My most strange job interview ever!!!

in #writing6 years ago

It was on the 30th July, Monday. Of-course I have been applying for jobs in that weekend. While my mother was at work I was asked by her to get the prescription of her doctor working for the medical system that I despise. But, that is another story. As I walk there I check my phone email. I find one on my inbox, sent to me 45 minutes ago as a reply to my job application asking me if I could come at 3:30. Mind you its 2:15 already.

I went back home and replied that I can come at 4:40 to 5 pm, which is when they later agreed to have me in. I quickly prayed, ate and got changed. Then I headed off, without any preparation, which was different for me. I was in the bus trying to visualise what they might ask as preparation. Truth be told I found this slightly strange as I never had a person asking for same day face to face.

fast forward 45 to 50 minutes, here I was getting off the bus and looking for the specific location. I go into the building and registered, waited couple of minutes and later was invited by a man into a meeting room. This man was interviewing me, and he asked many strange questions.

Asking personal questions

I did well in University, but mind you I didn't do too well in A-Levels.

Interviewer: How come you didn't do do well in your A-levels?
Me: At that time I didn't have self confidence and didn't know what I should be doing in life.
Interviewer: How come you didn't have self confidence?
Me: I just didn't particularly because I was bullied, and other reasons.
Interviewer: Why were you bullied?
Interviewer: You said there was other reasons too. Can you talk about them?
Me: Yeah actually they were some personal reasons to me
Interview: What were they?

Why would you ask something when I made it clear that it is personal. This is so strange to me.

Interviewer: What does your dad do for a living?

interviewer: What does your mother do for a living?

Its not just what questions he asked, his whole demeanour about everything seemed awkward. He kind of looked high too. He ignores most things that are told to him. Just flat out weird. My close friends told me that its best not to be involved in this job. But I am desperate even after getting a masters degree in engineering. I need a job.

Still applying for more.

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