A little snow, a little go, a little no.

in #writing7 years ago

Today it snowed. Since this is Finland, it snowed a lot and more is falling as I write. When I arrived at the parking lot of a client company in the afternoon, shifts were changing and people who had been inside all day were milling about searching for their cars as under so much snow, they all look the same. They would knock a little off the edges to see if the colour was correct.

I really enjoy it when there is a decent amount of snow on the ground and it is cold enough to stay frozen. It makes the place so much lighter and when the sun sets at 3pm, all light is important. The longest I have gone without seeing natural light due to working hours has been over two weeks which is a strange feeling for an Australian used to the sun.

Lately though, I have been burning the candle at both ends as I have so many things to do with some being 'must dos' and others being 'want to dos'. Balancing the two is a challenge at times but I tend to get the musts out of the way before the wants because undone musts generally have a higher cost if left incomplete.

Most of the musts are business activities that require attention but there are also the family pressures that draw time and energy too. These are enjoyable responsibilities too even though they are time critical. With my wife studying hard to finish her studies, this means a whole range of things fall to me to take care of. This is of course a healthy part of a relationship, one works to make space for the other to do what they need to do.

At the moment, most of my wants surround getting the time to write and exercise with writing beating out exercise more than it probably should but, it is my current luxury item. Time is a luxury that too often we waste on frivolous things so I am trying to be more conscious of the way I use mine. I don't think that every moment of existence should be productive for me but for me, combining what I enjoy with work is something I am getting better at.

When I started my business three or four years ago, it was a lifestyle decision, not a financial one. In the beginning, I lost about forty percent of my income in order to get away from a poor environment that was supporting me to be average. Working to get into a better financial position is hard but demands me to use more of my potential each day. There is very little time to rest and I enjoy it this way. A snapshot of me 6 years ago would have told a very different story.

But, as I said, I have been burning the candle at both ends with long days, long nights and very little sleep to break the two. I think I have averaged three hours a night with a random nap (if I can get one) for about two or three weeks, and it is starting to take its toll. I can feel that I must get some rest especially since tomorrow is a five in the morning start with an eight in the evening finish. One of the musts.

Yesterday, my wife and I were talking and I was telling her that if everything works out with Steemit, Steem and our little investing, one day in the future we may have some space to have fewer musts, and more wants. I am never going to stop working but, being able to choose the kind of work is still a luxury I rarely get to enjoy and still be able to take care of my responsibilities. If things don't work out as 'planned', it just means that the musts stick around longer, perhaps forever. This does not matter though as having the possibility to work the potential space is a luxury in and of itself.

Tonight though I will say 'No' to writing more and leave you with the view from my kitchen window instead. I'll take some space for the rest of the night and get to bed earlyish (before 5 am at least) instead. It is actually hard to do as I have so many things I want to write about and share that in some way I think I have created another must for myself. I am an addict.

I will see how bad the withdrawals get overnight ;)

[ a steemit original ]


Stunning photos as always and a good read. I’m looking forward to seeing you reach your goals and will applaud you when that happens. You deserve it!

Right now as I type this message it’s 40 degrees here (Celsius). You’re talking about having to find a car under piles of snow and I’m sipping Hills Cider on ice. :)

Not a fan of winter and simply cannot imagine living in Finland, where the winters are beautiful but harsh, especially as an Australian! Are you mad Sir?! :) Guessing love was in the equation somehow? Remember to sleep; as my guides often tell me - There is no rush, enjoy the journey. Keep warm and safe xox

Originally, just to get out of Australia and comfort zones for a while but soon it turned into various loves :)
I will head to bed very soon.

Amazing pictures, all yours?

Yes, thanks. They are mine.

We have a little snow here too in Scotland at the moment but nothing like yourself in Finland. It's more annoying than pretty at the moment. :(

Rest up mate. You've earned it.

It has been that 'annoying snow' for a while here. Hopefully this will stick around though but the weather is fickle these days.

You must try, at all costs, get a minimal of eight hours in a row of comforting, energy recharging and good sleep time every day my dear friend. :)

The frontal lobes of our brains only grow, develop and strengthen during the sleep phase. You could even allow yourself the luxury of being without eating for up to a week if you want and still stay healthy. But not the most remote chance of achieving the same without sleeping at least 8 hours in a row every day.

¡Trust me! This is what an old Venezuelan Cranky Gandalf is telling you from afar. This experienced venezuelan who have to invest a lot of his Steem incomes in buying a new bras weekly to prudishly hide the tits that keep growing in his forehead. LoL

Sleep well mate and say 'No' to writing for a little while. Remember, you still gotta watch The Century Of The Self to achieve give a deserved rest to your restless and tireless fingertips and still feed your own tits. }:)

As always, great post and superb photos buddy. Cheers!!

rest, my friend. Thanks for leaving us these lovely thoughts and images. Three hours of sleep is definitely burning the candle on both ends! Best wishes.

If I am lucky, I will get 6 tonight :)

We are scheduled for 3-5. It's pretty cold here today!

ya snow will make thing hard for every one but still i love snow at all we dont have in my state we go very far to watch some sort of snow

i like it, thank you brother.

The best thing is you have considered both the possibilities.

If it works out then good...If it doesn't then you are okay too..

You will still push, write and be around for the next adventure. Loved your spirit and the view from the kitchen window.

hope you have a nice rest day, everyone needs to take it easy every once in a while! you deserve it :)

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