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RE: [Short Story #40] - Immortal Store Clerk

in #writing7 years ago

Excellent story, with a gloomy prediction. Funny thing is that his way of observing is the best way to learn about species. When you think about it lions don't know nat geo team is filming them, right? Who can guarantee that we also are not subjects of observation. Short story, but deep one


Exactly what I was going for, yeah!
When we're at the doctor's, we all act, even if only a little bit.
When we're around friends, random strangers who we find attractive, ... "insert just about every encounter here".... we're always worried what others will think about us.. we never truly let go...
But in such seemingly "meaningless" encounters, we tend to not care enough to put up a farse. Especially if we're at, say, a gas station abroad when we're sure to never meet that same person again... then we don't care how we act... In a sense, our true selves show.

Kind of sad, really.

What an interesting concept. Makes me reflect on how I treat the average store clerk I think I may never see again. I wonder if that's a good measure of a person. Maybe it's a good indicator anyway. Although, there will be outliers, such as a bad day, or a busy morning, etc.

Too often have I seen people who appear very kind and loving be complete assholes to people they "value"* less (sadly, often times this means the workers I had mentioned)... And I believe it does indeed tell a lot about a certain individual.
The way you treat the ones you need not treat any special way says something about you... And too often we forget other people have feelings too. :| Especially when we're having a bad day ourselves, as you mentioned, and need to "vent" ourselves somehow, and somewhere.. And what more convenient way than to trouble someone we'll never see again?
Which is also why I try my very hardest to treat everyone - regardless if I'll ever see them again or if I'm having a bad day - the best I can. Make these people's days maybe just a little brighter. And if I can't do that, at least not make their day shittier.
I'll admit I can't keep smiling all the time, but I managed to contain myself on my bad days to just communicate as little as possible. Stay quiet instead of being offensive. Save us all the bad mood. :p

You know, this may seem like a small thing, but I think it is essential. It can be tough to do on occasion. But I try to do the same--just be congenial and gracious. And I think it is uber important to value and treat everyone the same. I'm all about the kumbaya in that respect.

It takes a lot to get me to be cold toward someone, and even then, I'm still going to be courteous.

It takes a lot to get me to be cold toward someone, and even then, I'm still going to be courteous

Exactly! I'm the same now!
It's hard sometimes when someone snaps at you, and it's sad you never get credit for ... being the nicer person. But it does make living with my own self a whole much easier :P

And since I mentioned not getting credit for our endeavors... Kudos to you for trying your best! You're making the world a better place. Even if no one notices... ;)

Well, that would be nice if I could leave the world better than I found it. I hope that is the case. At the end of the day I am stuck with myself. Every day. No way around that. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be stuck with someone who is nice to be around. I don't know if I succeed at it as much as I'd like. But it's definitely better than being some other people I know!

Exactly my thoughts!
At the end of the day I am the one who has to live with myself, and my actions. Having a clean conscious sure helps me sleep at night. ^^

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