The Dark Magic Show - Episode 4 (Short Fiction Script)

in #writing6 years ago

What is dark magic? How does it work? The answers might surprise you.

Scene:  Sly grinning sorcerer in a strikingly shiny black tophat struts onto the stage.  A feisty crowd applauds and sends upbeat vibes.  

Magician (waving, grinning):  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! You’re too kind! What you’re about to see is stunningly real! Or not…...Or both? Before we begin, I’d like to introduce my lovely assistant, Storm! She’s the first humanoid A.I. performer in history! Or is she…..? Come on out, Storm!

An artificially crafted female in a dazzling outfit gracefully makes an entrance.  

Magician:  Ladies, gents, and young humans, this is a special family edition of the Dark Magic Show.  As you might have noticed, most in the audience are parents and children.  To perform this trick, I’ll need a parent and child dynamic duo to volunteer from the audience!   

A few hands reluctantly go halfway up.

Magician:  Aw, come on! Show me some spirit!

More hands go up, amidst a chorus of giggles and excited whispers.

Magician:  You two there, mother and daughter both wearing a fancy hair bow on the third row.

Mother and daughter look at each other in astonishment.

Mom (slightly nervous):  I didn’t think you’d actually pick us!
Magician:  All the more entertaining! Come on up!

The two make their way through the cheering crowd and up on stage.

Magician:  May I have your names please?

Mom:  I’m Polly.
Little Girl:  And I’m Molly. (shy smile)

Magician:  Rhyming names! How quaint! Molly, how old are you?
Molly:  Seven and three-quarters.

Magician (chuckling):  Thanks for such an accurate answer! Polly, I’m gonna ask you two silly questions.  Would you do anything for your daughter?

Polly:  Oh, absolutely!
Magician:  And does Molly ever play outside alone? Molly, you can answer if you’d like. 

Molly:  Yeah, I like to ride my bike around our street sometimes.    

Magician:  That’s great! How adventurous! Now, for the next phase of our trick.  (turns back to audience) You sir, in the shoddy polo shirt with the bar tan on the front row, by yourself.   Would you please assist us?

Guy awkwardly comes on stage.    

Magician:  What’s your name, sir?
Guy:  Winthorp.

Magician:  Winthorp?
Winthorp:  That’s right.    

Magician:  Very well, Winthorp.  Please go see our robot assistant Storm to receive your instructions.

Winthorp meanders over to Storm.  Storm whispers in his ear.  His eyebrows shoot up, then walks back.    

Magician:  Ok, Winthorp, you know what to do.  Now do it!

Winthorp walks over to Polly and Molly.

Winthorp:  Hi, Molly.  Hi, Polly.  Molly, I’m gonna need you to come with me, and away from your mom.  Is that ok?

Polly looks awkwardly at the magician.    

Polly:  Is this part of the act? Should I let her go?

Magician:  The choice is yours! Let me ask you this.  Would you normally allow your daughter to go with a grown stranger and away from you?

Polly (appalled):  Heavens no!
Molly:  Mommy, I don’t wanna go with the creepy man!

Polly:  And you don’t have to, dear.  You stay right here.  (puts arm around Molly)
Winthorp: But I don’t think letting your child play outside alone is ok, so I’m gonna save her.

Polly:  I don’t care what you think about us, creep! Mind your own business! 

Crowd robbles in agreement.  

Magician:  Ok, Polly and Molly, very well done.  Now, Winthorp, please go back to Miss Storm and receive further instructions!

Winthorp goes back to Storm.  She whispers and slips something into his hand.    

Magician:  Come on back Winthorp! Please follow Storm’s instructions!

Winthorp walks back to Polly and Molly.  Flashes CPS badge.    

Winthorp:  I’m afraid I must insist that Molly come with me.    

Polly:  Is that badge real? What is all this?   

Magician:  Real badge, fake badge? What’s the difference?

Polly:  And why must she go? We didn’t do anything wrong!
Winthorp:  It’s against code to allow children to be outside alone.  It’s considered to be a form of neglect.    

Crowd gasps and murmurs.  

Polly (furious):  What?! I never heard of such a thing! Playing outside is perfectly natural!
Winthorp:  Please don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.  Don’t make me call the police.    

Molly:  Please, mommy, I don’t wanna go with the creepy man!   
Polly (to Winthorp):  Do you really work for the government? (gasping, fearful, to magician)  Does he?!

Magician (shrugs shoulders, nonchalant):  Government?  What is government?   

Winthorp grabs Molly’s hand.    

Winthorp:  It’s ok, Molly.  Let’s go.
Polly:  But….but? (sobbing) What can I do?   

Magician:  Well, you could defend yourselves……
Polly:  But if he’s really from the government….

Winthorp and Molly disappear off stage.

Magician:  Would you defend yourself if you didn’t see that badge?
Polly:  I’d go utterly berserk on him!

Magician:  And the badge stopped you?
Polly:  Uh, well, it’s more complex than that, but I guess it kinda did.    

Magician:  It’s the same man, Polly! Why did you let him walk off with your daughter?
Polly:  Well, if he’s with the CPS, I have to, don’t I?

Magician:  Again, it was the same man that a minute earlier you denied vehemently! You never even considered it a possibility of letting Molly go until you saw the badge!

Polly:  I never thought about it like that!   

Magician (to audience):  Ladies and gentleman, that is some of the darkest magic you’ll ever see! (turns to the back of the stage) Molly, Winthorp, please come back out!

Molly and Winthorp come out from behind the curtain.  Molly runs back to her mom.    

Polly:  You’re not really taking her? Are you really with the CPS?

Winthorp smirks.

Magician:  I guess we’ll never know…...Thanks for attending this dark magic show! (bows six times)


Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikipedia.


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