Are you holding back on your good stuff?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

I try to reassure folks that we are still in beta when they get the doldrums about their success on Steemit. Look at the new features, I'll say, orwe haven't even started recruiting users

And when I speak of being in beta,a small fear runs through me now and again...what if I use up all my writing before Steemit goes big?

Looks like this well ran dry
By Zefram (Own work (own photography)) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY 2.0 de (], via Wikimedia Commons

I wonder if anyone else has that same fear, or worse, holds back on their creation because they don't want to run dry once Steemit becomes huge.

Look at it this way; writers Steven King and Jerry Pournelle both make the case that the way to get better at writing write. The more you write, the better you will get. So instead of running dry, you will actually be better!

I am pretty sure that this applies to any other kind of skill, creative or not.

The good thing is that Steemit has a short "attention span"; this means you can re-purpose your old stuff, or maybe clean it up, or even re-write a bit. ( I can go back through my posts and see spelling and grammar mistakes over and over, and I can also see parts of the story that I think could go in a different way).

But, just like you shouldn't worry if yur blogs aren't succeeding right now, you should not worry about your creative well running dry. Write, draw, take pictures, make movies - create, create, create! When the platform is set to go big, YOU will have a deep profile, and you will create even more!


I did use up my best (or my favorite) stuff first when nobody was following me. Then I worried about it for a while, then I started trying to write better stuff.

I might redo or expand some of those first stories for reuse one day though.

I think you could as a measure of laziness just copy/paste the old stuff into a new post maybe even with the same title.
Sure, Cheetah will roar, but I think that affects autovote curation more than anything else actual readers will be pleased to see your best stuff!

Like you, I can always find something to fix. But I did repost a couple that go in my series, just to correct the filename.

once you see one pair of want to see them all

dude has one of the best delivery styles I have ever witnesesed

Personal experience:
I spend less and less time on posts because having a succesful post seems completely random. The ones i spent all day on get nothing and zero comments but the simple posts blow up??
So yes, i guess i would say that im saving many postings until a time where it will be appreciated.
Certain users with auto whale votes also seem to spend less time on there blogs, as i have noticed their content dramatically shorter now than in the past. So i know i am not alone in this.
But your right, its still in beta. So saving some posts makes sense...
I remain optimistic that the future of steemit will bring higher quality content but for now, most seem to post the minnimum of what they believe a whale would vote on.

Since it is so hit or miss, i put effort into my posts until I get tired, then I wrap it up. What I should do instead is to save a draft, then to fili every post with the best effort.

Effectively then, my best posts AFAIAC are the one I have had the energy to complete as I intended; however, just like you said, what I feel to be quality and what the voters seem to like are two different things.

You can chalk that up to 3 potential factors:

  • the timing is off and the folks that would like your post never saw it
  • curation strategies are not geared towards quality posts
  • your readers have different tastes than you do; maybe what you didn't feel was your best did indeed resonate with someone.

I can relate-- I've worried about running out of material to write about since the first week here! I discovered that the external hard-drive which held all my photos and more was broken, and I was on my own.
I have to walk away from that well to get anything new-- staring in there doesn't help, I found.

Back ups save;I shouldn't say that b/ I haven't backed u in two weeks, but it's a habit we need to build for ourselves

I really hope you can recover those pics.

I did a post on sitting down and writing, regardless of how good or bad, a while back.

As long as something's going on...there's something to write about!

"May your children live in interesting times" (old Chinese curse) I have something to write about!

Your theory is full of holes, it won't hold water! "Sponge full of holes, sponge holds water." ~Charlie Chan ; )

It all depends on the author's talents. I personally go after the news so my potential writing is almost limitless. I of course rehash some of the old stuff I wrote in the past - I've been blogging actively for over 5 years - but there is always a good modern twist to it.

For example, Donald Trump's mercantilist ideas are getting more concrete every day. It's therefore easy to "resurect" Frédéric Bastiat, or even Adam Smith, to show people the mistakes Orange-Elect is making

Analyzing current events will keep you chained to your desk, lol but at least you will always have material!

afar as Trumps economics, I think a certain amount of mercantilism/protectionism is going to be necessary to counter the corrupt globalist policy we have been getting shanked with. Will he take it too far? Can't argue either way.

Chained? I might be spending a little "too much" time at the moment because I'm looking for a job, but otherwise I do have a life!

It has been very hard for me to let go of internet arguments , especially on Reddit. I have gotten better at letting go over the last year, but I can remember sitting all day on the PC researching and putting together arguments when I should been looking for a job myself

That worry is there a bit, but mainly because I dont know how the "easy" stuff will go here. Fiction. Current political things.
Its harder with the philosophical stuff, after all, it does not change.

Also the main point for me is not to make money - that would be nice, but that is not the reason I am here.

But one thing is sure: The only thing that makes you a better writer is to write (and review) more. Strangely it is the same for all things.

what is the measure? It takes 10,000 hours to become a master of a skill?

write write write write! right? ;>

You are never a master of writing. At least as long as you dont know the measure.

RIP Terry Pratchett who never considered himself a master.

lets see, you can suffer from Dunnig-Kruger and think you're better than you are, you could be an excellent writer that is simply off as far as the market wants, you could be afflicted with a bad distribution system and be a greet writer who people would love if they actually saw what you wrote...

dont matter, just keep writing as long as you have something to say

My wife and I once found a whole family of dogs in our well, sadly they didn't make it

very sad. I hope you didnt drink the water.

For a while we suspected something was wrong with the taste of the water, that's why we decided to check

not be be overly morbid, but there was the case of Elisa Lam, whose body was found in a hotel water tank. Hope yall didnt get sick

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