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RE: Someone explain this to me...

in #writing8 years ago

As some of the other comments said, it's always hard to know for sure when there's not a comment made and personally I've never gotten an 'unfollow' statement before. Just kind of how that goes.

If interested, you can actually see your follows/unfollows here to actually see who and choose to ask why if you really want to.

On the comments talking about the dictator vs democracy post, there are certain things that will both attract and drive away people, but sometimes it isn't even in regards to a post, being just cleaning up a follow feed (I've seen some people who unfollow nearly everyone on their list to start over prevents 'monoculture'/force new people to find/read/etc.

In the end, it's more crucial (in my opinion) to write/post what you want and feel to be important/interesting which will accrue followers on those things or on you as the individual behind it. :)

I am curious on you're dictator vs democracy post now though. Lol. I've thought in that area before in the sense of 'efficiency.' Democracy was purposely created to be slow moving.


Thanks a lot for that link. I knew of steemdb but, I had no idea how much information was on there. It would appear that my unfollows were unrelated to the post. I have gained 2 since I lost that 2 anyway, so it's progress nonetheless.

I do intend to continue to write about things which are aligned with my thoughts and feelings. I have also risked downvotes before with a particularly controversial comment, that went on to become the most upvoted comment I have ever written, so I feel the Steemit community for the most part are very open minded and willing to hear everyone's opinions.

That's why I felt the need to make this post, because two people unfollowing me for such a reason seemed unlikely based on my experience with this community. We know now that what I thought may have happened did not, so I am happy about that.

Slow moving sounds applicable to system I grew up in, but at the moment it seems things are moving faster than ever.. Though, we no longer have democracy. Only the embodiment of it through our right to vote.

Npnp, I was happy when they started including the follow list there.

I tend to think of the ideal situation (even though temporary, because those who follow don't always follow suit) to be the 'benevolent dictator.' The closest examples I've found in modern times (in my mind) could be the Dalai Lama (even though he's not been in Tibet for decades) or the King of Bhutan (who ended up setting up democracy there, essentially removing himself as king.)

Imo, ideal democracy requires a very well (fully) informed and actively engaged population (in which we really have neither in the US.) I love the quote by Chomsky of "The bludgeon is to a Dictatorship as propaganda is to a Democracy."

In the end any form of 'ideal' government (in my opinion) is there to sacrifice their own benefits/opportunity cost for the benefit of the whole population. After about 50 years, just about every government has become corrupted from this. It takes truly special persons/people to make things 'work' but greed, laziness, fear, etc. always pop up as time goes on.

Some of this also falls in the lap of populations themselves (imo.) Many don't care or want to put in the effort to know what's going on, even if it was readily provided to them. They also just want the personal benefit versus actually building up the whole.

It's sad to say, but until we have an alien (outside earth) threat, or at least perceived threat, I don't see the Earth population becoming an all inclusive 'us' group...leaving the aliens to be the new 'them.' There always seems to be some us/them for most people.

I think if we had a very well informed populous in any Western country, we would have a revolution soon after. If people knew the true depths of how they and their children are being exploited by those that have sworn to protect them, no amount of democracy could repair the trust the people would have lost in government.

Though I am familiar with the quote--it's a great one--I knew not of who coined it. Without propaganda we would have that informed public that you speak of, and they would have no support for their illegal wars.

I used to think that if people want to remain blissfully ignorant then that's their choice and it shouldn't be a problem to allow them to bury their heads in the sand if it allows them to sleep better at night. However, in recent years I feel that this widespread ignorance and apathy is exactly what paved way the way for things to progress to this point, so I completely agree with you. I don't think people should be allowed to use, 'I didn't know' as an excuse anymore. You have a duty to know, for the sake of your fellow man and the children of tomorrow.

I am seeing a lot about aliens recently, to the point it almost seems like pre-programming, so I won't be surprised if you get your wish before long. Though, I expect that if anything it would be the perceived threat rather than the legitimate thing.

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