Opinion — Leave Einstein "racist" diaries alone

in #writing6 years ago

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What happened?

Einstein's travel diaries have been published and there are quite a few racist remarks. I'll be focusing on his impressions of the Chinese people.

“industrious, filthy, obtuse people.”

“Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”

“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

Reaction from the West

So many people heavily criticized Einstein and started to question his anti-racist ideals. Just look at the headlines of many articles who covered this story.

Reaction from China

Some people in China did criticize Einstein but so many actually defended him and even agreed. Comments from social media users:

“This is called insulting China? That’s ridiculous. Did the Chinese in that era look dirty? When I see the photos from then, they look dirty, Einstein depicted the true state of that era.”

“We praise Lu Xun because he pointed out our disadvantages. Why should we blame Einstein for this?”

“That was the impression China gave to the world back then, if it were now, Einstein wouldn’t say such things.”

“Hunger, war, and poverty all pressed on the Chinese. How could Chinese people at the time gain Einstein’s respect?”

“Diaries are extensions of private thought, and there’s no sin in thought, no matter what he thinks, as long as he doesn’t speak or act in a racist way, then you cannot implicate him. Not to mention the racial climate back then and the limitations of his own youth.”

I like how many Chinese people reacted, it does show maturity but let me tell you this, if it was an African or a Philipino scientist writing that, you would have seen a way different reaction. Chinese people tend to accept criticism when coming from the West not so much if coming from countries they consider "lower level".

My Opinion

I agree 100% with the first and especially the last comment. Before criticizing him people should first research about 100 years ago China and then research about 100 years ago western culture and not a superficial quick Google search. After you did that you'll realize that those remarks aren't racist at all for the time and to me even if they were so what? He wrote that in his DIARIES, what? You never had any slightly racist thoughts? So give Einstein a break. I'm so sick and tired of this political correctness bullshit, nowadays can't say anything anymore.

About those Einstein quotes

I know China and Chinese people quite well (I do speak Mandarin Chinese fluently) so I want to give Albert an update.

“industrious, filthy, obtuse people.”
Older generations still very industrious, younger generations not so much. Older generation a bit filthier than us, younger generations probably cleanier than us. Many Chinese are still obtuse but it's not because of race, it's because of education.

“Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”
Some they still squat when eating and also when smoking and I always felt weird but hey if they like it, even though it doesn't look good, it's none of my business but if people I know do that I'll tell them that if you do it you might get hemorrhoids, lol...Chinese children are not spiritless and don't look obtuse.

“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
Sorry Albert but they are about to take over the world and I'm sure that they'll do a better job than America.


Being tolerant and fair to people that's what counts


For articles about this story







First of all, the way chinese people are dealing with this is amazing.

We pay so much attention to the topic of racism these days that we hardly think about the topic of "Dealing with racism aimed at us", so there is something to be learned here.

As far as I know, squatting is a much healthier resting position than sitting is.

Really? OK, I'll research...thank you

Do that.

I also took the liberty and mentioned your post in my blog and resteemed it. Be sure to check it out.

Wow. Thank you so much.

Thank me by keeping up the good work!

Sure 😊😊😊

Excellent. I am looking forward to more from you.

I am with you on political correctness. Nowadays, you can't call a spade a spade anymore.

Yeah, that's ridiculous

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