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RE: When You Have More Ideas than Time-- Write Them Down!

in #writing7 years ago

Thank you for writing this down and posting it here. I don't have a specific writing time but I feel I need to schedule one. Maybe I am wrong but I need to try. I am like you I always have ideas in my head and I write them down but without a proper schedule they never develop into written pieces. They mostly stay ideas with more ideas on top. I have a notebook near my bed for when I wake or fall asleep with ideas and I have my phone for taking notes.
Thanks for reminding me that I stick to my plan of writing every day. Even if it is just a few ideas in my notebook.


Ideas on written paper "that never become anything" is definitely an issue for me, as well. I had a few days' break last fall and organized all my loose bits of paper, and they amounted to having the "bones" for well over 500 pieces/posts!

Since resuming "general" blogging here on Steemit, I have tried to get in the routine of writing at least ONE "something" every day. I don't always succeed... but making it a tangible goal has helped; consistency IS important.

Yes consistensy is important and also it is very satisfying to write every day. I think once I figure out a proper writing time, it will be beneficial for my mind. Thanks for encouraging me with this post.

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