Life In The Philippines - My Observation

in #writing7 years ago


Life in the Philippines is both fun and interesting. As a foreigner and having been here for a couple of years, I do associate and interact with the locales to see issues from their views and perspective.

One thing I find so interesting is the fact that most Filipinos are contended with any situation or circumstances they may find themselves in. As we all know, the Philippines is a third world country (Poor). The low income and high income earner's enjoy life alike in terms of their top priority in life. They cherish and spend time with family and make happy times irrespective of financial status.

Filipino people are not shy in what they feel or what they want to do. They are expressive, joyful, down to earth person and easy to be with. That’s the attitude they have because their  family reminds the younger one to be respectful. Family is so important to the Filipinos unlike most western countries. For example, young Filipinos who turns 18 are not expected to move out of their parents' home. And when a Filipino parents gets old and not able to take care of themselves, They get cared for in their children's home and rarely taking to adult homes. While separating the elderly from the rest of the family is common in western countries.

When it comes to hospitality, the Filipinos can be ranked higher. Filipinos can go out of their way to help a lost foreigner. They also host visitors in their poverty stricken home and share any meal they have with smiles on their face. Sometimes when I walk by my neighborhood where I temporarily stay while in the Philippines, People that I'm not acquainted with do offer me drinks and whatever they are having at the moment. Either they are having parties or just having a family/friends gathering.

This are but few things I have noticed and came to appreciate about the Filipino citizens and Its really heart warming.

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