho, to the story, thank the merciful Spaghetti Monster of the First Italian Church of the Spaghetti God! It doesn't glorify but underlies the existing unconscious economic motivation for most winners which gets dressed up by the social fabric for fame, honour of a strict sense of hypersexualized females and being the first place in the beauty competition.

La filosofía (The Philosophy): Which inspired this Transbian (hi, I am a Trans Lesbian by the way!~) ærs full of stubborness and snobbyness to finally comment here on la filosofía (the philosophy) of the post. That the aftermath of those new into the creed knowing the very economic foundation but refusing to necessarily contribute to the social constructs and SuperStructure (Culture and Ideology). Rose, mind you a generic 19 year old girl presupposed in an American context (because I haven't seen them in mass popularity like the USA outside of the USA) yet developing a lil', just a lil', situational awareness to the World around her. (Okay the lil' part was a joke for those not familiar with the idiocy of the English language to have confusing figurative language rules and how they can be thrown around with literal words.) And with just that lil' bit of situational awareness, not only is she humble while being self-interested, she has a heart to not only give some tough love (critqueing out of love for the person to eventually develop better) and a hand in the mire Trish had found herself in. Really nice, survivor of your crazy Theatre professor. A reflection of that life isn't Satan's armpits and people do care for each other if they can peer beyond the ideology of the time.

La Forma (The Form): Wow, you weren't lying. I thought the steemit editor would help out make the script feel less clunky. But damn could I feel the professor physically slapping me through the ether seeing the formatting here. I wish I could Gordon Ramsey your teacher and just set their back back into a 180 degree angle and not this crooked form. Otherwise, everything seemed impossibly good for a stock standard script formatting; maybe in the interlude of being beaten up by your professor that the text unpecked itself. Anywho, good on doing good formatting unlike whatever your professor said.

So congrats on that @curie upvote, keep on playwrighting and happy steeming!~

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