The Dark Side Of India Part-1 (The Musahar) !!

in #writing7 years ago


Hello All Dear Steemit Friends,

Friends from today iam going to start a different type of series that based on the Dark side of india and show you that even India is known as a great tourism spot and developing country it still has some darkness in it.

So my today's topic is about a indian tribe/Community known as "Musahar".

In india their is a city named "Varanasi" situated in "Utter Pradesh" state.

In this place a very poor and small community lives named "The Musahar" basically the meaning of their name is "Untouchable" or "The Rat Eaters" and they are tainted by their birth into a cast system that deems them Untouchable or impure,

Many of the people of this community is make their living on some small farming work and construction work because they are not acceptable bye other superior casts and that's why these people are always lives in a fear of being publicly humiliated, merely walking through an upper-cast neighborhood is a life threatening offence for them.


The main living or business for them is to kill Rats.just Because these people are treated as not touchable, finding a job is also very crucial for them and Because of their low income most of the Musahar childrens are not able to read and get proper education and they forced to do labor work in very hazardous industries from a very small age and that's why they are not able to get proper education and a good standard of living and the Musahar childrens not able to get admission in many schools just because the upper class Community don't want them to read and get education with their high tribe childrens.

But even if most of the people treat them as inferior as compared to them,the will of a human is very strong and far beyond the reach of these inferior treatment by other Communities and a man among these Musahar Community named " Jitan Ram Manjhi" proved this to the whole world by becoming the 23rd chef minister of bihar on 20th may 2014.


Their is a lot of NGO's and government institutions are working to solve the Musaha's problems and trying to provide them the rights that they deserved as a human being but still these organisations are not able to solve their problems until the other upper cast people stop treating them as a inferior and untouchable people.

So what is your opinions about this tribe of india.please share them in the comments below.




I hate this casteism system...

Yes i also don't like it 😣

Thanks for sharing

Welcome @edyjar

I feel so pity for these people.

Yes me too :(

Thanks bro :)

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