An old friend.

in #writing6 years ago


Few were the days that remained in this cold wasteland filled with leftovers of an avoidable past.

It doesn't matter now...

I've come here to pay my respects one last time, as I've been called once again to defend the weak and unprotected.
Were it not for you I'd have ended it fighting alongside you, but you saw what all that I could be when I couldn't see it for myself.

Sacrifice , honor , diligent and brave above all else are the lessons that you gave me, and for that I am thankful.

As the sun sets in we begin our walk through the abandoned town regarding all the details of the forgotten battle that took place all the countless loss lives for defending what was right.

  • It was here were It happened.

  • You mean ...

  • Yes. I stood right here astonished while he saved me

  • We can leave if you want to, being nostalgic is not helpful

As always the same castle stands imposing on the background, old, strong, timeless.

  • Follow me...

We made our way through the bridge towards the bridge, amazing that it still stands German engineering I suppose.

  • Our retreat gave them the opportunity to close in on us and besiege us, they took advantage of our mistakes.

The castle decayed by time , dust and decadence, it had obviously seen better times.

  • Is this the final resting place for your mentor?

  • Look behind you.

As she turns around I kneel to face my old friend.

  • It's been a while old friend...


Short scene inspired by

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